Habits of theirs that you love

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Logan Howlett:
One of Logan's habits that you love is the way he's always so aware of you, even when you think he isn't paying attention. It's subtle, but whether you're walking side by side or just sitting on the couch, his presence is like a protective force. He'll always position himself slightly in front of you when you're out, not in an obvious way, but just enough to make you feel safe. And the way he unconsciously reaches out to touch you—sometimes a gentle brush of his fingers along your arm, other times a steadying hand at your back—makes you feel grounded. There's something incredibly comforting in knowing that he's tuned into your every movement, even when he's quiet, lost in his own thoughts. His habit of always being nearby, even if just at the periphery, gives you a sense of belonging, like he's always keeping you within his world without making it feel overbearing.

Scott Summers:
Scott has this endearing habit of organizing things, and you secretly love how methodical he can be. Whether it's making sure the silverware is perfectly lined up in the drawer or ensuring that your shared schedules are synced, his attention to detail often goes unnoticed by others but not by you. It's especially sweet when you catch him folding your clothes neatly, with such care, as if even the smallest things deserve his focus. And while some might find his need for order too rigid, you find comfort in the stability it provides. The way he always has a plan, even for the most mundane things, makes you feel like your life together is safe and secure. You love how his habit of keeping things in order extends to the way he makes sure you're taken care of, too, from checking if you've eaten to ensuring you get enough rest. His structured approach to life feels like a quiet kind of love, a subtle but unwavering support that you never take for granted.

Young Charles Xavier:
One habit of Charles's that you love is how he always makes time for meaningful conversations, no matter how busy or preoccupied he is. Whether it's late at night when you're both exhausted or in the middle of a chaotic day, he has a way of pausing everything to truly listen to you. He values your thoughts, your feelings, and it shows in the way he leans in slightly, his undivided attention fully on you. It's not just about talking either; sometimes he'll sit in silence with you, a quiet presence that feels like a warm embrace. He has this thoughtful habit of always making sure you feel heard and understood, even if he's mentally juggling a million things at once. The way he can read your emotions without needing words makes you feel incredibly connected, and the care he puts into each interaction reinforces how much he values your relationship. His emotional intelligence, paired with his habit of checking in on you, creates an unspoken bond between you two that deepens every day.

Young Erik Lehnsherr:
One of Erik's habits that you absolutely love is the way he shows affection without making a big deal out of it. He's not the type to be overly demonstrative in public, but in private, his little gestures speak volumes. He'll bring you coffee just the way you like it in the morning, even when he's got his own worries to handle. When you're walking together, his hand will always find its way to yours, a quiet but constant connection. Erik has this way of wordlessly making you feel cherished; whether it's by wrapping his arm around your waist while you cook or how he pulls you close when you're just watching TV, his touch is always gentle, almost reverent. It's the way he'll subtly rearrange things around the house, making it a space where you feel safe and cared for. His habit of always being quietly attentive, making sure you're comfortable and cared for without ever drawing attention to it, is one of the many reasons you've fallen so deeply for him.

Young Hank McCoy:
Hank has a habit of fidgeting with whatever he's working on, constantly tinkering, whether it's with gadgets or ideas, and you find it absolutely charming. His mind is always buzzing with activity, and while some might find it distracting, you love how he includes you in his world of curiosity. When he's working on a new project, he'll often ask for your input, even if it's just to keep you engaged with what he's doing, and it makes you feel like an essential part of his life. He'll absentmindedly explain complex scientific theories, his eyes lighting up as he shares his passion with you, and even if you don't always follow along, the joy he gets from sharing it with you is contagious. There's a quiet tenderness in how he'll pause in his work just to smile at you or brush a kiss to your temple before diving back into whatever has captured his focus. His habit of being both brilliant and bashfully affectionate is a combination you adore, and it makes every moment with him feel special, even in the middle of his chaotic genius.

Peter Maximoff:

Peter has this habit of moving around constantly, his energy seemingly boundless, but no matter how fast he goes, he always seems to make time for you. He'll zip around doing a hundred things, but then suddenly stop just to give you a quick kiss or make a funny face to brighten your mood. It's like he's got this internal radar that tells him exactly when you need a little extra attention, and he's always right there when you do. You love how he'll run out to grab something for you in the blink of an eye, only to return seconds later with not just what you asked for, but something that made him think of you. His spontaneous nature is exhilarating, and though life with Peter can be a whirlwind, it's those unexpected moments of affection and care that make you feel like you're the center of his world. The way he turns his high-speed habits into little acts of love—whether it's bringing you snacks or cuddling you between sprints—makes every day with him feel exciting and full of joy.

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