Chapter six-Keefe POV

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Hi guys, this is a chapter told from Keefe's view in the human world, how all the girls like him and all. Hope you enjoy ☺️! 

~Team Foster-Keefe 4eva :) 

Keefe was sitting on a park bench. The park he was in was facing Buckingham Palace; it had green trees and it was raining. The sky was grey but Keefe was still outside. He was the only one in the Park besides a couple of giggling girls. But all Keefe could think of was Foster, in her perfect self, worried about him. He needed to get back to the Lost Cities, and fast. He had been crushing on Foster for AGES and now was finally the time he had been waiting for. Waiting for her to realise that she liked him. Now she did. But Keefe— 

His thoughts were cut off by the giggling girls approaching him, all looking very dreamy... even a little pretty. But Foster was better. Foster was PERFECT! Keefe would have to deal with these girls somehow. 

"Hey", one particularly brave looking girl with long blond hair and brown eyes said. She reminded Keefe of Sophie. So much it hurt. "What's your name? My name is Willow! What are you doing here?", Keefe was baffled at her many questions, but nevertheless he told her: "Hey, my name is Keefe." 

"So uh... hi Keefe!", Willow said with a blush. The other girls looked a little jealous, but Keefe didn't care. Willow reminded him too much of Foster. He needed to make her go away, so that he could think. For the first time Keefe actually hated his good looks! "Listen, Willow, I know I look great and all, but... I already like someone, so..."

It was too late. By now there was a whole bus load of girls ogling at Keefe, as if he were some rare insect that had to be investigated closer. "Bye girls!", he said quickly, before standing up and mussing his hair. But sadly that just seemed to make the girls more attached to him. So Keefe lumbered to Willow and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, but only cause she reminded him of Foster so much and was looking heartbroken. Then Keefe left the park with his hands in his pockets, lifting the hoodie he was wearing over his head to hide himself from any more girls. 

Suddenly he saw a familiar silhouette standing in front of Buckingham palace. The figure seemed to be checking something that was fixed on the corner of the gates. Even though it took Keefe a while to recognise the figure through the pouring rain, he knew eventually, especially after the figure turned around to face him, exposing his swollen body. 

It was Mr.Forkle. And he had seen Keefe. 

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