Chapter 43

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Early morning...
Tae: Hyung I am hungry stop somewhere
Hobi: Okay Tae
Tae: Kookie, wake up bun "he shaking kook with one hand who sleeping like a log while leaning on Tae's lap"
Jk: s..sleep hyung
Tae: yes first let's use washroom eat something then back to sleep
Sara: yes kookie here your cub is all awake and ready for next round of you need energy come wakey wakey

Jk: No one is allowing me to sleep "sulking"Tae: oh Hyung is that potato twisters and corndogs fine let's buy 3 kook don't want to wake upJk: what! Potato twisters and corn dogs I want

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Jk: No one is allowing me to sleep "sulking"
Tae: oh Hyung is that potato twisters and corndogs fine let's buy 3 kook don't want to wake up
Jk: what! Potato twisters and corn dogs I want ...I want "remaining three laughing out of kook's cuteness"
Tae: come first fresh up
"All the four got freshen up with nearby small stay station then devouring the street  foods"
Tae: see Hyung he is a Nutritionist
Hb: hahaa! It's okay still he need to eat lot so it's fine
Sara: yaah! You pig ....don't know our cravings shut up tae
"Tae action like zip up his mouth, sara and kook giggling and enjoying the snacks, Junie try to grab that snack from Tae's hold"
Tae: No tiggy you don't have teeths to eat this now...just few months dad will buy you all snacks "kissing Junie's cheeks, but junie is at verge of crying because not able to eat that tasty food
Sara: See kook he is all stubborn and foodie like you
Jk: Don't cry my puppy mumma will give you boo come "he took junie from tae and went to car to fill that little tum tum, and after snack time they started their journey"
Tae: hyung you want me to drive
Hb: no tae sara will took over
Jk: Hyung when will we reach
Hb: still we have 3 hours to reach the destination
Jk: Tae where are we going
Tae: Angok
Jk: its a country side right?
Tae: yes bun
Jk: but why are we going there
Tae: To meet my cub's parents
"Jk became jungshook"
Tae: kookkk
Tae: Jungkook
Jk: Are they alive?
Tae: yes they are alive and hidden from the culprits
Jk: Did everyone know about this?
Tae: only us and Ami
Jk: what happened to them?
Joon Hyung to pursue higher studies in Busan and he fall in love with Jin Hyung, but in our family it wouldn't allowed to Marry same Gender
Jk: Taeee! "Terrified"
Tae: don't worry baby not now
Jk: but why is that?
Tae: Men pregnancy is complicated not everyone blessed with 100% fertility
Jk: oh
Hb: for Kims Heirline they advised us to marry a girl
Jk: but what about love
Tae: yes that's the point, but our granpa made one WILL in that who gave first Heir to next generation will take over throne of Kim clan
Hb: Grandma want Joon Hyung will claim that position because he is worthy
Jk: That's why they didn't accept Junie's mom first
Tae: That's true but Jin Hyung had health issues with less chance of conceiving
Jk: But they had this puppy finally right? "Rubbing Junie's chubby cheeks with him"
Tae: Not really
Jk: huh? What do you mean by that
Tae: grandma went to see Joonie Hyung when he is in last stage of his training and he haven't ready to accept their relationship
Jk: beacuse of Jin Hyung?
Tae: yes but after that we know that Hyung is pregnant
Hb: we all became very happy and  Grandma blessed them
Tae: But destiny had other plans
Hb: grandma want them to get married before delivery beacuse of family reputation...she don't want anyone to bad mouth about kims
Tae: So we were all happy and they had court marriage with our family and after few days ....
Jk: what happened?
Hb: Joon Met with accident
Jk: what??
Tae: Yes kook that time we don't know what to do he was struggling to get back his life and injured internally
Hb: we had one option to save him that...
Tae: Bone marrow transplant from unborn festus
Jk: whattt!!! "Kook hugged Junie closed to his heart with fear"
Tae: we don't have choice ...Jin hyung was devastated already he have complications and all possibilities for miscarriage
Hb: so he accepted for bone marrow transplantation...and yeah it was successful but.....
Jk: "batting his eyelashes with his curios bambi eyes" tell Hyung?
Tae: Jin Hyung lost the chance to became mother again "Tae eyes became glossy, kook comfort him by rubbing his back"
Jk: it's okay relax "he gave him water"
Sara: Tae love kids more and he was all excited before his niblings arrival
Hb: But the problem is without Heir Grandma or our family don't accept Jin so we apt for surrogacy
Tae: you asked me the doubt right why Junie look alike's beacuse he is my son
Jk: what?? You and Jin hyung.....Taeee
Tae: yaaa! coconut head
"Both hobi and sara laughing their lungs out"
Sara : so cute "pinching kook's cheeks"
Jk: why are you laughing "pouty baby"
Tae: then what will they do with this crackhead
Jk: Hyungggg!
Hb: Think once Tae still you had time....are you sure you gonna marry this baby bunny haaha!
Sara: shut up don't tease my baby
Tae: shut up! He is mine "kissed Kook's cheeks"
Jk: aish! Shameless "giving tae cute glares"
Tae: haha! Listen Bubba...Jin Hyung is like a mother figure to me...Joon Hyung was heavily injured internally so he can't donate sperms and we can't use jin Hyung's eggs so we hired surrogate and I donate sperms beacuse my family will made issue when they came to know the truth so if they took DNA test it will give 90% positive result that he is Kim "kissing that cub's head, who busily shoving his entire little fist into that tiny mouth"
Jk: Did Grandma know this
Hb&sara&Tae : Nooooo
"Jk and Junie both flinched"
Tae: sorry ...for scared you bunnies but it's a secret but we ready to tell them once baby born

for scared you bunnies but it's a secret but we ready to tell them once baby born

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To be continued🖤💫
You guys never going to appreciate the hardwork Fine...I will give updates for my genuine readers...

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