Chapter 4. The Boundaries of Flesh and Mind

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As we walked, questions swarmed in my mind about how I had ended up in Drachma, especially if I was aiming for Shin. The desert had led me astray, and now I was among this motley band of bandits whose intentions were still unclear. At that moment I had accepted my fate - there was little I could do about it now.

- Garrick," I began, trying to keep my tone casual, "what can you tell me about Drachma? I've heard some things, but I'd like to know more about how things work in this land."

Hearing my question, he perked up, and pride flashed in his eyes. - Oh, curious traveler! Well, let me enlighten you. Drachma is a land of strength and cunning. Our people value those who can stand up for themselves, and the strongest often succeed."

I nodded, encouraging him to continue. "What about the cities? Are there any worth visiting?"

"Absolutely! The capital, Avernus, is a bustling center of trade and conflict," Garrick explained, gesturing animatedly. - Here you'll find the best markets, but also the fiercest rivalries. If you can survive there, you can survive anywhere.

I made mental notes, noting names and details. "And what do you trade?"

"Everything! From rare minerals to livestock. We are also known for our exceptional weapons and armor made by the finest blacksmiths in the country," he replied with obvious pride in his voice. "There's also a slave market - where they trade you-know-who and what."

His companions laughed, adding their comments about the "underground" trade, hints of smuggling and other dubious enterprises woven into their chatter. I memorized this information, forming a clearer picture of this strange country.

As we walked, I began to realize their true intentions. Although outwardly Garrick and his crew were friendly enough, I could sense an underlying tension in them, as if they were testing my character. I could feel their gazes sliding over the sword at my side, assessing whether I was a threat or valuable.

"In Drachma, it is wise to carry a sword with you. But it's not the sword that makes a man a man, it's how you wield it that matters. We're just wondering if you can stand up for yourself.

"Okay," I said, keeping a neutral expression on my face. "What if I can?"

- Then you might find a place among us," Garrick replied with a touch of challenge in his voice. - But don't think we'll be lenient with you.

I raised an eyebrow intrigued. 'So, is this a test, then?

"Something like that," he admitted, and the others nodded in agreement. "You see, we're always looking for capable hands. If you can navigate these lands, you'll find that we can be... profitable allies."

I pondered their offer for a while. Although the prospect of joining this band of misfits was tempting, I had to remain cautious. They were sizing me up just as I was gathering information.

As we continued our journey through the dense forest, Garrick's words painted a vivid picture of Drachma. "You know, most of our territory is covered in snow," he said, and there was a mixture of pride and misgiving in his voice. - It's cold and unforgiving here, a true test of survival. It may seem pleasant here on the outskirts, but look deeper and you see a country where there is no mercy. Those who can't stand up for themselves? Well, they face either death or slavery."

His words hung heavy in the air, and I felt a chill run down my spine, even though the weather here was warm. It became clear that strength and cunning were not just valued-they were essential for survival. I had gathered enough information; it was time to end this farce.

Suddenly I stopped and turned to face them. - So, are you all going to attack me as a group, or are we going to settle this in a duel? - My voice sounded steady, and I met their curious gazes without flinching.

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