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The sound of a plane's engines broke the silence over the Arctic. Darcy grimaced as the plane turned into some turbulence, gripping the edges of her seat anxiously as the cabin rattled violently. She was beginning to regret her choice of transportation as she turned her gaze towards the window, hoping that this rickety old plane wouldn't fall apart at the seams. It wasn't like she had planned this all out, but upon hearing of a new ground-breaking geological find at one of her K.S.I.-funded dig sites, she had to see this for herself.

She had never felt more relieved in her life when the plane had landed, albeit after it awkwardly slid across the ice. Wrapping her pink scarf around her neck and hugging her white snow jacket closer to her form, she left the runway and hurried into one of the adjacent warehouses, one that had been neglected for a long time, and eroded due to the extreme weather conditions. Inside, she could hear running water, dripping from some unknown source likely coming from somewhere in the ceiling or a crack in the wall.

Her eyes landed on a figure clad in black and a reflective vest approaching her from the other end of the warehouse. As she moved closer, Darcy watched as the man before her halted mid-stride. "Oh shit..." he muttered lowly, his Irish accent thick with annoyance "Darcy, you really shouldn't have come." Ignoring his warning, Darcy continued on, staring him down through her bright pink reflective glasses. "Show me" she demanded, a look of determination on her features. She had just flown thousands of miles to get here, she was not in the mood to argue now.

With a loud and annoyed sigh, the man gestured for Darcy to follow. She followed him through what she knew to be an abandoned quarry, her eyes landing on the very bottom where she could see two large excavators and a truck, the three vehicles surrounding a crater containing...no, that couldn't be possible.

As they reached the quarry floor, Darcy noticed for the first time that there was a small security gate situated in front of one of the excavators, one that was similar to those in an airport. Beside it was another man, who stood leaning against the hood of a car, watching the two cautiously approach. Her more than her colleague. The man beside her turned to look at her quickly "Corporate was adamant that we keep running, no stopping operations..." he informed her as they both approached the security gate. As Darcy continued to walk forward, she noticed from the corner of her eye that the man who had been standing by the car had now darted forward, shotgun in hand before the man beside her stopped her abruptly.

"No no, you gotta go through..." he snapped suddenly, gesturing towards the security gate "and no cameras!"

Darcy threw her backpack down onto the ground beside the gate, stepping through with an exasperated sigh whilst ignoring the angry beeping that emitted from it. "He's got orders to kill, I don't even think international laws apply up here!" the Irishman exclaimed, gesturing towards the guard whilst throwing his arms out in a clueless manner. Darcy then stepped closer to him, a sharp glare on her features.

"We are geologists first. If this thing has any historical significance at all, we are shutting down. I am shutting us down."

As Darcy stepped away from the man before her, the sound of the shotgun loading caused her to turn sharply, meeting the gaze of the security guard who was now aiming down the barrel. "Oh, he's going to shoot me!? Shoot me!" She snapped sarcastically, before turning away and continuing towards the site before her. Darcy heard a faint 'Don't killer her!' come from the Irishman, before she could hear his heavy footsteps approaching her from behind.

Darcy couldn't believe what she was seeing. In front of her, embedded in a crater of ice, where two dinosaur skeletons. Perfectly intact. But there was something...unnatural about them, seemingly otherworldly. They glistened in the light, but it wasn't anything like ice. It shone like metal. "This is crazy stuff..." the Irishman mused breathlessly, as Darcy froze in place. Completely awestruck by the find in front of her, she didn't quite know what to make of it. This was huge, and it was exactly what K.S.I. was after.

Picking up a stray sledgehammer, which had likely been left behind by one of the workers, the Irishman approached the skeletons, and precisely struck the dinosaur's jaw. A loud metallic 'twang' echoed across the rock walls of the quarry, confirming Darcy's hopes and suspicions. A sense of excitement took hold of her as the Irishman turned towards her, waiting for her answer. "Well, what do you think?"

Darcy grinned as her eyes never strayed from the Transformium skeletons, replying curtly, "I think history is about to change."

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