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"Y/n, wake up!" Tessa whisper-shouted, shaking me gently.

My eyes slowly opened to reveal the blonde girl, who looked to be in a state of panic. "What's wrong?" I asked her, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. She shook her head "Bumblebee and Drift are fighting again, they won't stop. At this rate they'll bring the church down on top of us" she continued to whisper, gesturing with her had behind her. She moved away and my eyes widened, seeing the yellow and blue bots fighting ins such a small space wasn't a good idea. Large pieces of rock began to fall from the walls, crashing to the ground in a small explosion of dust. 

I quickly jumped to my feet, storming over to the two bots with my arms firmly folded over my chest. "Hey!" I shouted, causing both pf the autobots to stop mid swing of either their fist or sword. Both Drift and Bumblebee stared down at me, their expressions changing to slightly scared as my expression changed to anger "You'll bring the whole building down on top of us if you keep going at it, so how about you two grow up and start acting like you're supposed too, because I can be damn sure Optimus would probably say the same thing" I snapped at them, narrowing my eyes at them out of annoyance. "I'm sorry Y/n..." Drift apologised "Bumblebee started it-" "I did not~you lier!" Bumblebee shouted, raising his fist once more in the blue bot's direction. "I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it" I told them, glaring up at them intensely. Both of them relaxed, Drift sheathing his sword and Bumblebee lowered his fists. I sighed happily and shook my head, "You guys can be a handful, I'll tell you that" I stated more calmly, relaxing my posture slightly. "Yeah no kidding, I thought you were going to tear them apart for a second" Hound joked, earning a small laugh from me. 

"I didn't think humans could be that scary, but looks like I've been proved wrong" Crosshairs admitted, shrugging his shoulders. I rolled my eyes "You're all too kind" I replied sarcastically, bowing to emphasise my words. The Autobots chuckled at my actions "Yeah well, it's not very often we see someone like you. I think the person or bot scarier than you would have to be Ratchet-" "Oh yeah, definitely. Grumpy old bastard" Hound muttered under his breath, causing some of the other bots to laugh. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but who's Ratchet?" I asked them, earning small smiles in response. "Optimus knew him the best, he was the Medical Officer for all of us Autobots. He was really kind, willing to take care of everyone, but god help those who got on his bad side..." Hound chuckled fondly, "I remember having a wrench thrown at me once or twice" Crosshairs explained, shaking his head in amusement. I smiled softly to myself, looking around at each of the bots as they remembered their comrades, "I hope he's still alive. Poor guy, I hope nothing bad has happened to him" Crosshairs finished, looking down sadly. The other bots hummed and nodded in agreement, and only now could I see how this chaos had affected them all. They've lost friends, family maybe, and it was all because of humans. 

"Tomorrow when we go to KSI, I'll do my best to try and find out what happened to your friends, Ratchet included" I told them, looking up at them with a guilty expression. "You don't have to do that Y/n, it's too dangerous" Drift warned, to which I brushed off with a shake of my head "But I want to, I know none of this is my fault but I feel guilty for what my people have done to you. Human's have taken away your friends, family and I want to help you in any way that I can" I told them, sighing softly afterwards. With a small nod of his helm, Hound agreed and turned his attention towards the church doors. I followed his gaze and smiled in relief as Optimus's alt-mode drove through, stopping to allow Cade to jump out. "How'd it go?" I called out to him, smiling kindly as the said man walked over with a skip in his step "Well, It was a success...I think. We weren't spotted and I have a great photo of an ID we can use" he explained, holding up the KSI drone in his hand triumphantly. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in amusement "I'm just glad that you're both safe, that's all that matters right now" I told him, to which he nodded in response. 

My gaze flickered over to Prime, who still hadn't transformed. It struck me as odd, considering he would normally feel comfortable transforming upon his arrival. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and worry, wondering what could possibly be going through his mind. I walked over to Cade who was busy working on the drone with Bumblebee sitting behind him, they were obviously busy working on creating the ID cards for tomorrow, so I was going to make this quick. "Hey Cade, what's up with Optimus?" I asked him, folding my arms gently over my chest. He only sighed and shrugged his shoulders "I'm not sure, I think he has a lot if things on his mind..." he trailed off, to which Hound quickly interjected "I've seen him like this before, he's definitely in deep thought. I'd leave him alone for a bit, he'll come around maybe in a couple of hours" he finished, giving me a comforting smile. I nodded back in response and decided to leave it be, I didn't want to disturb his thoughts so I tried to find something else to do to pass the time. 

Little did you know, that the Prime's thoughts were consumed with images of you. He wasn't sure what it was, but he felt his spark pull towards you quite often. Everything you did made him feel...not like himself if he could put it easily. He didn't want to admit this to anyone let alone himself, but he enjoyed the feeling, and whatever it was...he didn't want to go away.    

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