Chapter 12: Hidden Truths and Tension

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The next day, Kate was working at the front desk when Matteo approached her, his charming smile making her instantly wary.

"You must be Kate," Matteo said, his voice smooth like honey. "I've heard quite a bit about you."

Kate glanced at him, confused. "And you are?"

"Matteo Fabroa, Niklaus' cousin," he replied, extending his hand. "Though we haven't been on the best terms recently."

Kate shook his hand, but something about him felt off. "Okay... and what exactly have you heard about me?"

"Oh, just the usual," Matteo said cryptically, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "You're the girl who seems to have captured my cousin's attention."

Kate blinked, surprised by the comment, but before she could reply, Niklaus walked in, clearly not happy to see Matteo talking to her.

"Matteo, leave her alone," Niklaus warned, his tone low and serious.

Matteo grinned, throwing up his hands again in playful surrender. "I'm just being friendly. You know how charming I can be."

"Yeah, too charming," Niklaus muttered, stepping between them. "Kate, you don't have to deal with this. Let's go."

Kate hesitated, unsure of what to think. There was something going on here that she didn't fully understand. But the look in Niklaus' eyes told her that Matteo's presence wasn't a good thing.

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