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"Ow! Crap!" 

I crawled out from under the truck shaking my hand furiously in an attempt to get rid of the pain. I whined, already seeing a bruise forming on the back of my hand. "You alright there Y/n?" Cade asked, not looking up from his work on the homemade robot before him. I hissed softly and shook my hand once more, examining the damage as I spoke "Yeah I'm fine, I love getting my hand crushed by a truck's engine..." I trailed off, walking over to one of the many workbenches within the barn to find some sort of bandage. 

Once finding some sort of cloth, I turned my head to look over at Cade, who had placed a paint roller in the robots hand and had now moved it over to a wall. Much to mine and Cades astonishment, the robot began to pain, moving its arm up and down in a continuous motion. A large smile fell upon his face "Yes...Yes!" he chanted, beginning to laugh in happiness. I smiled too, happy that my friend had finally been able to get that bucket of bolts to work after working on it for weeks on end. But We had spoken to soon, as the robot now began to tremble, shaking violently "Stop shaking! Why are you shaking!? You have the job..." Cade whined angrily, glaring at the robot before throwing his tools aside.

"Better luck next time Cade..." I called out to him, focusing back on wrapping the bandage around my hand. The barn door opened to reveal Tessa, who had now changed out of her previous outfit into a white dress with a see-through grey jumper over the top. "You both forgot to eat dinner!" she yelled, walking over to her fathers bench and placing down a tray of food that held something for the both of us to eat. "You see why I worry?" Tessa stated, looking between Cade and myself with an 'I told you so' look on her face. I smiled gratefully at her and finished securing the bandage around my hand "You don't have to worry about me Tess, I was just finishing up here anyway" I explained, walking over towards her and her father. "Look I'm sorry sweety I...I almost got it working right" Cade mumbled, looking back over the robot for any faults. 

I placed my uninjured hand on Cades shoulder "I'm gonna take off, I've got a friend picking me up in about two minutes. I'll see you both tomorrow" I stated, giving them both a small wave before exiting the barn. I walked down the long dirt driveway back towards the main road, all the while keeping an eye out for my the car that was supposed to come pick me up. Soon enough, there it was. A black and yellow 1967 Camaro SS sat in the corner of the driveway, waiting patiently for my arrival. I smiled and quickly hopped into the drivers seat, closing the door behind me and placing my bag in the back. 

"Alright Bee, what now?" I asked the Camaro, clicking the seat belt just as the car began to take off. "You found bossbot ~ didn't you?"  the car asked through the radio, followed by static shortly afterwards. I nodded my head and hummed in response, waiting for the car to answer. The radio then switched stations, indicating that the Camaro was thinking of a response. A long moment of silence passed whilst I stared out of the window, watching the scenery pass by in orange and shadowy blurs. The radio switched on once more, tearing my attention away from the window as the car spoke "Now ~ we wait". 

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