Leaving early!

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Sorry I haven't been updating lately lots of school work -_- but I'm back and ready to ATTACK!

Caitlin's POV

After that big fight we all calmed down and talked it out. I think Alexis is a little bit upset still but we are best friends so we all made up. Hannah thought she was doing the right thing but she wasn't she should have told us. After the fight it was about like 5 pm everyone was tired so we ordered Chinese food to out flat. Hannah being 19 I would think she would be a little more mature. Ever since we talked it out no one said anything until I broke the silence and said "OMG I just remember that in two days one direction is coming!" We all jumped up and screemed. I looked at liams twitter account and it said they were landing at noon! I am so excited and I think that news brought us all a little closer.


Hannah's POV

After Caitlin screamed that one direction was coming In Two days the food got here and we started to eat. I asked Alexis "why was your day bad before the fight I didn't ask?" She cried and said "I am so scared there is a man I though looks poor so I gave him George's (ex boyfriend) sweater later I saw him at Nando's and ignored it, then I was on the bus and was about to call Caitlin and u grabbed for my phone and they man hopped off the bus with my phone I chased him then lost him" we all hugged her and Caitlin said I called your phone and someone picked up he said what do you want and I said your not Alexis and he hung up." Alexis said "I'm scared and tired I am going to bed I don't care if its early I am tired." I said "goodnight" after Alexis went to sleep I said "I'm tired too so I'm sleeping now." She said "me too."

**Next Day**

Liam's POV

Yesterday was great I found out that I am going to Ireland with Niall and Louis. Louis had a crush that lives in Ireland so he is making us all go on a big search for her. She is cute but I am looking for the most beautiful, sensitive and best personality. I have a feeling that I will find her she is waiting for me there, I love Ireland and Niall's parents they are so nice. Today we have a concert at 3:30 but its only 10:30, I think we are gonna do a nerf gun war before they set up. Tomorrow we are flying to our homes! I know that Louis is thinking this girl is "the one" but I don't know if I believe in that kind of stuff true love can happen but I don't believe in live at first sight. I am being a lazy butt on the couch in our tour bus eating well actually drinking my cereal because I have a fear of sp sp sp spoons and so when I eat my cereal I put some into a cup and put milk in another cup then eat some and drink milk. The lads always laugh at me and judge my but I know it's weird. See Louis has been talking about this girl like all yesterday and all today. I really hope I find a girl that can look passed my weird fear of spoons. I particularly like girls with blue eyes and a cute smile but if she looks past my weirdness I do t care what she looks like. Girls are so complicated I never k ow what to said, ok that's a lie I deal with girls all day like fans but not like girls I have a crush on. I have to go call the airport to make sure we are landing at noon tomorrow.


Louis POV

Uhggg I hate waking up it sucks :(. I went and got some carrots and yogurt for breakfast and I saw liam talking on the phone to someone and I went up to him and scared him he jump and said "what the hell Lou I'm talking I the airplane pilot" I asked "what are they saying?" He Hung up and said "well the only first class plane they have for us in the next two weeks can only pick us up at 5:00 today" I jumped up and said so let's start packing!" I went to my room and grabbed all my clothes and through them in my bag!


Kk's POV

Tomorrow one direction is coming to ireland and landing at noon tomorrow! i heard a beep and looked down at my phone Louis messaged me saying that they will be landing here at 8 today so meet him there and that means there won't be to many directioners! I was really happy because i thought my interview at nandos went well so I called Louis someone picked up the phone and said "hello" I said "hey I miss you so much I will see you tonight" he said "miss you too!" I hoped on the bus because I was to lazy to drive to work. I work at Starbucks right now unless I get the job at Nando's. I sat beside a man reading the hunger games I asked him what part he was at and it was good conversation until it said 10 ave and I got to work. My phone started to ring and it was an unknown number calling I picked it up an said "yellow" they said "hey it's the manager of Nando's and you got the job!" I freaked out and asked "when do I start" she said "tonight at 7:30" I said "perfect"

I walked in to Starbucks and remembered that Louis was coming tonight at 8. Shit why am I gonna do. I messaged Louis and said I start my job can you meet me at Nando's? She texted back saying "sure :) we were gonna go there anyway because we are meeting Niall's parents there :D" he makes me laugh I said "ok see you later babe :)"

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