Chapter 8: Another One Out

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*Back from California*
Alex's POV
Tobin and me were finally back home after a nice long vacation in California. It was so much fun I wish i could relive every moment of it.
Training finally started for the World Cup and coach Ellis wasn't taking it easy on us. She pushed us just enough so we could get back into shape.
I bet the whole team wanted to be Tobin right now, sitting down by the sideline in the shade.
Before we scrimmaged coach Ellis let us have a 5 minute break. I jogged over to Tobin and sat next to her in the shade.
"Woah you aren't touching me until you take a shower." Tobin says laughing.
"I would say the same to you if you were here working your butt off and sweating like a dog."
She just smiled at me.
After our 5 minutes were over we went over to coach who divided us into two teams.
Then we scrimmaged and worked on different set ups and formations on the field. We practice corner kicks and sideline throw ins.
Lauren passed the ball to me and I started to dribble up the field. Then Ali Krieger came charging towards me so I put the ball between her legs and got passed her kind of bumping into her. Then as I was about to kick it coach Ellis blew the whistle and I turned around and saw Ali on the grass, holding her knee in pain.
I ran over to her and kneeled by her side.
"Ali, Ali are you okay?" I grabbed her hand and she squeezed it.
"It hurts!" She cried out.

Ali's POV
I went towards Alex who had the ball. She did a move on me and I felt my knee twist behind me and I fell to the ground.
The pain I felt in my right leg was terrible.
"Ali, Ali are you okay?" I heard a raspy voice and new it was Alex.
"It hurts!" I cried out.
"Hey get the medical staff out here!" Alex yelled.
Pretty soon everyone was hovering over me trying to comfort me. Then the medical staff came.
Everyone left except Alex who was still squeezing my hand. They got the stretcher and carried me on it.
There goes my season. I was done. I knew right away something tore.
"I'm so sorry Ali." Alex says.
I was going to respond but I was in to much pain to say much of anything.

"You completely tore you ACL in your right knee. We need to get you in surgery right away before anymore damage is done." The doctor tells me.
And with that they give me the sleepy gas stuff and I was out.

Alex's POV
Once Ali left the field coach gathered us.
"Alright girls good work today, our trainer just texted me and said that Ali tore her ACL and is in surgery right now. Let's keep her in our prayers and for a fast recovery. Carli the floor is yours."
"Alright ladies, let's do it for Ali. USA on three 1,2,3 USA! Krieger on three 1,2,3 KRIEGER!" Everyone yells.

I went over to Tobin and gathered all my stuff. Then we silently walk to my car.
"You want to to visit her don't you." Tobin asks me.
"Yea I do..."
"Then lets go."
I'm so glad I have Tobin in my life she is so understanding and knows me better then anyone else. That's why she's my best friend.
*at the hospital*
"Is Ali Krieger here?"
"Yes she is 3rd floor room 423"
"Thank you." I say to the nurse at the front desk.
From what I heard from our medical staff Ali was still in surgery. It would probably be an hour or two before she is done.
A: "was it my fault?"
T: what, her injury? No it wasn't at all. She stuck her leg out and you put the ball between her legs and like it was really fast so she turned really fast and her knee twisted awkwardly."
A: "so it was kind of my fault."
T: "Alex you have to stop blaming everything on you. My accident was not your fault. There was nothing you could have done about it and Ali's injury WASNT your fault either."
A: "Tobin you don't understand! I'm sorta always the cause of every injury. I could have stopped if I saw that car coming before it hit you and I could  have not used that move I did on Ali."I started to cry thinking about all the things I could have done differently.
T: "oh come here Lex."
Then she pulls me in for a hug and I don't want her to let go.

After about two hours the doctor comes out.
"She had a successful surgery and should have a fine time recovering."
"So no soccer?" I say sadly as i look at the ground.
"Yea no soccer for a while. She has a long road of recovering to do."
"How long is a while?" I ask.
"For a good 6 or 7 months if everything goes well."
"Okay thank you."
We go into her room but she is still asleep. It was already late so we leave.
I grab her hand again. "See you later Kriegy." I look at her one last time then Tobin and I leave.

*the next morning*
Tobin's POV
I wake up and do my usual morning routine. I stretch out my knee a bit but it still hurts. I go to the kitchen table and there's a note. Probably from Alex.

Good morning Tobs! Sorry I'm not there but I did prepare you some coffee! I'm over at the hospital to visit Ali and check up on her. We have a practice later at 3 I don't know if you want to come or not but you do whatever you want. I'll see you later at around 12 or 1pm, don't forget to take you medicine for you knee! Love you lots Toby!
I look up and there is coffee prepared for me and it's still nice and warm. I smiled because Alex remembered how I like my coffee. Since I don't have anyone to eat breakfast, I go up to KO and HAO's room.
I knock on there door and Kelley opens it. "Hey Toby!"
"Hey Kel! Mind if I join you guys for breakfast?"
"Not at all come on in."
After breakfast I just hang out with them for a while until Alex comes back.

Alex's POV
When I get to Ali's room I'm glad she's awake.
"Hey Kriegy." I say with a warm smile. I got her a teddy bear and a get well card and I put it on the table next to her bed.
"Hey Alex" she says. She sounds kind of tired.
I go over and give her a hug.
"So how you feeling?"
"Alright I guess. It hurts a lot."
"I bet. I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that move on you. Because of that move I just ended your chance of playing in the World Cup."
"It's alright Alex, I'm alright.
"No it's not alright. I should be the one in this bed I'd probably deserve it. I've already messed up so much in my life." Tears start streaming down my eyes.
"Awh Alex don't cry on me now."
Then she hugs me again. "I swear I'm alright and besides Tobin won't be so alone on the sidelines anymore."
I laugh a little. "Yea she won't be."

After about two hours I say bye to Ali and head back home.
"Tobin? I'm home."
"Hey Lex, how is she?"
"She's better then yesterday for sure."
"That's good to hear."
"So what did you do while I was out?"
"You know I walked around the city and robbed a couple banks." Tobin says trying to be serious.
"Oh sure you did."
"Naa I went to KO and HAO's room and just had breakfast with them."
"That's nice."

At around 2:30 we leave for practice. It was going to be a little different with out Ali there.

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