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"Bumblebee!" Tessa shouted as we made our way into the heart of the city. "Hey you guys!" The black and yellow mech called out as he flew overhead upon the back of Strafe. We followed Bumblebee and Strafe back down towards the harbour, where I spotted Optimus attempting to take down one of Lockdown's drone ships by himself. One of the ships bullets hit the Prime's shoulderplate, knocking him over and onto his back before he began to pull himself up, coming to a rest on his servos and knees. As Optimus struggled to pull himself up, Slug charged forward, jumping into the air and catching the drone ship between his jaws, crushing it instantly in a ball of fire and smoke. With as much energy as I could muster, I sprinted towards Optimus, who in turn had turned his helm to face me. Once I had reached him, I gently cupped either side of his faceplate, staring up into his optics with a worried expression. A small smile formed on his faceplate and his gaze softened, before he pulled away from my touch and turned to face Cade, Tessa, Shane and Joshua. "Cade..." he spoke wearily, now standing tall, hiding the fact that the battle was taking it's toll, "...Autobots! Get this bomb over the bridge and out of the city!" he ordered, pointing towards the bomb in Joshua's grasp. 

"Dad!" Tessa cried in warning, turning around to look up at the sky in fear. Following her gaze, Lockdown's ship loomed overhead, and was coming straight for us. The magnet passed over us once again, picking up both Optimus and Slug, lifting them up into the air. I gasped in shock as I watched on, completely helpless as Optimus was being pulled up into the air. A loud roar came from in front of us, causing the four of us to turn our heads just in time to see Grimlock and Scorn become caught in the magnet's wake.

"This isn't good, this is really not good" Joshua mumbled from beside me, as the Dinobots struggled to grip the side of a building, attempting to resist the magnetic force pulling against them. Amongst the explosions and the roars of the Dinobots, I heard Optimus cry out as he held onto the edge of the building with just the tips of his digits. My hands flew to my mouth in shock as Optimus's shield turned into a small gun, before he began to fire towards the magnet as the ship passed overhead. With his shots hitting their mark, the magnet exploded violently, and the magnetic pull suddenly disappeared. Optimus and the Dinobots began to fall, landing on the ground with a loud metallic clang one by one. "Oh god run, run!" Cade shouted, grabbing my arm and pulling me with him as Grimlock suddenly landed where we had just been standing previously. We continued to run, narrowly missing the Dinobot as he rolled towards us, dazed and confused before he finally came to a stop, letting out a growl which sounded like a groan of annoyance. 

We spotted Bumblebee, Crosshairs and Hound parked just beside the harbour, waiting for us to arrive. "I got it, I'm getting this bomb out of here!" Joshua cried, splitting off from our small group and making his way over to Crosshairs's altmode. Cade, Tessa and Shane ran over to Bee's altmode, whilst I froze in place. I turned back to face Optimus, who was already on his feet and chasing after Lockdown's ship, which lead him away from the city. My heart lurched, he was going to get himself killed. If he couldn't take on Lockdown last time, what makes him think that he can this time? "Y/n, come on, get in the car" Cade ordered, rushing over and placing his hands on my shoulders. Looking up at him, I shook my head sadly "I...I can't" I told him, pulling away from his hold "Optimus is out there all alone..." "What? You can't help him!" Tessa argued, attempting to get out of the car, however Shane blocked her path. "I have to, he came back for us-" "Y/n Tessa is right, you can't go on your own" Cade protested, standing in front of me, "I'm going with you". My eyes widened "No! No I am not letting you come with me, you have a family to protect!" I argued, gesturing my hand towards Tessa who was clutching onto Shane, crying softly. "That's just it! You're a part of this family!" Cade retorted, stepping closer do that our faces were merely inches apart. I stared up at him defiantly, my brows furrowing in annoyance and frustration. Cade lifted his arms, holding the large decepticon gun in his hands between us as if to separate us, "I'm going with you" he repeated more sternly, staring down at me with a hard expression. With a heavy sigh, I gave in "Fine, but we have to go now" I stated, motioning  with my head in the direction Optimus had just gone. "Dad, don't leave please!" Tessa pleaded, placing her hand on her father's shoulder in a desperate attempt to change his mind. "Look, we'll find you, we'll get there okay?" Cade replied in a softer tone, staring down at his daughter with loving eyes. "Dad no! You'll die!" Tessa screamed, fighting against Shane's hold. "You gotta stay with Shane, you're gonna be okay" he told Tessa, before grabbing Shane by the fabric of his shirt "You promise me you're gonna keep her safe, the rest of her life till the end of time, promise me!" Cade shouted, slowly increasing the volume of his voice. I watched on with a small smile forming on my lips, admiring the family moment taking place. "I promise you..." Shane answered, nodding his head slightly in agreement.

Cade once again turned towards his daughter "You're the best thing I ever made Tess, right, don't ever forget it, it was always you" he mumbled quickly before placing a quick kiss to her forehead. "I love you" "Please" Tessa begged, as tears began to fall from her eyes. "Get in the car, now" Cade ordered, watching as both Bumblebee and Crosshairs began to drive away. He then turned to face me, slowly walking over and staring down at me with sad eyes. "You didn't have to stay...you can still leave" I told him, gesturing to Hound, who was still waiting for our final decision. With a small smile, Cade placed his hand on my shoulder "Like you said, I have a family to protect...and that's what I'm doing" he stated softly, before motioning his head for me to follow. With that being said, the two of us took off in the direction Optimus had disappeared, determined to get to him before Lockdown caused any major damage.  

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