𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔶, 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔥

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(Kindly note: This chapter was written in Jake's POV)

Mind you, I would be lying if I nearly wasn't on the verge of shitting my pants- my butt stuck between two alphas who were eyeing me as if, I was a piece of decadent meat.

Sunghoon had always been the flirtatious one- his jokes and silly remarks making absolutely no sense, at times. However, my boss was on the other side of the globe- jokes almost non-existent in the dictionary of his life.

I never doubted Sunghoon for whatever he did but, what he was doing now just made me wanna smack his head until he went to Lala-Land. "Stop fiddling with my fingers, you moron.", I whisper yelled to him- the closed space of Mr. Lee's McLaren seemingly closing in on me. I yanked my hand away that he had purposely placed on his thigh before he caught it back.

"Jesus Christ...", I mumbled, throwing my head back in agony.

I never knew men were such big of dorks- each one surpassing the record for the other. "You'll drink today, won't you?", he smirked at me, his eyes dancing to an obnoxious rhythm. I nervously laughed, eyeing Mr. Lee through my peripheral vision- catching him side glaring at us.

"Shut it.", I gritted my teeth, sneakily mouthing it to him- only to receive a flying kiss for a response.

Fucking asshole!

A rumbling cough from the man beside me interrupted our glaring session. "Stop it, you dick. I'm uneasy with you both flirting around.", he sounded almost callous and I wanted to choke him. "Close your eyes then?", Sunghoon retorted and my flying hand nearly clasped his overly babbling mouth. "I would still be able to hear you, you lunatic."

Sunghoon smirked, signalling him to close his ears, too and I stiffed a laugh. Mr. Lee grunted, his mind occupied to control him from throwing hands on the other. "You're really testing me, aren't you?", he sounded alarmingly calm. "Nah. I'm just teasing you, Hee.", he laughed- though unwillingly, my face twisted before I cocked my head to glare at him. The pet name irked me up, God knows why.


"This is so loud, dammit!", I heard my boss yell- his voice failing to overshadow the blaring music. "It's a party for Hell's sake, Mr. Lee.", I yelled back, my feet lightly tapping to the rhythm of the song- my whiskey glass swaying in the midst of the air. "You aren't getting drunk, Mr. Sec. I'm not bearing any useless responsibilities.", he snatched my glass away, gulping it in one go.

Hell big of moron, was he.

"I've got a good tolerance to say the least, boss. You can chill for once.", abundance of expressive savageness fuelled my guts- something that was foreign for a timid me. Maybe, it was the alcohol acting up, after all.

"Explains why you're seemingly red and can't stand erect on your heel?", his guts irked up me as I gave off a distasteful expression. He was someone who couldn't talk with a straight mouth- no matter, even if he was in a goddamn life or death situation.

Not that I was helping him out in that one, though.

"Please? A little Soju never hurt anybody.", I whined and my internal conscious self was certain that I wasn't just tipsy. I was drunk- wasted, to be precise. "No means no, Mr. Sim. Even if, you're off of your work hours, you shall contain your composure when with me. It is professionalism which I admire.", I snickered at his sarcasm.

Being with this man made me realise how much Satan despised me for having sent his living spawn to haunt my life. Just his mere sight made my blood boil and heart race- in an overwhelmingly negative and aggravated way. Precisely, something you wouldn't experience if it was out of so-called love.

"Jeez.", I muttered, turning to face the enjoying crowd. How much I wished to dance like I gave no two fucks that I was with my boss but of course, I was caught up in a crossfire of fate- again. Sighing seemed like the only option- providing me with hope that my saddened face would finally spark a sense of morality in that nut job.

But, nah...

He was a nut job for a reason.

Passing out on me after gulping down five vodka shots in one go? Not cool.


"Sir, are you okay?", I lightly tapped his reddened cheek- his adorable pout as he was dozing off made me smile. Not to mention, he was a living devil when awake but a sweet baby when asleep. What a stark contrast, in my opinion. It was as if, he had sworn to let misery engulf me into its choking embrace and not even lend a hand to help me out. Jackass.

"You mentioned you had good tolerance. This is your tolerance? I'm down with three pegs and two shots yet I'm firm- okay, not firm but swaying on my feet. What an over compensator, you are.", my alcohol was speaking and I really did not mind. He was asleep, anyway.

Key word: Was.

I pushed his heavy load into the back seat of his car, nearly stuffing his tall physique to fit in the width of the vehicle, making sure, that no feet were getting chopped when we drove it. He wouldn't mind if that happened though. He would just kill me for not taking off his beloved Prada's before that occurred. Bratty asshole.

I sat beside him- giving no care about Sunghoon, a dork who was too wasted himself to help me out. He assured me that he was okay and that I could nurse this lunatic but who cared about a poor and partly drunk me? No one.

"Now where is Hwa-Jun-ssi?", I peered out of the window of the giant black metal- sighting no human, whatsoever. I dialled his number, waiting for him to pick it up- but of course, he did not. I respected him a lot but at that moment, I felt the urge to shave off his remaining hair.

"All this for a self-enjoyment session. Awesome.", I cursed at my fate before plopping on the driver's seat, driving off.

What a day and night to start and end my day, respectively!



Something hot comin' in the next part. Stay tuned, hehe.🤡

𝕺𝖋𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖝- |HEEJAKE|Where stories live. Discover now