Water Dilutes Blood [🦋]

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In the lush, shadow-dappled woods of the Aurora Clade, where the sun filtered through the canopy like golden rain, two sisters had once been inseparable.

Tigerfog and Drizzletooth seemed to embody the spirit of their Clade, their laughter echoing among the trees as they trained to be warriors. Like peas in a pod, they shared everything—dreams, fears, and even the most mundane moments.

Not even the gnarled roots of ancient oaks could disrupt the bond they shared, weaving their lives together like the twinkling stars that lit the night sky. Through every training session, every secret, and every moment of laughter, they embodied the essence of sisterhood.

But the tranquility of their lives began to waver with the arrival of a handsome tom named Mantiscreek. He was a charismatic warrior, and his dazzling amber eyes caught Tigerfog's attention like a moth to flame.

At first, it was innocent—a chance meeting by the river where Mantiscreek's clan patrolled. The connection was instant; he made Tigerfog laugh like no one else could.

But as the moons passed, her world began to orbit around him, drifting away from the one she'd always known with Drizzletooth.  In a matter of moons, she was enchanted, swept away by his affection and charm.

At first, Drizzletooth was overjoyed for her sister, celebrating this new chapter with her. However, the euphoria soon turned into a heavy fog of solitude for Drizzletooth.

Drizzletooth watched with equanimity at first, a flicker of jealousy mingling with happiness for her sister, but as the seasons turned, so did her understanding.

"Tigerfog! Can we hunt together?" Drizzletooth would ask excitedly, her blue eyes sparkling with the hope of reconnecting.

"Sorry, Drizzle, but Mantiscreek invited me on a patrol. You understand, right? He needs me," Tigerfog would reply, her tone light yet dismissive, but her words stung like nettles. The dismissals became familiar, like the scent of rain just before a storm.

"Yeah, sure," Drizzletooth always forced a smile, swallowing the bitter taste of abandonment. "Have fun."

As Tigerfog fell deeper into her romance, she slowly began to distance herself from her sister. The evening talks they treasured faded into silence, replaced by clandestine trysts with Mantisclaw.

"He's the one, Drizzle! Can't you see how perfect we are together?" Tigerfog would gush, her eyes sparkling with infatuation. Drizzletooth tried to be supportive, even as her heart sank with each dismissive comment.

"I just need some time alone with you, Tiger. Just once, for old times' sake," she would plead, but her sister would only wave her off.

"Stop being so selfish, Drizzletooth! This is important to me!" Tigerfog would snap, her irritation rising. Each time, the chasm between them widened, until the air was thick with unspoken words and unheeded feelings.

Drizzletooth watched as her sister slipped through her paws like sand, and the pang of abandonment twisted her heart. She spent long nights patrolling borders alone, pouring feelings into the moonlight, whispering heartache to the stars that once felt like guardians of their sisterly bond.

One fateful night, the clan gathered the moonlit glades for the Moon Gathering, a moment of unity shared among clades. The air was electric with anticipation, the stories of lore and valour whispered in reverence.

Drizzletooth found herself wandering alone, trying to salvage her heart amidst the happiness. She forced herself not to look for Tigerfog; she knew her sister wouldn't really welcome her either way.

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