Chapter three

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Keefe. Keefe. Keefe! Keefe!KEEFE!!!, Sophie transmitted loudly, stretching her consciousness farther and farther. KEEFE!!!!!!!KEEFE!!!!KEEFE!!! "Guys. He's not answering! What should we do?" Suddenly she felt an ice cold hand lay onto her shoulder as Tam shrouded them both in shadows and wispered for only the two of them:

"Relax, Sophie. I'm sure he's fine. Just tell him. He might not be listening, but at least we tried, right?" Wait. What? TAM, the creepy, grumpy shade was COMFORTING her? How was THAT possible? Nevertheless, Sophie nodded her agreement and began transmitting over and over again. Until her consciousness reached a wisp of life that felt like... Keefe! Clinging on to it, she transmitted to him: Keefe. It's me, Sophie. I really, really miss you. I guess I only just realised how much I like you. I wanted you to know that. could be possible for you to come back. We ALL miss you, Keefe. Even Silveny is really starting to annoy me. She fills my head with lots of KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE!s every day. That's all I wanted you to know. So, if some part of you hears this somehow, we don't think you are worthless. At all. Just remember that, okay? It would help a lot. Yours always, the mysterious Mrs.F.  

"So, hey, do you guys want to play Basequest now?", Fitz implied, clearing his throat. "Sure, now that Sophie has done the most embarrassing thing we might as well let you weird telepaths win!", Linh laughed cheerfully. They all got up and set off through the wondrous rooms again, the emerald walls seemed to sparkle even more, as if someone had only just polished them. After several more glamorous halls they arrived in the gorgeous and enormous garden.

As always, the various different scents that wafted through the air were dizzying, and it was astonishing that they all came from flowers. Flowers in all colors and smells. Flowers that looked so delicate, that Sophie was afraid that they would fall apart at the softest touch. It was amazing. But the lost cities were full of new surprises and secrets, and it was time that Sophie got used to them. 

When they had walked through several passages with, unbelievably, more flowers, they reached  what Sophie guessed was the center of the maze-like garden. It was constructed in a little circle with another fountain in the middle that was made entirely from aquamarine. The water that sprayed from its depths was scented: lavender. Sophie took a deep breath and noticed the little gnomes working around them, smiling their green toothed grins and singing to the flowers whilst rubbing their green thumbs together. 

They decided to play from there and chose the teams. Sophie was obviously going to be with Fitz, since they were cognates and stronger together and Dex was going to be with Tam and Linh.  Biana decided on joining Sophie and Fitz.  

"So, guys, any ideas where our base could be? Maybe...the troll hive? Where Alvar's old apartment is?" Biana said thoughtfully. "I mean, it is a far way from here." 

"Sure, only let's make Fitz the guard of the base while you and me go questing. That way Fitz and I can stay in contact telepathically!" Sophie told her. 

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