Chapter 5: Pinky Promise

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Tobin's POV
Alex and me were finally friends again after one of the most toughest moments in my life. I'm really not as tough as I am on the field.
This was my senior year of high school.
I was sitting alone at lunch. No one really talked to me and I basically really had no friends. Alex Morgan was a new student and was already on the top. She had it all. She was pretty, smart, played soccer, had a lot of friends, and was popular. I got my lunch and was walking back to my seat when she bumped into me and my water spilled all over my shirt. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at me and laughed. I was so embarrassed.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Alex said. Then she started getting napkins and tried cleaning it.
"no it's alright" I said.
Then she grabbed my hand. here I'll bring you to my locker I have an extra shirt that you can wear."
I was confused. Why would a girl like Alex help a girl like me.
"You don't have to help me." I said
"Well it's my fault I bumped into you and everyone was laughing at you."
"Why are you helping me?" I finally asked.
"Because I want to be different ok! I hate being at the top and being so popular. All the popular kids always say I have to be mean to everyone because I was popular. but that's not me and it will never be me."
"Oh well I think your really cool." I said.
"Thanks your a really nice girl yourself. And by the way I'm Alex."
"I'm Tobin." I said with a smile. Then she handed me the extra shirt that was in her locker which was a USA soccer shirt.
"I've always dreamed of being on the women's USA soccer team"
"Really?!? Me to! Maybe one day we will both be on that team together." Alex said with a smile.

*end of flashback*

That's how I met Alex Morgan. It was one of the best days ever. And both of our dreams became a reality. We both were on the USA team, together. Ever since the day we meet we have been best friends and always stuck to each other's side.

Alex's POV
Tomorrow we had a big game against China. This game determined if we were going to qualify for the World Cup games. I was very excited but also brought down. If we win tomorrow, Tobin will miss the World Cup games and I'll miss playing along side her. We both work really well together on the field. We have been since the first time we played with each other in Senior Year of high school.


Both Tobin and I made the school soccer team. A lot of the girls that made the team didn't really like Tobin. But the thing was Tobin had A LOT of skill and was better then everyone on the team, including me. We both stuck together and handled the other girls ourselves.
After practice one day the team decided to have a team party. I was invited but Tobin wasnt. Since she wasn't going, heck I'm not going either. So instead we had our own 2 person party at my house. It was fun, better then any other party I've been to. Since it was the two of us it was the perfect time to tell her something important.
"Tobin there's something I need to tell you."
"What is it?" Tobin asked.
"I got accepted to play at the University of California. They want me to be there right away so I'm leaving next week."
"Oh my gosh, Alex that's amazing!" Tobin says and gets up and gives me a hug.
"Yea I'm excited it's been one of my dreams for a long time. But the thing is I don't want to leave you Tobin."
"No you can't decline this offer because of me. Trust me I'll be fine."
"Okay, I promise I'll be back for graduation." I say with a slight smile.
"Pinky promise?" Tobin says with a smile.
She holds out her pinky and I hold mine out. "pinky promise." I say."

-The next week-

Tobin helps me put all my stuff in my car. I'm now realizing how much stuff I really have.
"Okay that's the last bag." Tobin says.
"I'm going to miss you so much Toby" I feel tears forming in my eyes. It's really hard to say goodbye to your bestfriend.
"You don't even know how much I'm going to miss you." Tobin says. "But I'm also so proud of you."
Then I walk over kiss Tobin on the cheek and give her the biggest hug ever.
"Promise me we will stay in touch?"
"Pinky Promise." I say.
"Goodbye Alex, see you soon."
I wave goodbye and I drive off.


I promised Tobin I'd be back for graduation and I am. Wearing my cap and gown I go to Tobin's house and ring the doorbell.
"ALEX!" Tobin says as she jumps into my arms. I spin her around as I hug her. It felt so good to be with my Best friend after so long.
"Oh my gosh you look beautiful Tobin!"
"Aww thanks you do to Alex!"

-after graduation-
"Toby I got you something." She gave me a glare because she hates when people call her that but she smiles and just laugh it off. I gave her my present which is an envelope
Tobin's POV
I couldn't believe it. it was a Scholarship to North Carolina.
"Alex thank you so much." I said this as tears of joy left my eyes as I gave her a hug.
"It's your turn to have fun." Alex says.

*end of flashback*

Authors note: hey guys! I'm kind of running out of ideas I mean I have some but if you have any ideas for my story please comment! Thanks:)

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