Chapter 25 | A Mother's Guidance

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The sound of soft laughter filled the room as Freydis sat on the floor of her mother's chambers, watching her younger twin siblings crawl and wobble about. Hakon and Ida, now ten months old, were full of energy, their chubby hands reaching for everything within their grasp. Freydis smiled as Hakon made a beeline for one of her discarded boots, grabbing it with a triumphant grin.

"You've got a strong grip, little one," Freydis chuckled, scooping him up before he could put the boot in his mouth. She held him close, his soft giggles warming her heart.

Ida, not to be left out, crawled over with determined focus, her wide eyes fixed on her brother. Freydis reached down and gently pulled Ida into her lap, holding both of them as they wriggled with excitement.

"They're growing so quickly," Freydis murmured, looking up as her mother, Meryna, entered the room. She watched her mother move with the practiced grace of someone who had seen to countless small moments like this, yet there was a warmth and gentleness to Meryna that never faded.

"They are," Meryna agreed, sitting beside Freydis and smiling as she reached out to brush Ida's soft hair. "It feels like only yesterday they were as small as newborns, and now they're everywhere, always getting into something."

Freydis laughed softly, adjusting Hakon as he squirmed in her arms. "I can't imagine what it will be like when I have my own child. It's one thing to help with them like this, but to be a mother... that feels overwhelming."

Meryna's smile softened as she gazed at her daughter, her eyes full of understanding. "It's natural to feel that way, Freydis. Becoming a mother changes everything, and it's not something you can fully prepare for. But you'll be a wonderful mother."

Freydis looked down at the twins, her hands gentle as she held them close. "I worry sometimes. About whether I'll know what to do, or if I'll be able to protect my child. I've made so many mistakes already."

Meryna reached over and placed a comforting hand on Freydis's arm. "We all make mistakes, Freydis. You won't have all the answers at once, but you'll figure it out as you go."

Freydis hesitated, her thoughts drifting to the future, to the life she would soon bring into the world. "I want to be a good mother," she said softly. "I want to make sure my child grows up feeling safe and loved. But sometimes, I wonder if I'm ready."

Meryna's expression grew thoughtful, her gaze soft but firm. "You'll never feel completely ready, Freydis. No one does. But the fact that you're already thinking about your child's well-being shows me that you will be. That's the most important thing."

Freydis glanced at her mother, feeling the warmth of her words settle into her heart. "You've always made it look so easy," she said with a faint smile. "Raising us, running the household. I don't know how you do it."

Meryna laughed softly, shaking her head. "It's far from easy. There are sleepless nights, endless worries, and moments when you question everything. But it's also the most rewarding thing in the world. Watching your children grow, seeing them learn and find their way—it makes all the challenges worth it."

Freydis looked down at Hakon, who was now babbling to himself as he clung to her, his tiny fingers gripping her tunic. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she realized that soon, she would be holding her own child like this. The thought was both overwhelming and comforting.

"I guess I'll learn as I go," Freydis said, her voice quieter now, but with a sense of resolve. "Just like you."

Meryna nodded, her hand still resting on Freydis's arm. "And I'll be here to help you, just like your grandmother was for me. You're not alone in this, Freydis. You'll have Erik, and you'll have your family. We'll all be here to support you."

Freydis exhaled slowly, feeling a mixture of relief and anticipation. "I'm glad for that. I don't think I could do this without you."

Meryna smiled warmly, her love for her daughter shining through. As the twins babbled happily in Freydis's arms, she felt a small flicker of confidence growing inside her. She still had doubts, still had fears about the unknown future. But with her mother's guidance, with her family by her side, she knew she wasn't alone in the journey ahead.

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