Almost Caught

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I walked into the kitchen my mom was cuttin up fruit n shit.
Janet: When are you gonna apologize to Lexi
I went in the refrigerator and grabbed me a bottle of water and some leftovers from lastnight
Dj: I'm not
She stopped cutting fruit and and rested her hands on the counter
Janet: And exactly why not
Dj: Because Im the one that deserves the apology
Janet: You need to understand she is 20 years old Dj she's gonna see whoever she wants
Dj: And she needs to understand I'm only lookin out for her
Janet: Are you really or is it just pride now... You've made this big ass scene and giving in to them would make you look bad
Dj: What no man August is a fuxkin hoe ma... He's gonna break her
Janet: I get it you wanna protect her but she has to live and learn
Dj: Naw live and learn with someone else
Janet: Seriously Dj you're gonna be THIS stubborn
Dj: Whatever ma.. I ain't hearin this shit
I walked out the kitchen then somebody knocked on the door
Janet: Answer the door that's probably Tati we are having a girls weekend starting tonight
I went to answer the door
Tati: Hey
Dj: Wassup Ti
She walked in and I shut the door.
Dj: Look I kno it's been months since all the shit hit the fan but I'm sorry..
She stopped me
Tati: I understand your rage so apology accepted
She walked in the kitchen and I came behind her cuz I forgot my bowl of food.
Janet: Hey baby
Tati: Hey mama J you talked to Lexi
She gave me the evil eye
Janet: Not as often as I would like you kno she don't come around no more have you talk to her
Tati: For a second
Janet: So she's talkin to you
She frowned and sat on a stool at the island
Tati: No she thought I was someone else
Janet: Both of my babies stubborn just like Nathan ass
Ti laughed I cut my eyes at my mama
Janet: I ain't lie
Tati: Nope
She kept laughin
Dj: Whatever man
Janet: What did Lex say tho
Tati: She was hyped about a trip to New York
Dj: New York
Janet: She went to New York
She shrugged her shoulders
Tati: I guess so
Dj: When was this
Tati: I talked to her around 2 or 3
Dj: I'm goin to New York
Janet: For what
Tati: Dj it's not that serious
Dj: Yea I'll see y'all later
I went upstairs and booked the next flight to New York. They think I'm over doin it but they dont see the bigger picture.


Lexi: So me and Travis are gonna go shoppin while you go to your interviews
I kissed him and took a slice of bacon off his plate. He bit at my hand then kissed me back
August: Iight baby but I wanna go to dinner tonight so don't stay out too long
I sat next to him
Lexi: Well I don't wanna spend all day with Travis so I am gonna see you before dinner right
He laughed and pecked my cheek
August: Of course baby
I smiled showin off my pearly whites
Lexi: Good
Travis knocked on the door and I went to open it. Big T and Trav came in
Big T: You ready Yung
August grabbed another piece of bacon and drunk some of his orange juice
August: Yea c'mon
He kissed my forehead and I poked my bottom lip out
August: A few hours tops baby I promise
Travis: You don't wanna hang out with me no more
I laughed
Lexi: You kno I love you Travis
August: See ya baby
Still slightly pouting I stood up, put my arms around his neck, kissed his cheek then trailed to his ear and whispered
Lexi: Come back to me soon daddy
Then I sucked and gently bit his earlobe. He looked at me with wide eyes and laughed. He grabbed my waist
August: I definitely will be back soon
Travis: Get a room
Lexi: This is our room
Big T laughed
Donald: We gone be late Aug
August: Iight let's go
They left out and Travis sat down and started watchin Tv
Lexi: Ima get dressed and we can leave then
Travis: Cool
After I put on this cute outfit to go out in we left. It felt good to do all this shopping. Now how I was gonna get this back to Atlanta I had no clue
I tossed all my shopping bags on the bed. Travis sat in the chair
Lexi: I spent too much
Travis: Yung don't mind
I looked over all the bags
Lexi: I need a bigger suitcase
Travis: Let me rest we'll go get you one
Lexi: Ok ima call August
I took my phone out my purse and sat down on the bed. I called him but he ain't answer
Lexi: Ugh
I threw myself back on the bed. Travis looked at me and laughed
Travis: He's probably still doin the interviews
Lexi: I kno I just miss him
Travis: Come on let's go get ya suitcase
I sat up
Lexi: Ok
He shook his head at me then stood up and we headed out again. I was comin out of Macy's when I ran into Dj
Lexi: Dj... what are you doin here
He pushed his dreads back
Dj: I heard you came up here and wanted to see you
I was stuck, I looked into Macy's and seen Travis comin out. I tried to give him a hint not to but...
Travis: You ready to go back
Lexi: Uh yea
Dj: Wassup Trav
He looked at Dj
Travis: Ion fux wit you nigxa
Dj: That's cool come on Lex
Lexi: No I'm here til tomorrow
Dj: You up here with Yung
Lexi: No I came here by myself and was invited by Travis and his girl
Travis looked away and walked back into Macy's
Dj: Let me find out Lexi
Lexi: Alright Dj ima go to my hotel... Don't leave enjoy yourself while you're here
I turned to walk away then he walked off and I let out a huge breath then Travis walked up behind me and scared the shit out of me.
Travis: So y'all gone creep around for the rest of...
I raised my hand
Lexi: No I just don't kno how and when we are gonna let him kno
Travis laughed
Travis: Nigxa ain't gone kno til he get the weddin invite
I laughed
Lexi: Shut up Trav
He laughed at me and we walked back towards the hotel. August was gettin out of this black SUV. I was bout to walk up to him but then some woman got out the car too and they went into the lobby
Lexi: Who is that
Travis: Who
He was focused on eating. I slapped his arm
Lexi: Come on
I pulled him towards the hotel and in the lobby. I ain't see August or the lady so I went up the elevator to our room.
Travis: Stop being paranoid girl Yung love you he ain't bout that stupid shit
I sighed
Lexi: You're right I just wanna kno now
He laughed
Travis: I'm sure you'll find out soon
The elevator doors opened and we walked out. The hall seemed longer than before and when I finally got to the room it took me forever to find my key card. I opened the door and the lady was sittin on the bed. Big T and Donald was talkin about something
Lexi: Where August
They looked at me and Travis
Lady: Oh he's in the...
She pointed towards the bathroom then August walked out
August: Baby
Lexi: Yea
August: This Angela Yee
Lexi: From the breakfast club
Angela: Yea
Lexi: Ohh I kno your name just never seen your face
She laughed and stood up
Angela: It happens, but August wanted me to meet his lady and he told me why he couldn't announce it on air
Lexi: Well it's nice to meet you
Angela: Likewise
August: Iight y'all gotta get out
Lexi: What he said
I sat down on the bed
Big T: Y'all cute c'mon Trav
Donald: We leave early morning August
August: Yea I kno
Donald: Right and we gotta get the promo for this tour...
August: I heard ya D
He says tryin to shut him up. After the leave I told my arms and cross my legs
Lexi: What tour
August sighed and they all left out.
August: I'm goin on tour wit 2chainz come December
Lexi: When was I gonna find out
He walked over to me and stood between my legs. He put his hands on my cheeks then leaned down and kissed me.
August: Tonight at dinner
Lexi: So will I get to see you for Christmas
August: Of course ya heard me
I smiled
Lexi: Great
August: Now what was you talkin earlier
He pushed me back on the bed and laid between my legs. I laughed and started removing clothes
Lexi: You're such a damn freak


Last night was great. We ate dinner then came back to the room and had dessert, if you kno what I mean. Sunday morning was here and we had to get up to leave.
August: I kno I put it down last night Lex but we gotta get up
I pulled the cover from over my head and laughed
Lexi: Whatever Anthony
He laughed and threw his pillow at me
August: Get up lazy
I dragged myself out the bed and went to do my morning routine. I combed and brushed my hair out then put it in a messy bun. August knocked on the door
Lexi: Come in
He came in and sat in the toilet
August: Get out Lexi I gotta shit
Lexi: Eww
I started grabbin my stuff then the smell hit my nose.
Lexi: Oh God I think ima throw up
He started laughin. I ran out the bathroom and shut the door. I put my toiletries in my tote. August came out the bathroom rubbing his stomach and grinnin.
Lexi: Oh uh uh spary something, turn the fan on and close the door smell like something crawled in yo ass n died
He laughed
August: Fux you Lex
I put my hand on my hip.
Lexi: Close the door stinky ass
He laughed and rolled his eyes
August: Get fuxked up Lexi
I smiled
Lexi: With pleasure
He came and smacked my ass
August: You ain't get enough last night
I smirked
Lexi: I can never get enough of you Daddy
He smiled then grabbed my hips and kissed me we fell back on the bed. Donald knocked on the door
August: Fux... Yeah
He yelled and I pushed him off me.
Donald: Thirty minutes
August: Iight
He sat up. He looked frustrated. I laughed at him then pulled out my suitcase
August: You ain't come here with that
He laughed
Lexi: All the shoppin I did yesterday me and Trav went to Macy's
That reminded me of Dj ass. It must've slipped my mind.
August: Hello earth to Lexi
Lexi: My bad I was thinkin about Dj
August: Cuz he showed up here
I looked confused
Lexi: How you.. Travis
August: Yea... Iight I'm callin it
I laughed
Lexi: Callin what exactly
I folded my clothes and put them in my cute little suitcase
August: I should've did this before we started messin around
A little confused
Lexi: Did what
He laughed
August: If you stop interruptin me maybe I can finish
I zipped my suitcase up and twisted my lips at him. He laughed and grabbed our suitcases and put them by the door. I got dressed into my comfortable pink sweat suit and gray uggs. Then sat on the bed
Lexi: Ok and
August: Ima talk to yo brother man to man
Lexi: No August he is...
August: It needs to be done maybe that's what he wants just to squash this bullshit
I shook my head. I was not down for this plan at all.
Lexi: Ion kno Aug like... I just don't
He sat next to me
August: Its a start... I kno you miss them I see it in yo eyes all the time baby
I sighed
Lexi: I do miss them... Ok but only if I can go with you and it's in a public place
He laughed
August: Iight deal, now grab ya bag and let's go
He kissed my cheek and we left out the room. We met Donald, Big T and Travis at the elevator
We all stood in the elevator. Me and Aug hugged up, Big T in the corner posted up, Travis was listening to music and Donad was on his phone
Donald: August don't forget we got that show tomorrow night at Obsessions and when we leave for LA Wednesday you got two appearances so rested up
I looked up at him and he was staring at the ceiling. The elevator doors opened and got off and went thru the lobby. We got in a limo and headed to the airport. Our ride there I know he felt the tension because I didn't say not one word the entire way.
We got to the airport did the whole routine and once we got on the plane and settled in I put my headphones in. August came and sat down. He looked at me then pulled my headphone out.
Lexi: Ouch
August: You mad at me
Lexi: I'm not
August: So why you not talkin to a nigxa
Lexi: You wanna talk
He laughed and I stale faced him. We heard the flight attendant giving the usual safety guidelines and preparing us for the flight.
August: Lexi don't make me beg for you to tell me whats wrong
The plane took off
Lexi: August if I have to tell you then what's the point...
He dropped and shook his head. Once we got up. I shrugged and put my headphone back in. When we hit ground in Atlanta August and I took a separate uber together.
August: Can you stop with the silent treatment
Lexi: August just forget it I'm over it.. I'm just tired and ready to lay down
August: I'm sorry for not tellin you about LA
I rolled my eyes
Lexi: If you knew...
August: Ion kno man
He pulled me to him, put one arm around my shoulder and the other in my lap.
August: Forgive... Me.. Please
He said in between placing kisses on my neck. I couldn't help but smile at his corny ass. I playfully pushed him
Lexi: I guess I can forgive you
He smiled
August: Good I can't have my lady mad at me
Lexi: It wouldn't do you no good
He laughed
Lexi: I'm serious why you laughin
August: I love you too baby
He kissed my cheek and we headed to his place

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