Chapter 2: Unplanned Destinations

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Niklaus stared at the pile of documents on his desk, the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. Fabroa Enterprises was expanding rapidly, and the pressure was unrelenting. But despite everything, a voice inside him whispered that he needed a break—a real one. He sighed and picked up his phone, sending a quick message to Lukas.

"Alright, I'm in for the weekend trip. Let's do it."

A few hours later, Niklaus found himself on a private jet with Lukas and a few other friends. The luxury around him was second nature—crystal glasses filled with champagne, leather seats, and every comfort money could buy. Yet something felt different. He turned to Lukas, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Where exactly are we headed?" Niklaus asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lukas grinned mischievously, the kind of grin that told Niklaus this trip would be anything but ordinary. "I didn't tell you on purpose, bro. We're going to the Philippines. There's this beach spot I heard about, quiet, secluded, perfect for getting away from all this." He gestured at the corporate world Niklaus had become a part of. "You need this, trust me."

Niklaus leaned back in his seat, a mix of surprise and intrigue running through him. The Philippines? He hadn't been to the country before, and the idea of disappearing into a hidden paradise for a few days sounded more tempting than anything else. Maybe Lukas was right—maybe this trip was exactly what he needed.

They landed in a small, provincial airport, far from the bustling cities Niklaus was used to. The air was different—warm, humid, and filled with the scent of the sea. As their van sped through the winding roads, past palm trees and fields, Niklaus found himself relaxing, the stress of the boardroom slipping away with each passing mile.

"You're going to love this place," Lukas said from the passenger seat, turning to face him. "I've got a friend who runs the resort. It's practically deserted this time of year."

As they arrived at the beachfront resort, Niklaus couldn't help but admire the simplicity of the place. Wooden cabins nestled along the shore, their thatched roofs swaying with the gentle breeze. The white sand stretched out before him, meeting the crystal-clear waters of the ocean.

And then, he saw her.

Kate Olivia Mendoza.

She was by the reception desk, talking animatedly to one of the staff. Dressed in a simple sundress, her long black hair cascading down her back, she was the picture of effortless beauty. Niklaus couldn't tear his eyes away. There was something different about her, something magnetic. Unlike the women who often gravitated toward him—drawn by his wealth and status—Kate had an air of authenticity.

Lukas noticed the direction of his gaze and nudged him with a smirk. "That's Kate, the resort manager's daughter. Smart, driven, and way out of your league, man."

Niklaus raised an eyebrow. "Out of my league?"

Lukas chuckled. "She's not interested in guys like us, trust me. She's got a mind of her own. Doesn't care about money or power—just her family, her studies, and running this place."

Intrigued, Niklaus watched as Kate turned and walked toward them, her eyes focused and her stride confident. She greeted Lukas with a friendly smile before turning her attention to Niklaus. Her gaze was steady, unflinching, as if she saw past the polished exterior, straight into the core of who he was.

"Welcome to the resort, Mr. Fabroa. I hope you enjoy your stay," she said, her voice calm and collected. Niklaus couldn't help but smile slightly—this trip was already proving to be far more interesting than he had anticipated.

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