Chapter 4 | Whispers of Betrayal

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Freydis had been wandering the hallways of Jarl Arlick's longhouse, her hand resting protectively over her growing belly. The child inside stirred, a subtle reminder of the secret she carried. The firelight flickered from the sconces, casting long shadows across the stone walls. It had been a long day, and she sought peace—a quiet moment to herself.

The sound of murmuring voices stopped her in her tracks as she passed the war room. The heavy wooden door was slightly ajar, and through the crack, she recognized the low voice of Jarl Arlick. Her breath caught, and she instinctively stepped back, not wanting to eavesdrop. Yet, something in his tone made her pause.

She leaned closer, her heart thudding in her chest.

"I'm telling you, the north is restless," Jarl Arlick was saying to someone—likely one of his advisors. "They do not want to be tied to the west anymore, not under King Rorik's rule. The man at the hearing spoke what many feel but are too afraid to say aloud."

Freydis felt her blood turn to ice. The hearing. The man who had openly criticized the alliance with Rorik... she hadn't realized how widespread those sentiments were. Jarl Arlick had silenced the man, as expected of a loyal vassal. But now...

"Yet you pledged your loyalty to King Rorik, did you not?" the other voice spoke, tinged with disbelief.

"Aye, I did," Arlick replied. "But what choice did I have? The dowry they offered was too great to refuse. Peace was the only way to protect our lands—at least, for a time."

Freydis clutched the wall for support. So that was it. The peace between the north and west, the pledge of allegiance... it was all for show. Jarl Arlick had only accepted the alliance because of the riches it brought. He had no intention of honoring his word in the long term. The weight of betrayal settled heavy in her chest.

"And now?" the advisor asked, sounding wary. "What do you propose, Jarl? If the north were to separate, it would mean open rebellion. King Rorik will not stand for that. His forces would—"

"Let him try," Arlick interrupted, his voice hard. "The north is strong. Our people are resilient. And they are growing tired of Rorik's rule. His marriage to that foreigner—Meryna—has not sat well with the northern clans. They see him as weak, as compromised. They want someone who understands their ways, not someone who has been softened by the west."

Freydis pressed her hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp. They didn't just resent Rorik's rule—they resented Meryna as well. Her mother, the queen, was seen as an outsider, a threat to the traditions of the north.

Arlick continued, his tone grim. "If we are to move forward, we must tread carefully. For now, we remain outwardly loyal. But when the time is right... the north will rise, and we will separate ourselves from Rorik's reign."

The advisor's voice lowered. "And what of Freydis?"

At the mention of her name, Freydis's heart skipped a beat. She pressed closer to the door, desperate to hear Arlick's response.

"There is no reason to worry about her. She's carrying my heir. As long as she remains loyal to me, she is no threat. Luckily, she was fertile and took my seed quickly. Once the child is born, our claim will be strengthened. As Princess she offers me a legitimate claim to the throne. All that will be left is to dispose of Rorik and his heir."

Freydis backed away from the door, her mind spinning. Her child. Jarl Arlick truly believed the child she carried was his, but he couldn't be more wrong. The child was Erik's—born from love, not the cold arrangement that had bound her to Arlick.

But now she understood the depth of the danger surrounding her. If Arlick planned to betray her father Rorik, it would lead to war, and she—and her child—were caught in the middle.

She needed to act quickly. There was no time to waste. She had to find a way to warn her father before it was too late, before Arlick could make his move. Deep regret sunk into her heart as she thought of Erik- the man she gave up for the sake of peace. Her sacrifice was in vain. Arlick never intended on the peace lasting. It was a ruse to gain gold and legitimacy.

Freydis felt her blood begin to boil. She would play her part, continue to collect information when she could, and undermine him every chance she got. If Arlick thought she would sit still and let him betray her family, he was sorely mistaken.

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