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Cade, Tessa and Shane had left for one of the train sheds, trying to a place for the four of us to sleep which included me. However, I stayed with the Autobots, still sitting quietly on Optimus's shoulderplate. The atmosphere was quiet, just like it had been since our discussion about The Seed. The only sound heard was the whirring of gears and the occasional clank of metal. I began to pick at the ripped parts of my jeans, which had been caused by the incident with Lockdown.

"Hey Y/n..." the voice of Crosshairs spoke, breaking the unbearable silence. I lifted my gaze towards the bright green mech, who gave me a sad and guilty expression in return. "I um...I'm sorry for what I said...back on the ship, I didn't mean it" he apologized, his optics landing on my form. A soft smile graced my lips as I spoke "It's okay Crosshairs, I don't blame you though, people suck" I mumbled, causing the Autobots to chuckle. Even Optimus chuckled, which was a nice change in mood. "We're sorry we let you down darlin'..." Hound stated, slinging his large shotgun over his shoulder "...We've just been through so much lately, and only now is it taking it's toll".

I looked around at all the Autobots, staring at each of them intently including Optimus. "You didn't let me down, you never did. I was just a little...disappointed that you would give up so easily" I told them, my voice wavering slightly. Their gazes fell, with guilty expressions on their faceplates. They knew I was right. I turned my head to look at Optimus, who in turn was already staring at me with a soft, sad expression. I placed my hand on his cheek, and I smiled warmly as he leaned in to my touch. "I don't know how you feel, I can only imagine..." I began "...Hell, if I was you I would probably want to leave Earth too if I had experienced what you have. But all I'm asking is that you stay until we retrieve The Seed, then you can do whatever you want" I pleaded, more to Optimus than anyone. His optics softened and he nodded his helm slowly, silently agreeing with my words. 

"Darlin', we would go to then ends of the Earth for you, you're one of us now" Hound cheered happily, to which Bumblebee responded with "Damn-right!", the words quickly playing through the radio. Suddenly, Drift lifted a digit to his helm, seemingly listening to something. "We've intercepted encrypted communications..." he announced, gaining everyone's attention "...Joshua Joyce is headed to his factory in China" he continued, turning his optics onto me. I nodded my head and motioned for Optimus to put me down. Understanding what I wanted, the Prime lowered me to the ground gently, and watched me intently as I began to walk away. "Where are you going?!" Crosshairs called out to me, just as confused as the other bots. I spun on my heel, continuing to walk backwards as I replied "I have an idea! I'll be back!". I then began to jog towards the train shed where I last saw Cade and ran inside. Looking for a carriage door that had been opened, I clambered inside only to find Cade and Shane talking to each other, and Tessa was asleep at the other end of the carriage. "Y/n? What's wrong?" Cade asked, getting up from his seat and meeting me at the doorway. 

Whilst slightly out of breath, I smiled and motioned my head towards outside "I have an idea, but I'm going to need a phone".    

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