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Chapter Three

October 7, 2024

Reeva sat in her hotel room, sunlight filtering through the sheer curtains, illuminating the scattered notes and sketches that cluttered the surface.

It was the kind of calm morning that lent itself to quiet contemplation, but her thoughts were soon interrupted by the familiar chime of her phone.

She picked it up, noticing Jacob's name lighting up the screen, her heart skipping slightly at the thought of his persistent charm.

Jacob had been flirting with her for days through text, each message more playful and teasing than the last. She read his latest text with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

"Hey, what if I flew you out so we could go on a real date?" he proposed, the audacity of his suggestion both thrilling and bewildering.

Reeva raised an eyebrow, her fingers hovering over the screen as she considered her response. Was this really how he was asking her out? With a smirk playing on her lips, she typed, "Is that how you're asking me out on a date?"

His reply came almost immediately. "Well, yes. I'll rizzle dizzle you in person," he texted, his playful confidence radiating through the screen.

Reeva couldn't help but laugh. The spontaneity of it all tugged at her adventurous side, igniting a spark of excitement. There was something about Jacob—his humor, his energy—that intrigued her. She hesitated only a moment before typing back, "How about I fly you out here instead?"

Jacob's response was swift and enthusiastic. "Deal! Can't wait to see you, Reeva."

reeva ✓ 1h

Reeva spent the morning getting ready, trying on outfits and experimenting with her hair until she found the right balance between casual and polished

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Reeva spent the morning getting ready, trying on outfits and experimenting with her hair until she found the right balance between casual and polished. She felt a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling within her, a cocktail of emotions she hadn't experienced in a long time. She thought about Jacob—his wit and the way their conversations flowed effortlessly. But would it translate in person?

Later that evening, she made her way to the hotel where Jacob was staying, her heart pounding slightly as she approached the lobby. The vibrant energy of New York City pulsed around her, and she felt alive in a way that had been missing. As she stepped into the hotel, she scanned the area, finally spotting Jacob leaning casually against a column, his easy smile lighting up the space.

"Reeva!" he called out, his voice deep and warm.

She smiled back, feeling the initial wave of nerves dissipate as they approached each other. "Hey, Jacob! You made it."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he replied, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

They quickly fell into conversation, the initial awkwardness fading as they exchanged stories and laughter. Reeva was struck by how much more engaging he was in person; his charisma was even more palpable face-to-face. They made their way to the restaurant, the evening unfolding seamlessly as they navigated the bustling streets of NYC.

Once seated at their table, the views of the skyline provided a stunning backdrop to their date. Reeva felt a thrill at the thought of this moment—their first date, just as he had promised. They talked about their passions, their families, and their dreams, finding common ground in unexpected places. Jacob's humor was infectious, and Reeva found herself leaning in closer, drawn to him in a way that felt both exciting and comforting.

As the meal progressed, they shared a bottle of wine, the atmosphere around them bubbling with energy. Jacob leaned back in his chair, looking contemplative for a moment before he spoke. "I have to say, I'm really glad we did this. You're even more amazing in person."

Reeva felt a blush creep up her cheeks. "Thanks, Jacob. I was a little worried it wouldn't be the same."

"Oh, it's definitely the same. And better," he replied with a teasing grin.

After dessert, they lingered at the table, reluctant to leave the warm cocoon of their shared space. Eventually, they decided to take a stroll through the nearby streets, the city alive around them with the sounds of laughter and music. They wandered aimlessly, hands brushing against each other, creating an electric tension in the air.

As they turned a corner, they stumbled upon a small park, the twinkling lights of the city illuminating the trees and paths. Jacob suggested they stop for a moment, and they found a bench to sit on. The conversation deepened as they spoke about their lives, their vulnerabilities surfacing amid the laughter. Reeva felt a connection with Jacob that transcended the initial flirtation, something genuine beginning to blossom between them.

However, just as they were getting comfortable, the flashing lights of paparazzi cameras suddenly pierced the night. Reeva glanced up, her heart sinking as she realized they were being photographed. TMZ was there, capturing their every moment.

"Great, just what we need," Jacob muttered, his expression shifting from relaxed to wary.

Reeva felt a rush of embarrassment wash over her. She had imagined this night being just for them, not a spectacle for the world to see. The flashes were blinding, and she instinctively reached for Jacob's hand, seeking comfort. He intertwined their fingers, a protective gesture that grounded her amid the chaos.

"Let's just keep walking," he suggested, his voice steady. They stood up, trying to maintain an air of normalcy despite the thrumming anxiety that accompanied them.

They moved through the park, their pace quickening as they navigated the glances and whispers that accompanied the cameras. The thrill of the evening had shifted slightly, but Jacob's presence remained a solid anchor. He made her laugh even as they hurriedly walked past the throng of photographers, reminding her that this was still their night.

Once they were far enough away, they finally stopped, laughter spilling out as they caught their breath. "Well, that was unexpected," Jacob said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Reeva chuckled, the tension easing. "I guess we'll be all over the news in the morning, right?"

"Not quite the debut I had in mind," he joked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

She found herself drawn to him even more in that moment, the shared experience creating a bond that felt genuine and unique. "Right," she replied, a smile stretching across her face.

As they walked back toward the hotel, the city pulsing with life around them, Reeva felt a mix of emotions swirling inside her. There was uncertainty about the future and what the sudden attention might mean, but beneath that, there was a growing excitement about Jacob. They had shared an evening that felt remarkably real, filled with connection and laughter.

When they reached the hotel, Jacob paused, turning to face her. "So, what now?" he asked, his voice low, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

Reeva considered the question. She had enjoyed their time together immensely and was intrigued by what could happen next. "I guess it depends on what you're thinking," she replied, her heart racing.

He stepped closer, their previous barriers dissolving in the night air. "I think we should keep this going," he said softly, his gaze searching hers.

Reeva felt a flutter of hope. "I think I'd like that."

With the city skyline behind them, she leaned in, closing the distance between them. The kiss was tentative at first, both of them gauging the moment, but it quickly deepened, a sweet confirmation of the connection they had forged. The world around them faded away, the night, the cameras, the chaos—all forgotten in the warmth of their embrace.

As they pulled back, breathless and smiling, Reeva felt a thrill of anticipation for what lay ahead. This was just the beginning, and for the first time in a long while, she was ready to see where it would take them.

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