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It seemed like all anyone did was argue.

After we landed, the Autobots and I met up with Bumblebee, Cade, Shane and Tessa, who all seemed very to see that we were all okay. But the mood quickly changed as Crosshairs was the first to speak, leading us to our current situation. "Let's give Bumblebee the good news, we have a ship now, we're leaving" he had said, sending a mean victorious smirk my way. Crosshairs and I were still not on good terms with each other after what happened in the ship, but I remained unfazed by his snarky tone and only raised an eyebrow back in his direction, showing him that I didn't care which only seemed to piss him off more much to my amusement.

"What!? What is it now? What are you talking about I'm doing stuff out of my league here!" Cade shouted. throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. I shook my head in defeat, hoping that Cade would just be quiet and keep his opinion to himself. "You don't see who is controlling who, you don't know what you've brought upon yourselves..." Optimus responded, practically repeating himself from a few hours earlier. He turned his gaze to me, silently apologizing for bringing up the same lecture from before when we had the fight on the ship. However, I just shrugged my shoulders and motioned for him to continue. He knew I had forgiven him, and he had forgiven me, there was no point in apologizing again.

"Then how do we fix it!? You obviously know how to otherwise we wouldn't be here right now" Cade snapped, giving Optimus an angry glare. To stop any more heated arguments, I spoke up from where I sat which was on top of a train. "We go after The Seed" I announced, causing all the tension of the argument to fall onto me. Cade stared up at me in confusion, whilst Shane spoke. "The Seed?" he asked, sounding just as confused as he looked. Tessa spoke next, not even giving myself or Optimus the time to explain "Those nasty soldiers that were chasing us, we saw them board the ship when we were looking for the armory and they took something that was called The Seed, remember?" she explained, looking between her boyfriend and her father who now wore expressions of realization.

"So they already have it then..." Hound mused, his voice sounding grim. Optimus's gaze hardened as he stared at the ground, his servo clenching in frustration. 'We still don't know what this...Seed is..." Cade reminded, looking up at me for an explanation. However, Hound beat me to it "60 million years ago, give or take an eon..." "Thousands of planets were cyberformed with Seeds..." Optimus continued, staring down at Cade as he spoke. "They turned your organic life into our elemental metal. Our creators destroyed your world to make us". My gaze fell to Brains beside me, who was the on to speak next. "This is what Galvatron and KSI want to happen, they want to detonate The Seed in the biggest city and kill million. He's gonna show the world 'Baby I'm back' ". he finished, as he climbed up and stood next to me. 

I tilted my head in confusion, trying to process what the small bot had said. Galvatron? Wasn't he one of KSI's prototypes? And what did he have to do with all this? "Wait, Galvatron? What does he want with The Seed? What part does he play in all of this?" I asked aloud, looking around at all the Autobots. Optimus's gaze fell upon my form, his optics softening "Within that man-made prototype I fought, I sensed the presence of Megatron" he admitted, turning his gaze away from me with a guilty expression forming on his faceplate. My eyes widened and I stared up at him in shock. Why didn't he tell me sooner? I opened my mouth to question him, but thankfully Cade interrupted me "What, the Decepticon that started the Chicago War?" he asked, getting his answer from Brains once more. "How do you think KSI built those bots in the first place?" he asked rhetorically, before continuing on. "They had a whole mess of Decepticon heads, and they were downloading their minds, and I was in charge of autopsy duty. No union, no benefits, nothing. They hooked me up to Megatron and that mind wasn't as dead as they thought. He fed them the science and aspects, all so they could build him a brand new body. Then, he infected it it with his evil nasty chromosomes..." he trailed off, walking away from me and down to the front end of the train. "KSI might have named the snazzy body Galvatron, but that's just Megatron reincarnated!" he cried, throwing his functioning arm into the air.

Silence fell over the train yard, and tensions began to rise once again. My gaze flickered up to Optimus, who was in turn staring at me with a saddened expression. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him quietly, giving him a soft but comforting smile. Optimus vented sadly "Because I was afraid...I didn't want to believe that my arch nemesis had returned once again..." he admitted, now walking over to stand beside me. "You knew this and you didn't warn them?" Tessa asked in disbelief, turning her gaze towards Brains who was still standing at the front end of the train. "Little girl, you can go to a pretty dark when you on death row..." he responded, "He's been playing KSI all this time, all so that he can manipulate them into going after The Seed" Brains finished, ringing the bell in the train and then jumping onto the ground. 

"The blastwave will incinerate that city into molten metal..." Optimus began to explain, "He'll have enough to build a massive army, and annihilate your entire species forever" he finished, turning towards Cade  who was still on the ground. "You dumb greedy bastards just bought extinction for yourselves" Brains spat in an annoyed town, walking through a small patch of wild flowers and picking some from the ground. "Not my problem though, I'm free at last, whole thing worked out for me" he continued, looking up at me and sending me a small wink. I rolled my eyes and carefully climbed up onto Optimus's shoulderplate, before sitting down and crossing my legs. 

Another long silence passed over us all, with each and every one of us debating on what to do next. Cade cleared his throat and looked up at Optimus with tired eyes "We've got to get The Seed before Galvatron does".   


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