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Chapter Eleven

October 23, 2024

Reeva settled into the familiar warmth of the recording studio, the air thick with the scent of creativity and possibility.

Today was special; she had brought Jacob along to meet Ilona Chanel Gaines, affectionately known as Tookie, a close friend and talented singer in her own right.

Their collaboration had been a long time coming, and Reeva felt a flutter of excitement as she prepared to discuss their upcoming project.

The studio was buzzing with energy, filled with the hum of machinery and the faint echo of melodies being crafted in adjacent rooms. Reeva and Tookie had always shared a strong bond, and today's meeting felt more like a reunion than a business discussion.

As they exchanged warm greetings, Reeva felt the comfort of friendship envelop her. Tookie, with her vibrant personality and infectious laugh, always brought a spark to any gathering.

After settling into the studio's plush seating, the conversation flowed effortlessly from music to personal lives. Tookie's enthusiasm was palpable, and Reeva admired her dedication to both her craft and her children.

As they dove into the details of their project, Tookie's expression shifted, a flicker of something serious crossing her face.

"You know, I got a letter from a private investigator recently," Tookie began, her tone growing somber.

Reeva's curiosity piqued, and she leaned in closer, sensing the importance of what was to come.

"He's reaching out about my children's sperm donor," Tookie continued. "He wants to meet them and be in their lives."

Reeva's heart sank a little at the weight of Tookie's revelation. She glanced at Jacob, who had been scrolling through his phone but suddenly sat up, clearly recognizing the gravity of the situation.

"Is your sperm donor's name Jonathan Fatu?" Jacob asked, a knowing look on his face.

Tookie blinked in surprise. "Yeah, how did you know that?" she replied, her tone laced with curiosity.

Reeva gasped, a wave of disbelief washing over her. "No way," she breathed.

The connection was too significant to ignore.

"Yeah, he's my cousin," Jacob explained, his demeanor shifting to one of enthusiasm. "You should give him a chance to be there for the kids. Family is everything to us; you won't regret it."

Tookie looked taken aback, her mind racing. "She's got six kids, Jacob," Reeva interjected, a hint of concern threading through her voice.

"Six?! Damn, Jon has more kids than me now," Jacob exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"How many does he have?" Tookie asked, glancing between the two of them, her interest piqued.

"Two," Jacob replied, "well, now eight including yours."

Tookie raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "So how many do you have?"

"He's got seven," Reeva chimed in, a mix of pride and exasperation in her tone.

"Reeva! You're a stepmom to seven kids?" Tookie teased, her laughter filling the room.

Reeva chuckled, shaking her head. "Slow down, I'm not even his girlfriend yet. I'm just his baby." She flashed Jacob a playful glare, causing him to smirk.

"I ain't never seen you act like this before... I like it," Tookie said, a knowing glint in her eye.

Reeva smiled, feeling a rush of warmth at Tookie's words. It was true; her relationship with Jacob was blossoming in unexpected ways, and it felt good to share that with a friend who understood.

"But seriously," Reeva continued, her expression turning serious again, "you should let Jon be there for the kids, Tookie. He's cool, and his wife is a great woman."

Tookie nodded, contemplating the advice. "I'll think about it," she said softly, her gaze drifting as she considered the implications of Jonathan's entry into their lives.

Jacob, who had been checking his phone, suddenly chimed in, "Do you know you have 30 minutes?"

"Thirty minutes?" Tookie echoed, her brows knitting together in confusion.

"Yes, thirty. Thirty! Because I just told Jon that I found you and where we are now," Jacob explained, his excitement bubbling over.

Tookie's eyes widened, and she let out a small scream. "Why would you do that?" Reeva asked, incredulous.

"Because that's my cousin, duh," Jacob replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Reeva shook her head, trying to suppress a smile. "You can't just drop bombshells like that without warning!"

Tookie, still processing the situation, couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "Wow, this is a lot to take in," she said, glancing between them. "So, Jon wants to be a part of our lives now?"

Reeva nodded, her tone encouraging. "It's a chance for your kids to know their family. Think about what it could mean for them."

Tookie's face softened as she considered Reeva's words. "I guess it would be nice for them to have that connection. It's just... complicated."

"I get that," Reeva said gently. "But family can be messy. It's also beautiful. You might be surprised at how it turns out."

Jacob leaned forward, eager to add his perspective. "You don't want to close the door on an opportunity for them to know their roots. Jon might surprise you. He's a good guy."

Tookie sighed, a mixture of hope and hesitation swirling in her eyes. "I just need time to think about it. It's a big decision."

"I'll be here to support you," Reeva assured her. "Whatever you choose, just know you're not alone in this."

As the conversation continued, Reeva could see the wheels turning in Tookie's mind. The implications of Jonathan's potential involvement weighed heavily, but so did the promise of new beginnings.

Time seemed to slip away, and soon Jacob checked his watch again. "Okay, Tookie, we really have to get moving. Your thirty minutes are almost up!"

"Can't we have a little more time?" Tookie pleaded, but her smile betrayed her amusement.

Reeva stood up, a playful determination in her voice. "Nope!"

With a mock pout, Tookie rose to her feet, joining Reeva and Jacob in the studio's vibrant atmosphere. "Alright, let's wrap this up. But I promise I'll think about what you both said. Family is important; I just need to figure out how to make it work."

"Just keep the lines of communication open," Jacob encouraged as they walked towards the exit. "You'll never know what might happen unless you try."

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