Chapter Eleven

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After the initial shock of the previous revelation had worn off, I was set on continuing with my normal routine. Needless to say, I desperately needed to get back into work modality. With hands clasped against my coffee mug, I tried to gain comfort in the beverage that had become my only refuge.

I wasn't much of a coffee drinker before working at the agency because I thought it made me anxious. But after nights of sexual indulgences and the need to get my day off to a normal start, the only available anchor that kept my ship afloat was a steaming cup of espresso.

As I sipped my coffee I tried to put each piece of the puzzle called my life, together - desperate to see the bigger picture. But the more I tried to make sense of the situation, the more I felt as if I was trapped in a maze. Though my life was always filled with some degree of complication I always felt as if I had things under control. Prior to this fiasco, I was just an average woman who felt the need to have numerous sexual partners each night. Though I knew I often ventured on perilous paths, I enjoyed being a deviant who rejoiced in peoples' hurt; I enjoyed breaking up relationships and having sex with complete strangers.


As the sound ripped through my thoughts, the tremor of my hands caused droplets of espresso to dribble into the keyboard before me. Flicking towards the direction of the sound, I was pleasantly surprised to see Olivia with folded arms bearing an apologetic expression.

"Did I scare you? I'm so sorry!" Replied Olivia as she saw my distress.

"It's OK, I'm just a bit's not your fault!" I responded as I got up from where I was seated, grabbed a rag then proceeded to dry the keyboard.

"You can have a seat!" I gestured

"Are you sure you're OK? You look a bit frazzled?" She asked moving towards me, resting her hands on my shoulder.

"Yes I'm's just that I have some things on my mind, but as always I'll be OK!" I responded with a half-hearted chuckle as I took the final sip of my espresso then tossed the container into the garbage.

"Let's go out tonight!" she squeaked... "I know it's supposed to be tomorrow night but I think tonight's perfect, it'll help get your mind off things!"

Before responding, I tried to weigh all the pros and cons of the situation. I knew that it was a great possibility that I would benefit from a 'girls' night out because it would help to regain a feeling of normalcy as well as help to release some tension. But as the Cornelius incident flashed across my mind I wondered how I'd react if I bumped into him, I didn't want to be dragged back into such a situation. However, as the image of a caramel skin guy inundated my thoughts, I suddenly felt a feeling of longing. I needed to get back on the horse; allowing Cornelius to destroy my happiness was preposterous.

"You know what; I think that would be a great idea!" I responded, finally making eye contact with Olivia, who was a bit preoccupied staring at her cell phone.

"Did you hear me Liv?" I asked. I watched as her eyes traveled languidly from her phone towards my face then instantaneously burst into a smile.

"Yes, I'm so excited, I promise you'll have the most memorable experience tonight!" she expressed maintaining a wide grin as she turned towards the exit, eyes returning to her phone.

"I'm sure I will!" I chuckled as I rose from my seat... "I'll walk you out!" I followed behind her as she made her way towards the exit.

"So, we'll meet at Skybar at eight. Please be on time so we can get the party started as early as possible. I might invite two of my friends, Nicole and Stacey; I hope you don't mind, but don't worry they are the sweetest persons you'll ever meet once you get to know them!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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