Chapter Four

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As I emerged from the restroom I noticed an attractive middle aged man sitting alone. I thought about going over and introducing myself but after giving it some thought I decided not to.

The bar was now more crowded than it was when I first arrived. I had to paddle my way through the sea of people to get to the counter. I wondered what or who was responsible for such a huge gathering but then I realized that there was a band about to perform on the small stage. I decided to stick around for awhile longer since I didn't have any other plans.

After doing a quick scan I realized that there were no available seats so I waited in my spot hoping to get an available one soon.

"Is that how you stare at men or is it just me?" I was startled by the deep toned voice whispering into my ear. Even though the bar was very noisy I felt as if there was an explosion in my eardrum, it wasn't subtle at all. Who on earth could this be, I thought before turning abruptly to face the culprit.

I didn't recognize him at first sight, he looked very much unfamiliar. He was wearing a black polo shirt, blue denim jeans and a black shoe. He was well built and from the sound of his accent he was British. I stood there staring at him blankly without uttering a single word, trying my hardest to drag my memory but it was totally blank.

"So you have suddenly lost your tongue, huh? " He asked.

"Do I fucking know you?"

"You wouldn't remember, " he laughed.

"That's 'cause I don't know you so now if you could be a darling and leave me be, I would be the happiest woman in the world."

"I'm afraid I can't do that even if I wanted to."

"OK then fine, as much as I would like to stay I'm gonna leave you here because you are starting to freak me out so have a good evening."

Under normal circumstances I would've jumped on him at my very first instinct, however, something felt off about him. He was attractive yes, but he seemed somehow dangerous. For the first time in years I am going to walk away from the infestation of trouble which always seem to linger in my pathway.

"OK Miss Athena, good evening."

Upon hearing my name, I froze. I was so shocked I couldn't move. How the hell did he know my name? What kind of guy is this? Is he from some kind of Federal Agency? I also wondered if he was someone I've been with before, I've been with so much men I've lost track, but I'm sure I would've remembered him if I slept with him but I just couldn't recall.

I wanted to speak but my tongue as well as the rest of my body was paralysed.

"Have you changed your mind? I thought you would've reached your destination by now." He replied with an evil grin. Voice laced with mockery and cynicism.

Without responding I sped out of the bar as if I was on fire. In a room filled with people I felt totally lonely and uncomfortable. I love dicks so much that I felt a tad bit of guilt for refusing to be pursued by one... Especially one as erotic as a British guy's but that guy is a fucking creep.

As I reached the parking lot, I fumbled through my handbag for my keys but my once vacant bag now seems filled with god knows what. I finally found my keys, unlocked my car- which was given to me courtesy of my company, then entered. As soon as I placed the key into the ignition to start the engine, the passenger door swung open.

There sitting in the passengers' seat was the creep from the bar. Again his behaviour has left me in total shock and astonishment.

"Close your bloody mouth for Christ sake. You're acting as if you have seen a ghost, it's just me." He replied in an informal tone as if we were old pals from middle school.

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