Young Charles Xavier SFW Alphabet

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A = Affection
Charles is naturally affectionate, both physically and emotionally. He's not one to shy away from holding your hand, resting a hand on your shoulder, or sharing quiet moments filled with warmth. His affection often comes in the form of thoughtful gestures—whether it's leaving you a note with a quote from your favorite philosopher or gently brushing his fingers against your cheek when you're deep in conversation. He's incredibly present and attentive in how he shows he cares.

B = Best friend
As a best friend, Charles is deeply loyal, intellectually stimulating, and empathetic. Your friendship likely starts with a shared interest—perhaps in science or literature—that leads to long, passionate discussions. Charles is the type of friend who listens intently, offering wisdom and insight, but he's also incredibly supportive. He values emotional intimacy in friendships, and you can always rely on him for advice or comfort.

C = Cuddles
Charles is absolutely a cuddler. He finds solace in closeness and enjoys being physically connected. When cuddling, he prefers being the big spoon, enveloping you in his warmth and making you feel safe. He's the type to absentmindedly trace patterns on your skin as you cuddle, occasionally murmuring philosophical musings or sweet nothings.

D = Domestic
Yes, Charles would eventually want to settle down, though it might take him time to get there due to his ambitions with his school and his work with mutants. He dreams of a stable, peaceful home where you can both share intellectual pursuits and quiet moments. Charles seeks a balance between his professional life and domestic bliss, and he would love to create a home where both thrive.

E = Ending
If Charles had to break up with his partner, he would do it with deep compassion and respect. He values honesty and would approach the situation with open communication, explaining his reasons thoughtfully. He would ensure the conversation is as kind and gentle as possible, trying to minimize the hurt but always remaining sincere.

F = Fiance(e)
Charles values commitment highly and would approach the idea of marriage with a great deal of thought. He wouldn't rush into it but would want to ensure that both of you are ready for such a lifelong bond. When he's sure of his feelings and yours, he'd propose in a meaningful way, possibly during an intimate conversation about your future together.

G = Gentle
Charles is incredibly gentle, both physically and emotionally. His touch is soft, and he's always aware of how his actions affect you. Emotionally, he's extremely considerate, always taking time to listen and understand your feelings before responding. He never raises his voice or acts harshly; instead, he uses gentle persuasion and thoughtful communication.

H = Hugs
Charles hugs often and with purpose. His hugs are full of warmth and reassurance, and he tends to hold on for a little longer than most, wanting to make sure you feel his presence. Whether it's a quick embrace to say goodbye or a long hug after a rough day, he's always generous with physical affection.

I = I love you
Charles doesn't rush into saying "I love you." He would want to be sure that the emotions are mutual and that the timing feels right. However, once he says it, you can be certain that he means it deeply and wholeheartedly. He would express his love during a quiet, meaningful moment, looking into your eyes with sincerity.

J = Jealousy
Charles is generally secure in himself and doesn't get jealous easily. However, he's not immune to it, especially if he feels that someone is being overly attentive to you. When he does get jealous, he remains calm but might become more possessive with subtle gestures—like placing his hand on your back in public. He wouldn't let it turn into an argument but would rather address his feelings openly.

K = Kisses
Charles's kisses are tender and deliberate. He takes his time, savoring every moment, and always makes sure you feel cherished. He loves kissing your forehead or the back of your hand, finding those small gestures incredibly intimate. When it comes to where he likes to be kissed, he enjoys soft kisses on his neck or lips, especially during quiet moments together.

L = Little ones
Charles is great with children and would likely want to have a family someday. His patience and warmth make him a natural around kids, and he enjoys teaching them and helping them discover the world. He would be a kind, understanding father, always nurturing their curiosity and independence.

M = Morning
Mornings with Charles are serene and unhurried. He enjoys quiet conversations over tea or coffee, often while reading or discussing the news. He's not in a rush to start the day and prefers spending that peaceful time with you, enjoying the calm before the busyness of life begins.

N = Night
Nights with Charles are either filled with late-night conversations or peaceful reading together. He enjoys unwinding with you, often discussing the events of the day or diving into a shared intellectual pursuit. Sometimes, you might fall asleep on his chest while he continues reading, his fingers gently stroking your hair.

O = Open
Charles is an open book when it comes to his emotions, but he's cautious about revealing too much too soon. He prefers to slowly share more personal details about his life as he grows more comfortable. However, he would always be honest when asked and would never intentionally hide things from you.

P = Patience
Charles is the embodiment of patience. It takes a lot to anger him, and even when frustrated, he remains calm and composed. He prefers to talk through problems logically rather than act impulsively. His patience extends to both your relationship and everyday life, always giving space for growth and understanding.

Q = Quizzes
Charles remembers almost everything you say. He has an incredible memory, especially when it comes to things that are important to you. Even the little details you mention in passing—like your favorite flower or an offhand comment about a childhood memory—he'll recall with perfect clarity.

R = Remember
His favorite moment in your relationship is probably a quiet, personal conversation where you revealed something vulnerable about yourself. He treasures the moments where you trust him deeply, seeing it as a sign of the emotional intimacy you share.

S = Security
Charles is protective, but not in an overbearing way. He values your independence and trusts your ability to handle yourself, but he would never hesitate to step in if you were in danger or needed support. He protects you emotionally, ensuring you always feel safe and loved in your relationship.

T = Try
Charles puts a lot of effort into everything he does, including your relationship. He plans thoughtful dates, remembers anniversaries, and is always looking for small ways to show he cares. He's not ostentatious, but his efforts are consistent and meaningful.

U = Ugly
A bad habit of Charles's might be his tendency to retreat into his own mind or get lost in his work, sometimes neglecting the people around him. It's not intentional, but he can occasionally become so engrossed in his intellectual pursuits that he forgets to check in emotionally.

V = Vanity
Charles isn't overly concerned with his appearance, but he does take pride in looking put together. He likes to dress well and present himself with a level of sophistication, though he's not vain about it. It's more about maintaining a certain standard.

W = Whole
Charles would definitely feel incomplete without you. He values emotional connections deeply, and your relationship is something that grounds him. Losing you would leave a significant void in his life, and he'd struggle with that emotionally.

X = Xtra
A random headcanon: Charles loves taking you on quiet getaways to the countryside, where you can both escape from the demands of his work and the world. These trips are his way of resetting, and he loves sharing those peaceful moments with you.

Y = Yuck
Charles doesn't like arrogance or close-mindedness. He values open, respectful conversations and can't stand when people refuse to consider other perspectives. In a partner, he appreciates humility and a willingness to grow and learn.

Z = Zzz
Charles's sleep habits are relatively normal, though he's prone to staying up late reading or working on research. When he does sleep, he likes having you close, often falling asleep with his arms around you. He sleeps soundly, finding comfort in your presence beside him.

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