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"He almost ate me!" Joshua cried, referring to what happened with Grimlock only moments before. Completely ignoring him, Cade jumped into the drivers side and turned the keys which were luckily still in the ignition. To everyone's surprise, the car started, causing me to laugh breathlessly. "Alright, we're good!" Cade announced before sitting down in drivers seat. Before he could even close the door, Shane appeared at his side and placed his hand on the steering wheel. "Get out of that seat..." he ordered sternly, staring intensely at Cade "...You know you're one lucky dad to have me..." He finished, allowing the moment to fall into silence. I could tell Cade was hesitant to get out of the car and allow Shane to drive, But I knew deep down Cade knew it was the right thing to do. "Okay lucky charms, you got that, you can drive" Cade agreed, before swiftly jumping into the passenger side. I crawled into the back with the woman who was introduced to me as Darcy, whilst both Tessa and Joshua sat in the back seat.

We began to drive away with Optimus in the lead, with us following close behind. Hound followed behind us, whilst the other Autobots as well as Dinobots surrounded us. Suddenly, the seed in Joshua's lap changed, where the sides began to glow blue. "Whoa!" Joshua exclaimed, causing everyone to turn towards him. The seed began to beep, creating a sudden tension in the air, "What did you do?" Cade suddenly accused, turning around in his seat to stare at the KSI CEO. Joshua help up his hands in defense, "I don't know, I don't know but it's an issue" he explained, eyeing the seed warily.

"Did you press a button!?" Cade yelled angrily.

"Is it going to blow up!?" Darcy shouted from beside me, looking towards Joshua for an answer. "I-I don'y know!" Joshua retaliated, looking over his shoulder towards her.

"That thing is beeping now, so you must have done something!" Cade continued, only adding to the already tense atmosphere. "Is it going to blow up!?" Darcy asked once again, this time in a more sterner tone of voice.

Suddenly, Joshua snapped "I DON'T KNOW!" He shouted, his voice hurting my eardrums in the closed space of the car. "When a bomb starts beeping, that might signal a problem-" "Cade you're not helping the situation" I interrupted, causing him to fall silent. Closing his eyes to try and prevent another outburst, Joshua breathed heavily "I'm just saying that it's a steady blinking light, which could be a timer of some kind..." he paused, before looking up at Cade with a worried expression "...Unless it's signalling location..." He mumbled darkly, causing everyone to fall silent. "To who?" Cade suddenly asked, flickering his gaze between me and Joshua.

However, we soon got our answer.

Something glistened in the corner of my eye, causing me to turn my gaze out towards the harbour, where a familiar ship hovered in the sky. Lockdown. My blood suddenly ran cold, as the bottom of the ship opened up, revealing a mysterious blue light. It suddenly began to pick up any metal object within it's vicinity as it flew, dropping them once it had passed. "Oh my god" I whispered quietly to myself as we rounded a corner. "Look out!" Cade suddenly shouted, causing Shane to slam on the brakes and stop just in time, narrowly avoiding being crushed by metal debris, as well as a ships propeller which bounced over the top of the car. "Back up back up back up!" I shouted repeatedly, just as Shane began to reverse back the way we came. Debris continued to fall all around us, a ship landing where we had just previously been, and a shipping container almost crushed us, if it hadn't been for Optimus who had pushed it away. He too doged the falling debris, almost tripping over and being crushed by a giant billboard in the process, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Get to cover!" Optimus cried, briefly making eye contact with me before being washed away by a sudden gush of water. "No!" I shouted, panicking slightly as Optimus disappeared from my sight. "It's a magnet!" Joshua shouted, as the Dinobots began to be pulled in the direction of the shop. "It's sucking up metal and dropping it!" Cade exclaimed as we made our way back onto the city streets. I clung to the back of Joshua's seat as Shane swerved every-which-way to avoid fallen debris, as well as people who continued to run across the road. "It's coming, it's coming!" Joshua warned, whilst Tessa encouraged Shane to drive faster. Once we swerved down one of the main avenues of the city, my entire being froze and my breath caught in my throat. "OH MY GOD!" Joshua exclaimed as a large ship fell and landed at the other end of the street, blocking off our escape. Shane suddenly swerved and reversed through the front of a small garage, where we stopped to catch our breaths.

Everyone was breathing heavily, and silently hoping that we had somehow avoided the path of the giant magnet. However, our hopes were shattered, when metal objects in the garage around us began to float and slowly make their way upwards towards the ceiling. "Oh no..." I heard Cade mumble as he he looked through the sunroof of the car. "Everyone get out, get out!" Cade shouted as he jumped out of the car, falling onto the ground with a loud thud. I fell out also, landing awkwardly on my stomach and winding myself. Through the pain, I could hear shouting, causing me to cast my gaze upwards to see Joshua, who was trapped in the car still holding the seed to his chest. Shane too was stuck, trapped by his seatbelt. The car eventually broke through the roof of the garage and continued to ascend into the sky, however, Joshua fell out of the car and landed on the ground beside Cade, whilst Shane had finally freed himself from his seatbelt and landed on the roof, just in time before the magnet passed over. "Look out!" I shouted, scrambling to my feet as the car began to fall back through the roof, making it out just before the car landed on the ground and exploded into a cloud of smoke and flames. "Shane!" Tessa yelled, ducking back inside in attempt to find her boyfriend. Tears fell from her eyes as there was no sight of her boyfriend. "Shane!" She yelled a little louder, this time being met with a response. "I'm good, I'm good..." Shane replied, appearing on the balcony of a house above.

Turning towards Cade, a heavy sigh left my lips "We need to find Optimus, now" I told him, waiting for his response. With a nod of his head, Cade turned towards Joshua, Tessa, Darcy and Shane, motioning his head down towards the other end of the street, "Okay everyone, let's go".


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