Chapter 11: Forever Friends

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*Time skips to the World Cup final*
Tobin's POV
It really sucks not being able to play in the World Cup, better yet, the World Cup final! But it's been fun watching all the girls play and kick ass on the field.
We were playing Germany for the finals. It's not gonna be an easy match but we got this. I watched from the sidelines as the girls practice one day before the big game. The girls assigned me as the new team cheerleader so I have something to do.
After practice everyone went into the locker rooms and changed. Everyone had a lot of energy in the locker room. No one seemed to shut up except Alex who was really quiet. Yea we had a lot of drama but we are way over that. I did see that she had this kind of big cut on the side of her face. I asked her what happened and she said that she slipped on the bathroom floor and banged her head against the door leaving a cut on her face. Once everyone left the locker room I waited for Alex because she's usually the last one out. She seemed to be taking much longer this time though. I waited for about 10 minutes but she still hasn't came out so I go in to check.
"Alex? You in here?" As I round the corner into the locker room I see her just sitting there doing nothing except playing with her pink pre wrap roll.
"You okay Lex?" She still doesn't respond. I try thinking of anything I did wrong but I swear I can't remember anything I did wrong, well except scaring her and pouring cold water on her, but that doesn't really count I was just messing around, and it was really funny.
I set my crutches next to me and sat next to her on the bench and I just sat there and did nothing. Then I finally speak up.
"Alex come on, tell me what's wrong." Then she finally responds in her raspy voice that I love.
"I'm sorry Tobin I lied about my cut on my face... It was Servando."
"What did he do?" I get worried a bit.
"When you and Lauren went out for lunch the other day I was just sitting down relaxing. Then I hear a really loud knock on the door and think maybe you forgot something. So I got up and opened the door and.... And it was him. I was scared to death because when I did break up with him he didn't take it in real well. So he... He came in and..."
Alex was crying now and shaking she never told me any of this. I hold her hand and gosh she is shaking like crazy. Then she continues.
"And he shoved me really hard against the wall and... That's how I got this cut. He then picked me up and pinned me against the wall. He then started saying how he would hurt you for taking me away from him and I was so scared."

I was shocked and scared. Alex squeezed my hand so hard I could barely feel it but I didn't let go.

**Authors Note: there will be a lot of switching POVs in this part. In Alex's POV, Alex is telling Tobin her story of what happened. In Tobin's POV it will tell Alex's feelings and Tobin's thoughts and feelings. Sorry if this confuses you but please do keep reading:)**

(S= Servando, A= Alex)
Alex's POV
S: "what's that girls name again? Oh right Tobin Heath. Well guess what Alex, I don't think you'll see her again because tonight I'm going to beat the living crap out of her."
A: "no Serv please don't. I'll do anything just please don't hurt Tobin!"
S: "okay then sweetie I'll give you two options. 1) I will beat the living crap out of Tobin or 2) I will beat the living crap out of Alex Morgan."
Tobin's POV
After Alex said that I felt my heart beating faster. I was scared to death with her just telling me. Alex looked scared herself. Alex started to cry harder and it was harder for her to say everything.
"It's okay Lex I'm right here, just take a deep breath."
When I said that I took a deep breath with her. Then she continued and squeezed my hand tight again. That's how I know she trusts me.
Alex's POV
"I was blank and I didn't know what to say. I didn't want him to hurt you Tobin. The gash on my head hurt like hell when he shoved me against the wall. It was hard for me to think or get any words out of my mouth."
S: "I'm giving you 10 seconds to give me an answer or it'll be both of you."
A: "fine.... Me..."
"He punched me right in the gut and I couldn't breathe. It was painful. He shoved me onto the floor and started to punch me and kick my left side. I couldn't scream for help because I couldn't breathe. Finally he got up and said
S: "if you tell anyone about this, I will kill you."
"I was scared, and in pain. Once he left I just laid on the floor in pain and cried. I got up and cleaned myself up and didn't dare tell anyone and I'm so sorry Tobin but that included you."
Tobin's POV
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I ask. I was in tears knowing I wasn't there to protect my best friend.
I looked at Alex for an answer and she just nodded. She stood up slowly and lifted up her shirt.
I covered my mouth at the sight. It was bruised on her whole left side. There were some scratches to that had a little blood on them.
"Tobin I'm so sorry I should have told you sooner. I was just so scared."
I grabbed my crutches, got up, and gave her the biggest hug she ever gotten from me.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you when you needed me." I told Alex. She cried into my shoulder and I let her.
Finally we got out into Alex's car and she drove us back to the hotel. We went up the elevator and back to our room. I told Alex to go lay in bed while I get some ice. I went to the kitchen and got a big ice pack and a small towel that I soaked in cold water. I went back to Alex's bed and put the towel on her face where her cut was. I lifted her shirt and put the ice pack on her side.
"Thank you Tobin."
"You welcome Alex. I don't know how I'm going to repay you for what you did."
That night I slept in her room so she knew I was there and I knew that she was safe.
"Goodnight Alex, I love you."
"Goodnight Toby, i love you to and I don't know what I'd do without you."

Alex's POV
I woke up the next morning and Tobin was still beside me. Yesterday was really tough but I feel better knowing that i finally told Tobin. When Tobin woke up we both got ready then Cheney barged through the door screaming.
I smiled. After yesterday, I completely forgot we had our World Cup Final today.
Tobin and me used the elevator down to the lobby where we had a team meeting. We just talked about who is starting and the different formations we will be playing in. I even had to talk about my incident with Servando so they new to watch out for me. Everyone supported me and told me they had my back and stuff. I did cry a little because it was hard to talk about.
Then Carli started to speak. "Alright ladies, today is the biggest game of our lives so let's play hard, efficient, aggressive, with passion, and for Krieger!"
Ever since Ali's injury every game has been for her. Once Tobin and I were back in our room I decided to call Ali. I haven't talked to her in a while.
*on the phone with Ali*
AK: "hello?"
AM: "hey Kriegy!"
AK: "Alex!!"
AM: "I've missed you so much how have you been?"
AK: "I've been good!"
We talked for a while. It was nice to talk to her again. I wish she was here though.
Ali's POV
No one knows I'm coming back. No one knows I'm here actually. I stayed in the airport for a while just to let time go. I was so excited to surprise everyone especially Alex since I just got off the phone with her and she thinks I'm still in Virginia. It was 3:00pm now and the game was at 5 so I called our team bus driver to come and get me. Once he got me he drove me to the stadium. There were already fans lined up to get in. I went into the locker room where everyone's jerseys and other stuff were all ready and lined up. I go change into my jersey and some sweats and then I just wait there until the team shows up. I did get some of the coaching staff to help me put a banner up that I made. It said "go USA. She believes."
Finally I hear everyone about to come in and the first to walk in is Alex and Tobin. It's time.
Alex's POV
Before we got on the bus to go to the stadium Carli brings us in for a little pep talk. "Okay ladies I want everyone to be relaxed on the bus. Game time starts now. We all know that how we act on the bus effects how we play on the field. USA on three 1,2,3 USA! Krieger on three 1,2,3 KRIEGER!" We all yell.
Finally when we get there fans were already there cheering us on as we walk into the locker room. As I walk into the locker room and a huge smile crosses my face. Ali gosh dang Krieger is right in front of me.
"ALI!!" I yell and go over and give her a hug.
"I was already here when you called." Ali says with a laugh.
The rest of the team comes and gives Kriegs a hug. We all missed her dearly.
We all get ready and head out onto the field. Game on.
3 minuets additional time, we are down 2-0 against Germany. We need three goals to win. Almost. Impossible.
Cheney passes the ball to me then I center it for Abby Wambach who kicks it in. GOAL USA!
I have the ball and I start to dribble it down the field I see ARod on my left so I pass it to her. She passes the ball in the air and it's centered perfectly for Carli who head butts it in. GOAL CARLI LLOYD! The game is tied 2-2!
Pinoe passes the ball to me from midfield. I get control of the ball then I kick the ball towards the net. As I kick the ball one German defender runs right into the left side where it was all bruise. I fall immediately not knowing if the ball went in the net.
It's really loud. The fans go crazy. I see all my teammates running towards me. But I'm in to much pain to move.
Carli and Lauren carry me off the field not wanting to get any more additional time.
"You did it Morgan!"
Finally I sit on the bench next to Tobin who helps puts ice on my side. Ali comes over and congratulates me for my goal. I was To excited to feel much pain so I get up and I stand with the rest of the team waiting for the final whistle.
Then the ref blows the whistle and the stadium explodes. I run out on the field and give everyone a hug.
"WE JUST WON THE WORLD CUP!" Cheney yells.
I then run over to Tobin and Kreigy who are on the sidelines celebrating with the rest of the players on the bench. I run over and give Ali a hug.
"I'm so proud of you Alex!
I was speechless. I was all smiles. I give Ali another big hug.
I go over to the fans and one of them gives me a USA flag. I grab it and wrap myself with it. I then go over to Tobin and give her a hug wrapping her in the flag that I have.
This was the best moment of my life. Winning the World Cup with my best friend who I will forever be friends with. Through my ups and downs in my life Tobin has always been there for me and that's how it will always be.

Authors note: hope you enjoyed Forever Friends!
Yes I'm planning on writing/typing a sequel or start a completely different story. Please comment which one you want! Thanks for reading my first story and thanks for all the feedback:)

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