Chapter 1: Unthinkable

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Tobin's POV
The score is tied 2-2 okay well the obvious, we need to score. Are coach makes a sub and Alex Morgan comes in. Awesome! Not only is she an amazing player but she is my bestfriend. Megan Rapinoe takes the corner kick. she kicks it in right towards me so I head butt it to Alex who bobbles it but then finds her footing, shoots, and SCORES! We take the lead 3-2 against Sweden! We all celebrate then I go over to Alex and give her a hug.

"Hey great job baby Horse (Alex's nickname) I'm so proud of you!
"Oh thanks Tobs , couldn't have done it without you!"

When we reach the end of the game we shake hands and head to the locker room. "Good game ladies game ball goes to Ms. Morgan!" Coach Ellis says

We all cheer and congratulate Alex. "Next two days you guys have off so relax and enjoy yourself and also if you are sore go to Ms. lloyd our ice bath queen" coach Ellis also says.

Alex's POV
I wait for Tobin outside of the locker room because we are roommates. When she comes out she immediately jumps on my back.

"Come on baby horse gallop to the car!" Tobin says. Gosh she's so annoying but I guess that's why she's my best friend. As I WALK over to my car Tobin gets off my back and we go in the car and back to our condo.

As we drive back to our condo we both sing along to the radio. Oh gosh Tobin sounds like a dying cow. "Tobin you sound terrible" I say in a joking voice. "Whoa I didn't know we were in American Idol! Well I'm sorry judge Alex I forgot I was performing today!"

We both burst out laughing and then the unthinkable happens.

I blink away the blur in my eyes. Everything is upside down and spinning. "Tobin?" I look over to her and she's not conscious. "Tobin?" I say louder. I was terrified. I heard sirens coming closer and closer.

Firefighters help me out and I'm able to see the car accident. They direct me to the ambulance but i refuse to go. "Ms you need to get to the ambulance so they can check you out" one of the firefighters say. "No, no my friends she's still there and I'm not going without her." "Ms you need to go right now!" the firefighter says in a louder tone. He pushes me closer to the ambulance but I keep pushing forward. Then I yell, "YOU CAN SEND ME TO JAIL FOR ALL I CARE IM NOT GOING WITHOUT HER!"

Finally the firefighter gave up with me and helped Tobin out. Oh... My... Gosh... It killed me to see Tobin like that. I go in with her in the ambulance and squeeze her hand the whole way to the hospital. "I'm so sorry Tobin. I'm so sorry." I whisper in her ear.

Alex's POV
As we enter the hospital I never let go of her hand until they had to separate us to check her.

I had to get checked up to, I had a minor concussion. No big deal for me, I just wanted to see how Tobin was. I didn't want to handle this alone so I decide to call Carli Lloyd who was on of my closet friends.
C: "hello?"
A: "hey it's Alex" I say in my tears
C: "hey Alex are you okay?"
A: "No I'm not I was just in a car accident and I'm at the hospital right now and I don't know how Tobin is."
C: "oh my gosh Alex, I'm on my way."
Carli's POV
After hanging up the phone with alex I tell Lauren Holiday and she comes with me. I felt so rushed. I needed to get there to see them.
When we get there we go to the front desk person. "Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath" I say in a rush. "second floor room 127" the nurse says.

Alex's POV
I wait in the waiting room when Carli and Lauren come in. I get up and Carli runs up and gives me a hug. I cry in her shoulders.

"Are you okay Alex?" Lauren asked. "I'm fine I have a minor concussion but I... I don't know how Tobin is." I say in between tears. They both give me hugs then we sit and wait in the waiting room. "So what happened if you don't mind me asking."Carli says. I wipe my tears away and say "we were both in the car then a driver passed the red light and hit the car directly where Tobin was sitting."

After was seemed like hours the doctor came out. "She has a concussion and broke her leg. She will be in crutches for a while." My heart sinks at the thought that Tobin won't be playing soccer because of...... me. I know the crash wasn't my fault but I could have prevented it... some how.

We were able to go in her room and see her. Carli and Lauren stayed there with me till about 1am. "Hey Lex we are going to head back to the condo keep me updated okay?" "Okay I love you guys thanks for coming here." I say. "Anytime." They say. I give them hugs and they leave. I get a chair and put it next to Tobin's bed. I squeeze her hand so she knows I'm there. I give her a kiss on her forehead and just wait for her to wake up. It was 3am and I was exhausted and I fall asleep on Tobin's hand.

Alex's POV
I wake up in the morning and it's 8:17. I see Tobin is still asleep. Last night was a moment I will never get out of my head. I get out of the chair and use the bathroom. When I come back to Tobins room I just sit there and wait.

"Alex?" I hear in a small cracky voice. A bit startled I look up at Tobin who finally woke up. "Tobin, Tobin oh my gosh!!" I get over to her and give her hug. I started to cry a bit. "I'm so sorry Tobin. This shouldn't have happened to you." I say between tears. "It's fine don't worry about it I'll be okay." Tobin says. I give a slight smile and give her another hug.

After a while the doctor came in and releases her. We were able to go home know.

"Okay are you ready?" I ask Tobin. "Yes I am let's get out of here." I push here wheelchair down a ramp and into the elevator. Finally once we get out Carli is there waiting in her car. Carli gets out and hugs Tobin and I. "I'm so glad your okay Tobin." Carli says. Carli and me help Tobin into the car and we head back to our condo.

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