Hank McCoy NSFW Alphabet

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A = Aftercare:
Hank is incredibly attentive after sex. He's the type to bring you water, check in on your comfort, and even offer a soothing massage. He uses his medical knowledge to ensure your needs are fully met, emotionally and physically. Expect gentle kisses and whispered affirmations.

B = Body Part:
 On you, he's captivated by your neck—he loves to kiss, nibble, and mark it with soft bites. It's where he feels most connected to your vulnerability.

C = Cum:
Hank is generally clean, preferring to keep things tidy. Usually, he uses a condom

D = Dirty Secret:
Despite his calm and composed demeanor, Hank harbors a hidden love for riskier encounters in public or semi-public spaces, like the lab after hours or hidden spots in the mansion. The thrill of possibly being caught excites him more than he admits.

E = Experience:
Hank is quite experienced but doesn't boast about it. He's a careful and attentive lover, always wanting to ensure his partner's pleasure. He's done his research, both academically and personally, so he's skilled in making each encounter fulfilling.

F = Favorite Position:
Hank enjoys positions where he can maintain eye contact and hold you close. He's particularly fond of the lotus position, where you can straddle him and wrap your legs around his waist, allowing for deep intimacy and closeness.

G = Goofy:
While Hank is usually serious in the bedroom, focusing on your pleasure, he does have moments of humor. He might make a playful comment or laugh at an unexpected sound, but overall, he keeps things tender and intense.

H = Hair:
Hank is naturally hairy, but he keeps himself groomed, especially in more intimate areas. While his blue fur is part of who he is, he makes sure it's soft and clean. The carpet definitely matches the drapes, and he's proud of his unique appearance.

I = Intimacy:
Hank is deeply romantic and emotionally connected during sex. He'll whisper sweet words in your ear, hold your gaze, and make sure you feel cherished throughout the experience. His intimacy goes beyond the physical; he wants to nurture a bond that leaves you both feeling satisfied and closer than ever.

J = Jack Off:
Hank doesn't often masturbate, but when he does, it's usually when he's stressed or hasn't seen you in a while. He likes to fantasize about your touch, focusing on specific moments he cherishes. He's methodical even in his self-pleasure, taking his time to enjoy it.

K = Kink:
Hank has a light dominance kink. He enjoys taking control in a caring and protective way, using his strength to hold you in place or guide your body as he pleases. He's also fond of sensory play—soft restraints, blindfolds, and temperature play with hot and cold are things he enjoys exploring with you.

L = Location:
While Hank enjoys the comfort of a bed, he has a secret fondness for intimate moments in his lab. There's something about the quiet space, surrounded by his work, that adds an element of thrill. He also enjoys outdoor encounters in secluded, natural spaces, finding the connection to nature enhances the experience.

M = Motivation:
Intellectual conversations turn Hank on more than anything. If you challenge him in debate or engage him on a deep, personal level, he's immediately attracted to that. The way you look when you're passionate about something can drive him wild. He also loves subtle touches—a hand on his thigh or a whisper in his ear is enough to get his mind racing.

N = No:
Hank has a hard line against degradation or humiliation in the bedroom. He wants both of you to feel respected and cherished, so anything that involves belittling or emotional harm is a major turn-off for him.

O = Oral:
Hank is a giver through and through. He takes great pleasure in going down on you, treating it like an art form. He's meticulous, using his tongue and lips with skill, and he loves seeing the way your body reacts under his control. He enjoys receiving too, but his focus is mostly on you.

P = Pace:
Hank prefers a slow, sensual pace. He wants to take his time with you, savoring every moment. He's more than capable of being rough if you desire it, but his natural inclination is to be gentle, ensuring both of you are in sync.

Q = Quickie:
While Hank generally prefers taking his time, he doesn't mind a quickie now and then, especially if you're in a risky or exciting location. It's more about the connection and spontaneity for him than the length of the encounter.

R = Risk:
Hank is open to experimentation, especially if it aligns with his intellectual curiosity. He loves trying new things in the bedroom, as long as they're safe and consensual. His natural risk-taking tendencies come out when he's in the mood for something thrilling, like a secret encounter in the mansion.

S = Stamina:
Thanks to his mutation, Hank has impressive stamina. He can easily go multiple rounds if that's what you want, but he's also in tune with your needs. If you're tired, he's happy to just hold you and be close instead.

T = Toys:
Hank enjoys introducing toys into the bedroom. He's particularly fond of using vibrators and other small devices to enhance your pleasure. He likes the scientific aspect of experimenting with different sensations, and he's always eager to see what works best for both of you.

U = Unfair:
Hank is a big tease when he's in the mood. He'll take his time building up the tension, using slow touches and whispering in your ear just to drive you crazy. He enjoys seeing you beg for more, but he always rewards your patience with incredible pleasure.

V = Volume:
Hank is mostly quiet during sex, but when he's close to the edge, he lets out low growls and deep moans. He tries to keep himself contained, but if you hit the right spot, he might let out something louder. His voice is deep and rich, which makes those moments even more intimate.

W = Wild Card:
Hank has a secret fascination with bondage. He enjoys the idea of tying you up in soft, comfortable restraints, making you rely on him entirely for your pleasure. He's gentle and always ensures you're comfortable, but he loves the trust involved in this kind of play.

X = X-ray:
Hank is well-endowed, but it's not something he flaunts. He's modest about his body and tends to let his actions speak for him. His natural blue fur gives him a unique texture, which he's learned to appreciate over time, especially when it comes to intimacy.

Y = Yearning:
Hank's sex drive is moderate. He's not constantly thinking about sex, but when the moment arises, he's more than ready. His desire tends to be more about emotional connection, so the stronger your bond, the higher his yearning for intimacy with you.

Z = Zzz:
Hank doesn't fall asleep right away. After sex, he likes to spend time cuddling, talking, and making sure you're comfortable before he lets himself drift off. He's the type to stay awake a little longer just to watch you sleep peacefully beside him.

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