
209 17 31

(Kindly note: This chapter was written in Jake's POV.)

I nearly cursed at myself for buying an apartment on the third floor but fate obviously had to add its own spices- inclusive of which was the elevator being down. "Oh, shit-", I muttered, my boss' heavy load situated on my shoulders as he peacefully snoozed away, without a care for the world. His muscular built was indeed heavy for someone petite like me and his arm that had rested itself on my frame was squishing me to my death like a hydraulic press. 

Not kidding you, I could see the reaper right before my eyes.

"Oh, jeez-", I grunted, pulling him up. My first thought was to just leave him at the start of the staircase, fearing my bones would crack into innumerable pieces of calcium carbonate if I dragged him any further. But then again, the posh job that I had been selected for, flashed before my eyes. 

"Goddamn you, Lee.", I spat, supporting myself and him as I sauntered to the apartments with great difficulty.


"Where are your fucking keys?", my hand explored his pockets finding nothing but his phone and a cash filled wallet- a sudden urge to keep it fuelling me. I partly deserved it for keeping up with the aftermaths of my self-bliss session and bearing the tormenting weight of that asshole. 

Don't you think, sweetheart?

"Boss, where are your keys?", I situated him on the ground with his back supported against his apartment's door before beginning to lightly shake and eventually pat his cheeks, begging for a reply. Mind you, I had been biting back the urge to morph those pats into tight slaps that would leave his cheeks bruised- he was a pain in my arse. 

"Les pawri!", he jolted into action when I shook him vigorously, throwing his hands in the air as if enjoying a roller coaster ride. I failed to comprehend his incoherent assertion but it did sound something like 'party'- a word that I had began loathing after that night. "Will you pawri pawri with me?", his deer like eyes stared into my own hazel ones, his little dance making me want to squish his cheeks. 

Gosh, it was the alcohol. 

"But we just partied, didn't we?", my tone was soft- the tediousness washing away. I felt like I was aiding to a five year old kid. "No- More pawri!", although he struggled, he did manage to get up from the ground with me supporting him- before he again tossed himself on my figure, hugging the soul out of my living self. 

"Okay- shit. We'll party hard but first I need your house keys.", I grappled to keep us both steady on our feet without falling on my back. 

"Keys? Why would I give you my keys? What if you're a burglar looking just like Mr. Sim?", I let out an aggressive sigh at his statement. He signalled me to come closer to him before he whispered into my ear, 

"You're a tad bit more handsome than how Mr. Sim usually is, though. Are you the real one?", I blushed at his remark. 

Although he was drunk, he knew how to pull my leg, nonetheless. 

"Yes, I am.", I replied, fiddling for my own apartment keys- sighting no option left. "You got cosmetic surgery or are you usually this red? You applied blush, perhaps?", I stiffed a laugh at how cute he sounded saying that. "I'm a bit drunk. Maybe, that's why?"

(A/N: You liar.)

"Ooooh.", Mr. Lee's astonishment trailed off as I brought him inside my own house- piggy backing him. Tossing him on the bed, I heaved out a tired sigh- eyeing his snoring figure with his hands and legs in an absurd position, to say the least. I took off his lovely Prada's before settling them near the night stand. I practically wanted to make him bald for...

A: Nearly puking over me. 

B: Throwing fits when I could end him in his wasted state.

C: Almost breaking my spine into two fragments. 

D: Occupying my bed without a hint of hesitation. 

"Asshole.", I snickered, undoing my own shoes and tie before plopping on the couch I had for my coffee table in my room. He slept in rather, questionable positions- tossing and turning every now and then. "He must be uncomfortable.", I thought- an overwhelming sense of pity engulfing me, again. God, I hated myself for being so sympathetic and especially for a jack like him. 

He was mumbling something in gibberish as I peered over him with my hands on my hips. "Jeez. What a mess.", I exasperated, resuming to undo his tie and sleeve cuffs. Taking off his belt however, made me unwillingly blush- a sudden heat making it to my cheeks but I did it, nonetheless. 

"Should I take off his shirt, too?", I pondered over the same question for a good five minutes before deciding to finally do it- with my eyes closed. 

It wasn't like it was my first time seeing him in such a state but it did make me unnerved- it almost felt inappropriate to do it as his secretary. 

I timidly forwarded my hand, clutching onto the first button before opening it. "Shit- I can't do this.", I pulled away, panting. I heard a groan from his end making me back away. "Why is this so hot?", he incoherently mumbled, adjusting his shirt and not going to lie to you, I almost felt bad for leaving him like that. 

"Fighting, Jake! You can do this.", I braced myself, pulling his head on the pillows before resuming the 'task'. 

Only to get pulled onto his chest with his drunken eyes boring into mine. 

"Naughty much, Mr. Sim?"



Bummer that I left you here, hm?

Gonna continue it in the next part, don't worry! 💕

And sorry but, DID I JUST HIT A 100 FOLLOWERS?! 😭

Pinch me, if I'm dreaming. 


𝕺𝖋𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖝- |HEEJAKE|Where stories live. Discover now