Chapter 23 | Facing the Flames

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The soft crackling of the fire filled the great hall as Freydis and Ingrid sat together, the warmth of the hearth a welcome contrast to the chill in the air outside. Freydis rested her hand on her swollen belly, feeling the subtle movements of the child inside her. Six months into her pregnancy, she was growing more aware of the life she carried—and the responsibilities that came with it.

Ingrid, sitting beside her, looked at Freydis with concern. It was good to have her friend back after all the time they had been apart, but she could see the weight of everything Freydis had been through.
She hadn't expected Freydis to return so suddenly, and seeing her again had stirred both relief and questions.

"I'm glad you're back," Ingrid said as she settled into the chair beside Freydis. "I've missed you."

Freydis glanced up and gave her a small smile. "I missed you too. It feels strange to be back, after everything."

Ingrid nodded, watching her friend closely. "I can only imagine what you've been through. I wanted to ask... how are you holding up with everything? Arlick, Erik..."

Freydis sighed, leaning back, her eyes fixed on the fire. "It's complicated. Jarl Arlick—he wasn't who I thought he was. I realize now how wrong I was to marry him. I realize now I was running away."

"And Erik?" Ingrid asked, cutting straight to the heart of what Freydis hadn't said yet.

Freydis took a deep breath. "I've always loved him. I think I knew that even before I left, but I was so focused on escaping, on taking control of my own life, that I pushed him away. Now I'm back, and I'm carrying his child, and my father expects us to marry."

"And you?" Ingrid asked, her tone even. "What do you want?"

Freydis hesitated, her fingers absently tracing the edge of her cloak. "I don't want to make another mistake. After what happened with Arlick, even though I know Erik would never hurt me."

Ingrid sat quietly for a moment before responding. "I've seen the way Erik looks at you, Freydis. He's in love with you. He would go to Hel and back for you."

Freydis nodded slowly, appreciating Ingrid's directness. "I know he would. I would do the same for him. I guess I'm just afraid. It was the same reason I left Kattegat to begin with. It didn't change anything, though. I'm still afraid."

"It's okay to be afraid," Ingrid said. "When I first met Leif- he terrified me. I tried to stop myself from falling for him... Erik will understand how you feel. He's not going anywhere."

Freydis looked over at her friend, feeling a little of the weight lift. "Thank you, Ingrid. I know you are right."

Ingrid gave her a brief smile. "Of course."

"Enough about me," Freydis said, finally breaking the silence. She turned toward Ingrid, her gaze softening. "How are you feeling?"

Ingrid's face brightened immediately, a smile spreading across her lips. "It feels... amazing, honestly. I'm so excited." She rested her hand on her still-flat belly, and Freydis could see the warmth in her eyes. "Leif and I have never been more in love."

"I'm glad for you," Freydis said sincerely. "You and Leif deserve this."

Ingrid nodded, her smile softening but staying steady. "It does. We've been through a lot, but this... it feels right. I didn't think I could be this happy, but here we are."

Freydis nodded, looking back toward the fire. "I'm glad you two found each other."

Ingrid studied Freydis's face for a moment, then offered gently, "It's not perfect. Love can be messy sometimes. But just because it's messy doesn't mean it isn't worth fighting for."

Freydis gave a small smile, appreciating Ingrid's words. They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the fire's soft crackling the only sound in the room. Freydis felt a quiet sense of peace in Ingrid's presence.

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