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Chapter Seven

October 13, 2024

Reeva found herself immersed in the creative pulse of New York, the vibrant city invigorating her spirit as she worked in the recording studio.

The session was filled with the promise of new melodies and lyrics waiting to take flight. Jacob had returned to San Francisco, and while she missed him, the music served as a welcome distraction.

As she stood in the booth, adjusting her headphones, she could hear the familiar banter of her producer, Ryan, from behind the control panel. "Reeva, I ain't never heard you sing like that before," he teased, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Reeva shot him a playful middle finger, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards. "You're just saying that because I'm the only one here," she quipped back, her voice light with laughter.

Ryan chuckled, shaking his head. "No, really! I gotta meet Mr. Jacob Fatu and thank him for inspiring you," he said, feigning seriousness as he leaned forward.

"Ryan, play the damn music and shut up," Reeva retorted, a smile still lingering on her face.

Their back-and-forth was part of the fabric of their working relationship, making the long hours feel less like work and more like a creative collaboration.

With a laugh, Ryan pressed play, and the beat flowed through the speakers. Reeva felt the music seep into her bones as she stepped up to the microphone.

Today was different; she could feel it in her gut. As the track started, she let herself go, showcasing her vocal ranges and skillfully introducing her whistle register. It was a technique she had been honing, and today, she felt ready to unveil it.

After she finished, Ryan paused the music and clapped enthusiastically. "That was amazing!" he exclaimed, his face alight with genuine admiration.

Reeva beamed, pride swelling in her chest. "Thanks! I really pushed myself today," she said, walking out of the booth to sit beside him as he played back the track.

The sound enveloped her, a sweet blend of rhythm and her soaring voice.

Ryan looked at her, an amused glint in his eye. "I don't know, Reeva, I think you may have found Mr. Right," he teased, clearly enjoying the angle.

Reeva pursed her lips, caught off guard by the comment. "I just met the man," she replied, a hint of defensiveness creeping into her tone.

She had enjoyed her time with Jacob, but labeling it as something significant felt premature.

"Love doesn't have a timeline. It just happens," Ryan said, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed with a knowing smile.

"It's too soon. I don't want to get my hopes up," Reeva confessed, her gaze dropping to her hands.

Her past experiences had taught her to tread cautiously when it came to matters of the heart.

Ryan nodded, sensing her hesitation. "I understand, but don't shut down before giving him a chance," he urged, his voice softer now.

He had always been a supportive presence in her life, encouraging her to embrace possibilities rather than shy away from them.

Reeva sighed, letting his words sink in. "I know you're right," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's just... I've been hurt before. I don't want to rush into something that might not last."

"Take it one day at a time," Ryan advised, his tone calm and reassuring. "Enjoy what you have with him right now. You're creating magic in the studio and in your life."

As they continued to listen to the track, Reeva felt a blend of excitement and trepidation. The music was flowing, and it resonated with the mix of emotions she was experiencing. Jacob had ignited something in her—an inspiration that was both exhilarating and daunting.

"Let's record another one," Reeva said as she stood up and went back into the booth.

Reeva poured herself into her work, letting the studio session become an outlet for her creativity and emotions. Each note she sang felt intertwined with her thoughts of Jacob.

Two hours later, as she wrapped up a session, she glanced at her phone and noticed a text from Jacob. Her heart raced as she opened it, a smile creeping onto her face. They had been communicating regularly, and each message was like a thread weaving them closer together.

"How's the studio treating you? Are you still dazzling Ryan with your voice?" he wrote, his playful tone making her giggle.

"Trying my best! Just finished three new tracks. Maybe I'll let you listen to it sometime?" she replied, her excitement bubbling over. It felt good to share her world with him.

"I'd love that. We should hang out when you have time. I miss your smile already," he responded, and her heart fluttered at his words.

There was a sincerity in his messages that made her feel seen and valued.

Ryan walked up behind Reeva. "You're glowing," he said one afternoon, his teasing tone masking the sincerity behind his observation.

Reeva shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Just focused on the music," she said, but deep down, she knew her feelings for Jacob were bubbling to the surface.

"Uh-huh. Sure," Ryan said, rolling his eyes playfully. "You're definitely in that lovey-dovey phase."

"Maybe," she replied, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "It's just nice to connect with someone."

"That's great, just don't overthink it," Ryan advised, his voice turning serious for a moment. "Enjoy it for what it is. You deserve some happiness."

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