Chapter 43-Akshara and Abhimanyu's Moment Beyond Time

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Akshara wipes her tears and gets back to the hall. Abhimanyu is boiled in a rage of anger and decides to go to the hospital...

Abhimanyu- I'm going to the hospital now... it's urgent...


Harshwardhan looks suspiciously at Abhimanyu as he walks away... Aanchal comes back 


Geetha-He has gone to the hospital it was urgent 

Aanchal-Oh okay 

Aanchal notices Akshara 

Manish-We should also leave now 


Manish, Suwarna, and Mimi bless Aanchal. 

Aacnhal-Bye Abhirrrr

Aanchla carses Abhir cheeks


Manjari-I think we should also leave now 


Geetha-Thank you so much for coming 

Manjari-Just one more day left 

Geetha-Yes yes 

Harshwardhan-Raghavji it was really nice we had lots fun here

Raghav-Same here 

Manjari Hugs Aanchal and Akshara smiles at them.....

Manjari-Aanchal beta bahut pyaari ho tum kush raho asie hii

Aanchal-I hope you liked it over here 

Manjari-of course I liked it. 


Manjari kisses Aanchal's forehead and the Birla's leave. Aanchal then goes and stops Akshara.


Askhara-Haa Aanchal

Aanchal-Are you alright?? I can see from your face that you aren't alright. It looks as though you have cried a lot...

Akshara-N...nahi Aanchal there's nothing like that...

Aanchal-Akshara we are sisters right then tell me what is it?? I'm very worried for you I've noticed you for quite some time even during the engagement as well you weren't yourself??Pls tell me Akshara your silence is keeping me worried ?? Did you and Abhimanyu have a fight 

Akshara gest stunned by this 

Aanchal-Is it ??? 

Akshara-Aacnahl there's nothing like that wo sirf I mean work-related stress hai and i have not slept well for a couple of days there's a case that is pending so only that nothing else..

Aanchal-Ohhh okay 

Akshara-You just focus on your wedding that's it.

Aanchal-But do let me know if there's anything okay 

Akshara-Okay baba fine will let you know 



Akshara goes and thinks 

Akshara-I should just be happy and not let my emotions come out otherwise it would have become a problem for Aanchal then....

Aanchal thinks

Aanchal-I don't know I'm not convinced by her answer something seems fishy 

At Birla Hospital Abhimanyu shouts at Dr.Rohan.

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