Chapter 9: One of Those Fights

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Tobin's POV
"Hey Lex do you wanna walk around the city for a while?"
"Um sorry I can't I told Kriegy that I would visit her again."
"Oh okay. We'll tell her I said hi I guess."
So it looks like I was alone again so I went to Cheney and ARods room.
"Hey Tobs! Where's Alex again?" Lauren asks.
"She went to visit Kriegy again in her room.
"You should have came with her." ARod says.
"I would but the last time I did I was completely left out, it was like I wasn't there."
"I'm sorry Tobs. But our door is always open for you."
"Thanks Cheney."

Ali's POV
It was my second day back in the team hotel. It felt good being in my own bed and around people I know. Then I hear a knock on my door.
"Ali? It's Alex."
"Come on in the doors open." I say back.
"Hey Kriegy I got you some pizza."
"Is it just cheese?"
"Well obviously I'm a vegetarian." Alex says with a laugh.
Alex cuts both of us a slice and we sit down on the couch and just talk.
"Hey thanks for helping me out the past couple of days. You and Kelley are the only ones that came to visit me so far."
"No problem. I just feel bad that you won't be able to play in the World Cup..."
I see the sadness in her eyes and it makes me feel bad.
"Alex it's alright I swear. When your sad it's making me sad. I love you like a sister Alex I would never get mad at you for anything you do."

I give her a hug and then after that we just hang out and goof around. Ever since my sister died Alex has been there for me like a sister. She's the only one that knows about my past and about my sister that died when I was younger. After a while she had to leave.
"Thanks for coming again it means a lot Alex."
"No problem I'll try stopping by tomorrow if I can."
"Okay see you then!"

Alex's POV
Once I get back to my room I see Tobin just sitting on the couch watching tv.
"You alright there Tobs?"
"Yea I'm fine I think I'm going to bed now."
"You know your a terrible liar. Come on tell me. We always tell each other everything."
I say trying to get a response from her. Of course I'm worried about her. The last time she was like this is when I left...
She still doesn't respond.
"Okay if nothing is wrong I want you to look me in the eye and tell me your alright."
Still nothing.
"Tobin Powell Heath, get over here right now!"
I never called her by her full name so she seemed a little shocked.
"What do you want from me Alex?"
"I want to know what's wrong Tobin."
"Okay fine since you really want to hear it! I think your replacing me with Ali. You hang out with her more and you seem like you have a better time with her then you do with me.
"Tobin I'm just trying to help her out."
"No even before her injury you've been with her more and it's getting really annoying and At practice she's always talking to Ashlyn about how your like a sister to her. I feel like she's taking you away from me."
"Tobin she will never take you awa.."
"I'm sorry Alex but just drop it. I don't want to talk anymore."
Then she starts to walk back to her room again. I hear her say something softly.
"Please don't leave Alex."

Tobin and I rarely fight and if we do they are pretty serious and sometimes a little scary. This was one of those fights. I wasn't going to leave. I'm not going to break her heart like i did before. Im just going to give her a little space until she wants to talk to me again. She was right as always. I have been hanging out with Ali more and haven't been paying much attention to Tobin.
I take a quick shower and watch tv for a while and I just think about what happened and about how much stuff Tobin doesn't know about Ali, like about her sister.
Before I go to bed I go check up on Tobin. She was already asleep. I sit on the side of her bed and just think about all the memories I have with Her. I grab her hand and see she is wearing a bracelet I got her back in California. I kiss her on her forehead.
"I'll always love you no matter what Toby." I say to her hoping she might have heard.
Then I silently walk out of her room and back to my room. Then in an instant I fall asleep.

Tobin's POV
I wake up the next morning and do my usual routine and stuff. I grab my crutches and go to the kitchen table where again there was another note. From Alex.
I went out for a morning run I'll be back at around 9. I hope you had a good sleep and I'll talk to you later.

I honestly love her little letters to me even if I'm really mad with her. It was 8:25, she should be back soon. I didn't want to be mad at Alex. I mean no matter what we will be best friends. I decide I'm going to make her breakfast for the two of us. Then we could talk about last night.
Finally Alex was back. She had two cups of coffee in her hand.
"Hey Tobs."
"Hey Lex." I say trying my best to not sound dreary.
I saw that she was surprised that I prepared breakfast. She gave me my coffee, "just how you like it." Alex said with a warm smile.
We ate breakfast in silence. Neither of us said a word until we were both done eating.
"Thanks for the breakfast, it was really good."
"No problem. I kinda wanted to make it up to you because you didn't do anything wrong I was just... I was just jealous I guess." I look at my coffee kind of embarrassed of what I said.
"I guess it was my fault for not really being with you." Alex says.
I continued to look at my coffee.
"Hey, look at me." Alex commands me.
Then I looked straight into her blue eyes.
"I know it's hard for me to keep promises but this one I will. I promise that I will always be there for you and will spend as much time with you as possible."
Then we both get up and hug each other.

Authors Note:
shoutout to my fallingstars for giving me some ideas for this story:) hope you enjoyed this chapter. If I have time tonight I may get another chapter in...

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