Chapter 4: Have Fun

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I woke up around seven so I could make breakfast for Jay and Ri. Smh, the party last night was crazy. I feel like I got a hangover, when I know I didn't drink anything but my Gatorade last night. I looked at my two friends spread across the bed. I grabbed the remote from under Jay pillow and turned to Music Choice. I found one of Nicki Minaj songs and turned the volume to the Max and pressed mute. If I'm up, everybody else is too. 

I pressed play and turned mute off.


Jay piped up real quick. Riante was still over there slobbing out the mouth.

"Iight I know you saw me sleeping Cas." I looked at her like I didn't know what she was talking about. Then I scratched my arm and walked in the living room.

Jay was basically living by herself in this big, beautiful house. Her parents had more money than they could use. That's why I liked Jay she never acted snooty or funny just because she knew she had more money than me. My phone started ringing. Dang. I had forgot to tell my mama I was even leaving. I called her and explained everything. Then she told me she was working a double. We exchanged love you's and ended the call. I went and did my hygiene before I started cooking.

About an hour later, everybody was stuffing their face with cheese grits, bacon, eggs, and toast. Riante finished and went to go shower. Jay had went back into the room to watch TV. I was fixing me some orange juice when somebody rung the doorbell.

"Do yo' job Cas!" I stood there.staring at her through the cracked door. She faked cough and said "I mean can you get that for me sexy lady? " I rolled my eyes and went to answer the door.

"Isaac ? " I was confused and scared. Was he stalking me? 

"Oh, umm...... hey wassup?" Before I could answer Jay came busting through the door and jumping on Isaac. Damn ... I forgot she told me they had a thing. This dude was trying to holla last night too!

I'm just gonna let them do them. I wasn't about to start unnecessary drama. I left them in the doorway while I went to take a shower. I dressed myself in a pair of black and white sweats with my black tank and my Chuck Taylor's. I have so many clothes I've left over Jay's house it ain't even funny.

I didn't plan on doing much today so I put my hair in a ponytail. When I walked out I expected to see my friends and Isaac somewhere around the house chilling. Instead I saw nobody.

I looked at my phone. 3 new messages :

CrazyGirlRi' : Aye, I left with Isaac. and Jay. He brought his friends with him and girl they too crute lol have fun :)

With who? My imaginary friend? I sighed aggravated. The next message was from Chance :

Dead&&Gone : aye ima come by later, love Yuh 

Smh I wasn't even going home today. He was gonna find that out the hard way.

The last message was from an unsaved familiar looking number :

Damn I wasn't expecting to see you but I mean can we still hit it off later?

Isaac? How in the hell did he get my number? Is he seriously trying to holla at me when he with one of my best friends? smh 

I walked into the living room with a million questions racing through my head. "Wassup?"  

I stopped dead in my.tracks and looked up from my phone.

"I'm -" he started to introduce himself but I cut him off "Drew?"  

"Yeaahhh, uhh how you know my name ? " He started looking uneasy. I scoffed "Jay" The look of worry swept off his face, " Oh, haha. My bad Shorty."

"Mhmm, I'm Candace." I started walking towards the kitchen where I had my orange juice from earlier. I looked at him, then my juice and poured it out.

He sucked his teeth," What was that? " I looked at him . "I don't know you like that." He just stared at me.

" No dis ma, if I wanted it I would've holla'd." He said it with a smirk . "If I cared, I would let you know." I snapped back. He better sit his ass down somewhere.

"Chill, I'm just playing." He looked at me smiling with two perfect rows if white teeth. "Mhmm, whatever. " I told him. He had on a Red and cream jacket with true religion jeans and timbs. I looked and saw my favorite brand on his hat "OBEY". He was dope.

"You have any idea where my friends and your cousin went? " I asked just before I fixed another cup of juice. "Yeah they all went shopping. Well cuhh and yo girl Jay did. That nigga Torez and Riante went window shopping. " We both started laughing. I guess Riante ain't gone have too much fun.

"Give me some." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Im clean ma." He licked his lips. I smiled and said, "If I were you I'd try to save all that extra.saliva you producing and create yourself a drink." I winked at him and grabbed the remote to turn the channel.

"Damn girl, yo mean ass! " he started chuckling "Might as well put that remote down because I'm watching this ." He set his feet on the table. I looked at the screen and one of those Proactive infomercials was on. I just stared at him. "Pictures last longer booboo." he snapped his fingers. Hell nah.

I turned the channel and he reached for my drink and remote and successfully grabbed both. "Hard head always make a soft ass ma." He gulped down my drink in one swallow. I just laughed. "Whatever." I said simply

There was a knock on the door and I made Drew get up to answer it. I shouldn't have done that because In walked Chance with a angry expression on his face.

Ugh, Drama.

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