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We landed on the other side of the harbour, where Hound, Drift, Crosshairs and the Dinobots were waiting. Optimus placed us gently on the ground, before standing up and gazing around the area. I stepped back as Tessa and Cade hugged, enjoying the family moment happening before my eyes. Hearing footsteps approaching, I turned my head slightly to see Joshua Joyce making his way towards us, eventually coming to a stop beside me. "We don't have a home dad..." Tessa  suddenly blurted, "...It blew up". I smiled softly, looking over at Joshua who stepped forward towards Tessa, Shane and Cade "I might be able to help you with that" he mused, as Cade pulled him into a grateful hug. Tessa and Shane made their way over to me, wrapping their arms around me and hugging me tightly. During the hug, I looked up at Optimus who was staring down at me with a soft smile. In that moment, Bumblebee had returned, and the Dinobots transformed into their bipedal form before standing off to the side.

"Brave warriors..." Optimus spoke, addressing the Dinobots "You are free" He announced, to which the Dinobots roared in victory. Grimlock roared loudly and transformed, before following his fellow Dinobots back towards the forests of China. After a moment of silence, Optimus spoke once more, "This seed belongs to our creators. Whoever they are, there remains a price on my head...I endanger you all if I stay" He stated, holding the seed within his servos. "I shall take it where it can never be found" he continued, his optics landing on my form. Once again, tears began to form in my eyes as I turned my gaze away from the Autobot leader. "Will we ever see you again?" I asked him, lifting my watery gaze to meet his bright blue optics. Optimus shook his helm "Y/n L/n, I do not know, but, whenever you look to the stars, think of one of them as my soul" he spoke softly, looking down at me with love-filled optics.

Stepping forward, completely ignoring the fact that everyone could see us. Optimus crouched down, and gently placed a digit underneath my chin, tilting my head upwards to meet his gaze. "No matter how far away I will be, I am always with you" he spoke gently, leaning further down so that our faces were only inches apart. With a heavy sigh, I stepped closer, and pressed my lips to his mouthplate, kissing him gently. Pulling away from him, the tears in my eyes began to fall, as I placed my hands on either side of his faceplate "I love you" I whispered breathlessly, staring up into his warm optics. Leaning forward once more, Optimus's helm gently connected with my forehead, "And I you..." he whispered in return, before pulling away from my touch. Standing up tall, Optimus looked around at the other Autobots "Defend this family Autobots..." he spoke sternly, gesturing towards Cade, Tessa and Shane "...And protect my sparkmate, as they have you" he ordered, turning to look at each Autobot individually. Casting his gaze down to me once more, Optimus continued, "Defend all they can be" he finished, before launching himself into the sky, and heading straight for the atmosphere, and everything that lies beyond.

I stared after him until I could no longer see him, my heart clenching in pain as Optimus disappeared from view. He was gone...for how long? I didn't know. A hand was placed on my shoulder, causing me to turn around and face Cade, who wore a sympathetic smile. "Are you okay?" he asked me softly, staring down at me with knowing eyes. Wiping my eyes free of tears, I cleared my throat and nodded my head "I will be, don't worry..." I told him, sighing heavily afterwards. With a smile, Cade draped his arm over my shoulders, and began to lead me over to Bumblebee's altmode, where Tessa and Shane were waiting. "Don't worry darlin', he'll come back" Hound spoke kindly, staring down at me with warm optics. "What makes you so sure that he will?" Drift asked in a confused tone, tilting his helm sideways. "Because now Prime has something to live for" Hound responded, as all eyes and optics were now focused on me.

I blushed in embarrassment, turning my gaze away from everyone. As I was about to get into Bumblebee's altmode, I heard someone calling out my name. Turning to see Joshua jogging towards me, I told Cade to wait for me, which he kindly agreed to do. I walked over to Joshua and met him half way, "Mr Joyce, what can I do for you?" I asked him, to which he dismissively waved his hand, "Please, after everything we've been through, call me Joshua, ans it's more like what can I do for you" he finished, smiling warmly. Clasping his hands in front of him, Joshua spoke softly "Since you're not being flown back to America until tomorrow afternoon, would you be able to stop by the KSI Headquarters here? I would like to talk to you about something". Raising an eyebrow in suspicion, I hesitated with my answer. However, after everything that has happened, how bad could it be? With a nod of my head, I agreed wordlessly. Joshua smiled "Great, I'll see you then".

After finally sitting down in the passenger side of Bumblebee's altmode, Cade turned towards me "What was that about?" he asked, tilting his head in waiting for my response. I shook my head and smiled wearily, turning my gaze to stare out of the window "That's for me to worry about, and for you to know later" I told him, staring up at the sky, my heart clenching once again.  

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