Logan Howlett SFW Alphabet

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A = Affection
Logan isn't overtly affectionate, especially in public, but he shows affection through actions rather than words. He's protective, always there to shield you, or will silently take care of things like fixing your motorcycle or making sure you're warm on a chilly night. He'll wrap an arm around you at the bar, sit close when watching TV, and let his fingers linger on your skin when passing by.

B = Best friend
As a best friend, Logan would be loyal, protective, and a bit gruff, but always there when you need him. The friendship would likely start through some mutual battle or tough situation, where his respect for you grows after seeing your strength or resilience. He's the type to silently show up with a six-pack when he knows you're feeling down, and doesn't judge you if you need to talk things out or just sit in silence.

C = Cuddles
Logan doesn't crave cuddles but he doesn't mind them. His version of cuddling is being close to you—whether it's lying next to each other in bed, letting you rest your head on his chest, or slinging an arm around you as you both sit on the couch. His cuddles are firm, reassuring, and grounding, like an unspoken promise of protection.

D = Domestic
Logan doesn't fantasize about settling down, but if he found the right person, it could happen. He would still struggle with the idea of permanence, but once he's committed, he would embrace the domestic life. He'd probably live in a cabin somewhere remote, preferring the simple life over a city hustle. You might have to take the lead on making it feel like home, but Logan would enjoy the routine of a life with someone who grounds him.

E = Ending
If Logan had to break up with someone, it would be quick and direct. He wouldn't draw it out or sugarcoat it. He'd likely say something along the lines of, "This isn't working anymore," and leave before things got more emotional. Logan respects honesty, even if it hurts.

F = Fiance(e)
Logan is cautious about commitment, mostly due to his long and painful history. He wouldn't rush into marriage, but if he finds someone he truly loves and trusts, he would be willing to make that leap. It would take time for him to feel ready, but when he does, it's because he's certain and fully committed.

G = Gentle
Logan's gentleness is rare but deeply sincere when it shows. Physically, he's careful, especially considering his strength and sometimes volatile nature. Emotionally, he can be closed off, but when you're vulnerable, he'll meet you with surprising tenderness, offering comfort in the form of quiet understanding and steady presence.

H = Hugs
Logan doesn't give hugs often, but when he does, it's powerful. His hugs are strong and warm, pulling you in close as though he's shielding you from the world. He might not initiate them often, but when you need one, he'll be there, holding on just long enough for you to feel safe.

I = I love you
It would take Logan a long time to say "I love you." He's been through too much to throw those words around casually. When he does say them, it's in a low, gruff voice, possibly in the middle of a quiet, intimate moment where it feels impossible not to admit it.

J = Jealousy
Logan gets jealous easily, even if he tries to hide it. His protective nature kicks in whenever someone else shows too much interest in you. He doesn't like feeling out of control, so he'll either confront the situation head-on or grow more brooding and possessive until it's resolved.

K = Kisses
Logan's kisses are intense, full of passion and heat. He kisses like it's the last time he'll ever get to do it, savoring the moment. He loves to kiss your neck or jawline, enjoying the shiver it sends through you. As for where he likes to be kissed, his lips are sensitive, but a kiss along his collarbone or shoulder might just undo him.

L = Little ones
Logan is awkward around kids. He's not the type to coo or baby-talk, but he respects their honesty and is good at making them feel safe. If it's your child or a close connection, he would eventually warm up, offering gruff affection and unexpected moments of tenderness. He would also be fiercely protective.

M = Morning
Logan is an early riser, often awake before dawn. Mornings with him are quiet and peaceful. He likes to have his coffee in silence, possibly sitting outside watching the sunrise. If you're not a morning person, he'll let you sleep in, maybe bringing you a hot cup when you wake.

N = Night
Nights with Logan are more relaxed. He enjoys unwinding after a long day, perhaps with a drink or sitting by a fire. If you're spending the night together, he prefers a comfortable, intimate atmosphere—maybe reading or lying quietly next to each other, enjoying each other's presence.

O = Open
Logan is a closed book at first. It takes him a long time to open up, and he won't reveal everything about himself all at once. He'll let you in piece by piece, trusting you more as time goes on. When he finally shares his past, it'll be because he sees you as someone who can handle it.

P = Patience
Logan has a notoriously short temper, but with you, he would try to be more patient. He's used to fighting and reacting quickly, so it's a struggle, but he'll make an effort to keep his cool in disagreements or when things aren't going his way.

Q = Quizzes
Logan has a surprisingly sharp memory for the things that matter to him. He remembers the little details, like your favorite drink, the way you like your coffee, or that song you said you loved once. He's good at picking up on things you didn't even realize you mentioned.

R = Remember
Logan's favorite moment in your relationship would probably be something quiet and intimate, like the first time you shared a peaceful morning together or a moment when you stood by him despite his flaws. It would be a memory that made him realize you were someone he could trust.

S = Security
Logan is incredibly protective, both physically and emotionally. He's always on guard, ready to defend you from any danger, and will go to great lengths to ensure you're safe. However, he also appreciates when you protect him emotionally, offering him a safe space to be vulnerable.

T = Try
Logan isn't the most romantic guy, but he'll put effort into dates and anniversaries when it matters. He prefers simple, meaningful gestures—like taking you somewhere special to him or cooking for you—over grand displays of affection.

U = Ugly
Logan's bad habits include his tendency to brood, get lost in his own thoughts, and his short temper. He can be distant and hard to read when he's going through something, and he struggles with asking for help.

V = Vanity
Logan doesn't care much about his appearance, but he's aware of his rugged charm. He's practical—jeans, boots, and flannel are his go-to, and he's not one for fancy grooming, but he takes care of himself enough to stay fit and strong.

W = Whole
Logan would feel incomplete without you. He's lived a long, lonely life, and once he's found someone he truly cares about, the idea of losing them would leave a deep hole in him. You become his anchor, the person who keeps him grounded.

X = Xtra
A random headcanon: Logan loves being outdoors, and one of his favorite things is taking you on long hikes or camping trips. The quiet of nature helps him relax, and sharing that experience with you makes it even better.

Y = Yuck
Logan dislikes dishonesty and manipulation. He has no patience for people who play games or try to deceive him. He's also not fond of unnecessary noise or chaos, preferring peace and quiet when possible.

Z = Zzz
Logan's sleep habits are erratic. He doesn't need much sleep, and when he does sleep, it's often restless, thanks to his nightmares and past trauma. He sleeps best when you're next to him, your presence calming him down and giving him a rare sense of peace.

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