Chapter 7-Aanchal starts developing feelings for Abhimanyu, but is it love?

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In the morning at Goneka villa Mimi. Bade Papa, Suwarna, and Surekha have a discussion regarding Abhira's Reunion.

Mimi-Manish I think we should think about this very well, of course there will be obstacles

Bade papa-Thats what bothers me. Manjari ji will not accept it. It would get difficult to convince her. But for Abhir she might accept it.

Surekha-Hopefully she might.

Surekha thinks now the actual drama will start with a lot of masala. Arohi will create drama for sure. Manjari Ji might accept it for abhir.

Swarna pops in

Swarna- I think we should ask Akshu she will not agree

Mimi- how are you so sure?

Swarna-I'm sure 

Kairav and muskaan pop in

Kairav- Me and Muskaan had a doubt we asked akshu whether she has feelings for Abhimanyu, but...

Bade papa-But what

Kairav-she declined 

Swarna-See I told you Manish she will not agree. She doesn't have feelings

Kiarav-No but I think she's behaving very hesitant when it comes to abhi. What I could see she has neither accepted the feelings nor rejected the feelings as well.

Surekha-Matlab she does have it?

MUskaan-Maybe she has we need to ask her clearly. Bhabhi needs to open up

Bade papa-One thing I know is that she always runway from the truth.

Swarna-But manish ji we are thinking too much

Bade papa- Enough swarna 

Bade Papa gives the nasty look

Surekha thinks I knew start ho chuka hai drama this is the trailer that we are seeing now.

In Mumbai hospital an accident case appears and it's of Aanchl's friend Sushmitha. Sushmitha's boyfriend and Anachal reach the hospital. When they reach aanchal heart starts beating as she feels something. She sees abhi. Abhi sees both of them and rushes

Abhimanyu-Oh shit soo much blood

Aanchal is in a very emotional state  

Aanchal-Dr. Abhimanyu, please 

Abhi-Dont worry I will take care I'm there 

He takes Sushmitha to the OT and asks them to call inform her parents. Her parents arrive at the hospital.

After a couple of hours abhi comes out of OT

Aanchal- Dr.Abhimanyu...

Abhi-Shes good don't worry. She will come back too conscious in a few hours.

Sushmitha's parents- Thank youuu so much

SUshmith's Boyfriend-Thank you so much

Abhi- Its okay.Its my job (With a smile)

Aanchal smiles at him.

Abhi-Now stop crying she's alright. Otherwise, I have to admit you also now (jokingly) drink water. 

Aanchal smiles and nods her head

Abhi goes for a short meeting with other teammates regarding the upcoming 2 surgeries. after a couple of hours, Sushmitha regains consciousness and abhi attends to her.

Sushmitha-Thank you, Dr.Abhimanyu

Abhi- Its okay.Its my job (With a smile). 

He checks her pulses and everything is normal and asks the nurse to look after her and says he will inform the family.

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