Chapter 18 | Sacrifice and Peace

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The fire crackled softly in the dimly lit room where Freydis sat by Erik's bedside, her hand resting on his as he slept. His recovery had been slow but steady, and though he still bore the pain of his wounds, the worst had passed. The night was calm, and outside the window, the moon hung low in the sky, casting silver light across the land of Ekkila.

Sigrid entered quietly, her footsteps light as she crossed the threshold, her face a mixture of calm and concern. Freydis looked up from Erik, offering a faint smile, but the weight of the conversation she knew they needed to have hung between them.

"How is he?" Sigrid asked, her voice soft as she gestured to Erik's resting form.

"He's healing," Freydis replied, her voice just as quiet. "He needs time, but he's strong."

Sigrid nodded, a brief silence falling over them as they stood together in the presence of a man who had fought so hard for his freedom, and for Freydis. But Sigrid's gaze shifted, and Freydis knew what was coming next—the matter of Ekkila, of the people who now looked to them for leadership.

"We need to talk about what happens next," Sigrid said, her voice growing more serious. "Now that my father is dead, there's an expectation from the people of Ekkila. You're carrying his child, and if you bear an heir, they will expect you to rule until the child comes of age."

Freydis felt a weight settle in her chest at the mention of her unborn child. She had never loved Jarl Arlick, and the thought of bearing his heir had been a constant source of inner turmoil.

But now was the time for the truth.

"Sigrid," Freydis said, taking a deep breath, "there's something I need to tell you." She hesitated for only a moment, but then her gaze met Sigrid's, steady and unflinching. "The child I'm carrying... it isn't Arlick's. It's Erik's."

Sigrid's eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, there was silence between them. Freydis braced herself, unsure of how Sigrid would react. But when Sigrid finally spoke, her voice was calm, even gentle.

"I didn't expect that," Sigrid admitted, her brow furrowing as she processed the revelation. "But I don't judge you, Freydis. You've been through more than anyone should ever have to endure. And it's clear to me that you and Erik love each other."

Freydis felt a flood of relief wash over her at Sigrid's acceptance, and she smiled faintly. "We do," she said softly, glancing down at Erik, who remained asleep, unaware of the conversation happening around him. "But I can't stay here, Sigrid. Ekkila... it isn't my home."

Sigrid frowned slightly, sensing what was coming. "What will you do, then?" she asked.

Freydis straightened, her gaze steady. "You should rule, Sigrid," she said. "These are your people. You know them better than anyone else. You are the best person to lead Ekkila now."

Sigrid blinked, clearly taken aback by Freydis's words. "Me?" she asked, the surprise evident in her voice. "I—Freydis, I don't know what to say."

Freydis smiled warmly. "Say yes," she said simply. "This is your home, and I trust you to lead Ekkila far better than I ever could."

Sigrid's eyes softened, her expression turning thoughtful as she considered the weight of the responsibility Freydis was offering her. But there was also pride in her gaze—pride at being chosen, and at the trust Freydis was placing in her.

"I'm honored," Sigrid said after a moment, her voice quiet but sincere. "I'll do everything I can to protect Ekkila and lead its people."

Freydis felt a sense of peace settle over her. "I know you will," she said.

Sigrid glanced out the window, her expression contemplative. "And what about you?" she asked. "What will you do?"

Freydis's gaze shifted back to Erik, her heart softening as she looked at him. "I'll go home," she said softly. "Back to Kattegat, back to my family. With Erik, once he's healed. That's where I belong."

Sigrid nodded slowly, understanding. "You've fought long enough, Freydis," she said gently. "But I promise, I'll do everything I can to keep the alliances of the east strong. Ekkila will always be loyal to King Rorik."

Freydis smiled, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you, Sigrid," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "For everything. For your loyalty, for your friendship."

Sigrid's expression softened, and she reached out to take Freydis's hand. "You don't need to thank me," she said quietly. "We've walked through fire together. I would never turn my back on you."

They stood there in silence for a moment, hands clasped, the bond between them stronger than ever. They had both endured so much, but now, there was hope on the horizon—hope for peace, for new beginnings.

"I know you," Freydis replied softly.

And with that, Sigrid left the room, her footsteps light but full of purpose, leaving Freydis alone with Erik. Freydis sank down next to him, taking his hand in hers and pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles.

"We're going home, Erik," she whispered, her voice full of love and quiet relief. "As soon as you're ready... we're going home."

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