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The dense forests of China passed by in a blur, as the Dinobots and Autobots made their way back towards the city. I held on tightly to the armour of Grimlock's neck, trying my hardest to stay aboard the creature as we jumped over the top of a mountain before making our way down the other side. With the city in sight, I sighed in relief, silently hoping we would meet up with others in time. "Y/n..." Optimus called out to me, causing me to turn and face the mech, "Once we get to the city, I want you to stay close with either Grimlock, one of the other Autobots or myself, there is no telling how things will play out once we rejoin the battle" He explained, staring down at me with stern optics. I nodded my head in silent acknowledgement, before turning back to look at the approaching city. In a few quick strides, we had charged into the city, storming through the streets towards our destination. Along the way, we ran into an army of Decepticons, which blocked our path. As both Optimus and Grimlock jumped into action, I help onto Grimlock's armour for dear life, not wanting to fall as the Dinobot jumped, twisted and turned in unexpected jolts.

We suddenly charged through a barricade of destroyed cars, and behind them were two KSI prototypes, as well as Bumblebee who was struggling to fight them both. As Grimlock charged through, one of the cars exploded, killing one of the decepticons whilst Grimlock crushed the other with his jaw. I cried out victoriously as we passed, waving quickly towards Bee before we continued on our way. "Optimus is here!" I heard the familiar voice of Hound shout, before we suddenly came to a stop by a bridge, where Grimlock roared loudly and expelled fire from his mouth once again in victory. 

"Y/n!" I heard someone shout, causing me to turn my gaze to the ground to see Cade smiling up at me. With the aid of Grimlock, who lowered his head, I was able to climb down and safely land on the ground. As I turned around, I was met with Cade's arms wrapping around my body "Oh my god, you're alive! I thought you were dead!" he exclaimed, hugging me tighter. I smiled and laughed breathlessly "I'm fine, thanks to Optimus" I told him, pulling away from him with an even bigger smile on my face. "Awesome job!" I heard the voice of Joshua Joyce cry, as he stared up at Optimus and Grimlock, whilst the other Dinobots began to reunite behind their leader. "You...step forward" Optimus growled angrily, aiming the tip of his sword towards Joshua. "Who?" Joshua asked in confusion, looking between both Cade and myself. "You!" Cade grumbled in annoyance, pushing the former CEO of KSI towards both Optimus and Grimlock. "What? Why?" Joshua argued, holding his arms up in defense. "Your science will be responsible for humanities extinction" Optimus told him, whilst turning Grimlock to face the previous KSI CEO. "Alright, I know that you're, sensitive to this whole...bio-ethical dilemma-" He began, "Maybe all he wants to hear you say is that some things should never be invented" Cade interrupted, looking over to Joshua with a stern expression.

Suddenly, Grimlock stepped forward and roared loudly in Joshua's face, causing the man to let out a loud girlish scream. I pressed my lips together in a thin line, trying to suppress my laughter to which Optimus noticed, smirking softly in amusement also. "Okay..." Joshua winced, leaning away from the Dinobot out of fear. "We'll lead you out of the city, get that seed safely to the hills" Optimus ordered, before turning his optics towards me. Without him having to speak, I knew Optimus wasn't going to let me go with him this time. This time, it was too dangerous for the both of us to be in the same place. With a soft smile, I looked up him "Stay safe..." I pleaded, sighing heavily. Nodding his helm, Optimus vented softly "I promise...for you" he responded, before turning away, riding Grimlock towards the end of the street.

A hand was gently placed on my shoulder, causing me to turn and face Cade. "He'll be fine..." he mumbled, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded my head in response, staring after Optimus and the other Dinobots "I know..."

As I turned on my heel to follow the others, Drift motioned towards a garage with his sword. "Use this car..." he ordered, before walking out onto the street and transforming.


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