Chapter 41 | Fealty

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The Great Hall of Kattegat was filled with tension, the air heavy with the weight of both triumph and grief. Torches flickered along the stone walls, their light casting jagged shadows over the assembled jarls, warriors, and envoys from distant lands. Today marked not only the coronation of King Leif and Queen Ingrid but the beginning of a new era—an era forged in the wake of Rorik's death.

Leif sat on the high throne, the newly-forged crown resting upon his brow. Though sorrow lingered in his heart for his father, today, he had to be more than a grieving son—he had to be the king his people needed. Beside him, Ingrid sat with quiet dignity, her hand resting on her belly—a subtle reminder that the future of Kattegat was already stirring within her.

The gathered jarls and warriors had come not only to witness the coronation but to decide their own futures. Some had once stood against Leif's forces; others had allied with his family through battles won and lost. But today, all would swear fealty—or risk the consequences of defiance.

The heavy oak doors of the hall groaned open, and the jarls entered in solemn procession. First came Jarl Vidar, wrapped in his wolfskin cloak. He knelt before the throne without hesitation.

"You were born of blood and fire, Leif," Vidar declared. "I pledge my sword and loyalty to you, as I did to your father. May your reign be long, and your line endure."

Leif gripped Vidar's forearm, his expression resolute. "Your loyalty honors me, Uncle. Together, we will build a future worthy of my father's legacy."

Vidar bowed his head and stepped aside, clearing the way for the next group of men—those who had fought against Kattegat in the recent wars.

Among them was Gunnar, the son of a fallen jarl. The young man knelt with defiance etched into his features. "My father fought against you," Gunnar said steadily. "But my people need peace. I swear fealty to you, King Leif."

Leif studied him for a long moment, recognizing the burden of loss in the young man's gaze. "You honor your father's courage by being here," Leif said quietly. "And you honor your people by choosing peace."

Gunnar gave a solemn nod and rose. One by one, others followed—sons of fallen jarls, leaders of distant clans—all pledging loyalty to the new king, each bringing the weight of their people's hopes and fears.

As the final jarl swore fealty, the hall grew still once more. From the back of the room, a tall figure strode forward—Sigbrand of Oppland, Leif's cousin. His golden hair caught the torchlight as he crossed the hall, his expression a mix of solemnity and pride. He knelt before Leif's throne, resting his sword at Leif's feet.

"King Leif," Sigbrand said, his voice carrying across the hall. "In the name of Oppland, I swear my fealty to you. My sword is yours, my warriors are yours, and I will fight by your side until the end of days."

Leif stepped down from the throne, clasping Sigbrand's forearm in a warrior's grip. "Your loyalty is a gift, cousin, and it will never be forgotten."

Sigbrand rose and stepped aside as two more figures entered the hall. Freydis and Astrid, their cloaks trailing behind them, approached the throne with quiet confidence.

Freydis's dark blonde was braided back from her sharp-featured face, her storm-gray eyes gleaming with determination. Astrid, the former princess of Alfheim, stood with her usual regal composure, her gaze steady and unreadable.

Freydis stopped before Leif and Ingrid, her voice steady. "From this day forward, I stand with you, King Leif. I swear my loyalty to Kattegat, and I swear to protect the child you carry, Ingrid, as if it were my own."

Ingrid smiled warmly, her hand resting over her belly. "I am grateful, Freydis."

Astrid's gaze shifted from Leif to Ingrid, and she gave a small, approving nod. "I, too, pledge my loyalty to Kattegat and its future. I am yours to command, King Leif—and I will fight for your kingdom as if it were my own."

Leif inclined his head. "With Alfheim and Oppland beside us, we will not falter."

Freydis and Astrid each gave a solemn bow, their pledges binding them to Kattegat's cause.

When the hall fell silent once more, Signe, Ingrid's sister and leader of the Sons of Shadow, approached the throne. She stood tall and composed, her dark cloak trailing like a shadow behind her.

"We, the Sons of Shadow, recognize Leif and Ingrid as the rightful rulers of Norway," Signe declared. "So long as your rule remains just, we will serve."

Leif gave a small nod of gratitude. "With your loyalty, Signe, we will ensure peace prevails."

Ingrid rose from her throne, stepping toward her sister. She placed a hand on Signe's arm, her voice low. "You've walked through shadows to stand here today. I'm proud of you."

Signe offered a rare smile. "We stand together now. And always. Just as I swore."

With the pledges made, the hall echoed with the clash of swords as the warriors raised their weapons in salute. The steel rang through the hall like a battle cry for peace, filling the space with a sense of hope and unity.

Leif rose from his throne, his voice cutting through the noise. "Today, we stand as one. Together, we will build a future worthy of my father's legacy—one of peace and strength."

The hall erupted with cheers. "For Norway! For the king!"

Leif turned to Ingrid, their hands intertwining as they sat once more upon their thrones. His gaze softened as he looked at her, knowing that with her by his side—and with their allies united—they could face whatever came next.

As the jarls and warriors dispersed to feast and celebrate, Leif lingered at the edge of the hall, watching the banners flutter in the breeze from the open doors. For a moment, he felt his father's presence—a silent blessing, a reminder that though Rorik was gone, his legacy lived on in them.

Freydis, Astrid, and Sigbrand joined him at the entrance, standing quietly by his side. Their presence filled Leif with gratitude, knowing that the future of Kattegat was now secured with bonds of loyalty and strength.

"We've come this far," Leif murmured, looking toward the horizon. "We'll carry it forward... For my father."

Freydis gave a determined smile. "And we'll fight for it, no matter the cost."

Sigbrand clapped a hand on Leif's shoulder, a grin on his face. "With Oppland, Alfheim, Westfold, and Kattegat united, no one will stand against us."

Astrid added solemnly, "And if they try we will die defending our home."

Leif smiled, the weight of his crown a little lighter with their loyalty beside him.

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