Chapter five

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Hey, I know that was a PRETTY BAD cliffhanger. And for all the sophitz shippers, please don't be angry at me! 

Sophie's thoughts spiralled around her head as if she had just been on a VERY fast carousel. It was dizzying. Keefe popped up in every little nook or corner in her mind, no matter how hard she tried not to think about him. As she watched a particularly large memory of Keefe with his usual flirtiness and smirk, his beautiful ice blue eyes and tousled blond hair, she lost it. No matter where she hid, in the darkest and mustiest spots in her mind, she couldn't drive him away. Every joke they had shared. How he flirted with her. The way he mussed his hair and fanned the air between them, whenever her unusually strong emotions drifted his way. He was perfect. 


A memory of him looking at her with worried eyes wafted by the nook she was hiding in. 

Awwwwww, Foster, can't stop thinking about me, can you? Is it because of my incredibly good looks?

Wait. Was that Keefe? Sophie's heart fluttered at the very thought. Had she unknowingly transmitted the pictures and memories of him? What would he think?


Hey Foster! Miss me? 

I... Keefe, where are you? 

I love how you think you can make your adorableness convince me to tell you that! Although you really are cute...

Keefe! Don't think you can make this any better by joking around with me! You left me and I demand a PROPER explanation! This is no JOKE, KEEFE! I MEAN IT! 

Look, Foster, I really appreciate your worry but—

NO BUTS KEEFE!! She wasn't going to let him get away this time. By the end of this conversation she'd have him wrapped around her finger.

Foster, I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy of you. I'm not worthy of you and your worry. If I come back to the lost cities, I will endanger all of you!  I can't do that. 

Keefe, you are not worthless. You are the famous Hunkyhair, remember ? Don't listen to your parents. They are cruel people. Come back. Please. Do it for me. And all of your friends. They all miss you. I miss you. 

I miss you too, Foster. 

She could hear the sadness in his voice.

Sophie wiped her eyes and knew immediately that she would have to try another time. 

If she ever had a chance. 

I love you Keefe. 

Me too, Foster, me too. 

And with that Sophie severed the connection. The sadness overwhelmed her. It pressed in from all sides, making her struggle to breathe. Suddenly a cool darkness flooded over her consciousness, chasing the worst away. And as she woke up and took a deep, deep breath, she found herself in the living room of Havenfield on a pink plush sofa. With messy hair and morning breath. Tam and all her friends were there, staring down at her with worried eyes. 

All 12 councillors were also gathered around her, in glittering glory and shimmering gowns.

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