Chapter Ten

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  I reached home at approximately 10:15 pm; I was so exhausted, as if I just completed a marathon. Parking outside of my garage, I decided to cool off for a while.

Finally I found the strength to drag myself from out of the car and slowly made my way towards the front porch. My eyes were only partially opened and I felt as if I've just had a pint of the strongest vodka, my head felt light and I could hardly stand straight. I was moving quite sluggish.


I heard a growling sound behind me. I jumped in fright and quickly turned to see who or what was responsible for making such a horrible sound. I was shocked by what I was face with. There standing before me was the biggest, ugliest, scariest Pit Bull I've even seen.

"Grrr!" He was in attack mode as he grind his teeth together, exposing his sharpest weapons.

"Good doggy!" I stated nervously, in an attempt to get the dog to calm down, while I took a few steps backwards, in the direction of the porch.

The dog began scraping the ground with his feet and growled even louder. I was terrified and without even thinking, I turned around and ran as fast as I could towards the porch.

Inches away from the porch, I made an attempt to leap onto it but I failed miserably as my right foot slammed into a skateboard; I lost my balance and collapsed on my back.

Where the fuck did a skateboard come from?

My breathing became short and I was trembling like crazy. I tried to get up but my feet felt weak, I closed my eyes and fringed in pain. I listened carefully for the dog but it became silent, I prayed that somehow he got sympathetic and decided to leave me without inflicting any wounds.

 A few droplets of liquid hit my face and for a second I really thought it was the rains.

"Grrr!" There standing over me grinding his teeth was the hideous creature. I wanted to scream for help but I didn't want to anger the animal any further so I tried my best to remain as calm as possible.

After a few moments the growling stopped. This time I really believed that maybe the animal got tired of standing over me and decided to retreat.

But I was wrong yet again. He was still standing over me staring at me with blood in his eyes.

"Heeeeeelpp!" I screamed, without really thinking about the danger that might be involved.

Without hesitation the animal sunk his teeth into my stomach. I tried fighting him off but his teeth were plunged deep into my flesh.

"Stoooop, somebody help me... Heeelp!" I screamed but to no avail.

The dog began biting into my stomach without mercy. I felt my skin being torn apart between his sharp teeth, "Stop!" I shouted. The pain was unbearable. I twisted and turned in pain and agony trying to get the animal to let go but he began biting deeper; moving his head swiftly as if he was devouring his favorite snack.

Before long, I felt my intestines being pulled from my stomach.

"Stop!" I cried weakly. I was becoming unconscious from the amount of blood I lost.



I flung my head back and forth causing it to plunge into the steering wheel, my eyes flicked open, from a quick scan of my surroundings, I came to the realization that I was still in my car... I must have fallen asleep. My clothes were soaked, my heart was trumping so fast, as if it was beating in my head.

I was terrified by that nightmare, what on earth could it possibly mean? I once spoke to a psychic who told me that dreams sometimes foreshadow something about the future, that may or may not be unpleasant â€" but what?

Finally managing to acquire some strength, I composed myself and decided to make my way inside...


"...I heard he caught her having sex with some guy, on her porch, can you imagine?"

"What a slut!"

"I heard she does it for money!"

"No I think she does it for free!"

Were only a few of the whispers I heard as I made my way towards my office, through the open office, which consists of about fifteen employees. Thank God I had the privilege of my own office space because I have no idea how I would survive, working closely with these people.

I shot them a scornful glare as I passed by.

I was really puzzled by the occurrences lately, how on earth did they know about what transpired between Devon and I? It crossed my mind that Devon might be the one responsible for divulging this kind of information but I quickly dismissed the thought because I doubt Devon would do such a thing.

Finally inside the comfort of my office, I locked the door so as to prevent all unwanted intrusion.

I haven't spoken to Devon since the fiasco, all my calls to him went unanswered but I couldn't really blame him because in all honesty he had every right to be upset. I couldn't think of a reason that would justify my behavior but I still felt the need to explain myself to him. I once made an attempt to explain to him that sometimes it's very hard for me to control my sexual emotions but I wasn't sure whether or not he would understand. I think it's a lot to process and I really didn't want him to judge me but now that everything is out, I think I owed him that explanation.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I tried to focus on completing the task at hand, which was contacting some new clients but I couldn't concentrate. I kept dialing the wrong number or getting annoyed with the potential clients who were trying to give me a hard time.

Frustrated, I decided to go to the restroom and cool off. I ignored all negative energies as I made my way out.

"Well well well, what do we have here?!" I heard the voice of the person I wasn't looking forward to seeing. It's as if this bitch lives in the toilet, every time I try to use it, she's in here.

Totally ignoring her I went inside the restroom cubicle. I didn't really want to use the bathroom but I needed to avoid Rebecca at all cost, so I closed the toilet seat and sat on. Waiting until the Rebecca virus wasn't a threat anymore.

About twenty minutes later I emerged from the cubicle and started washing my hands.

"Uum is there some kind of dreadful germ on your hands? You've been washing them ever since I got here, is everything all right?

Quickly grabbing a piece of hand towel, using it to dry my hands I turned my attention to the person who I initially thought was Rebecca but realized that I was actually Olivia.

Olivia is the communications manager for our firm, so she's hardly in the country because she travels a lot, attending various meeting all over the world to advertise our brand as well as to gain foreign information and strategies then transfer them to us. She isn't necessarily my friend but she could be considered somewhat of a business associate since we work closely together. Whenever she makes contact with potential investors or clients she generally leaves them to me to handle.

"No!" I chuckled, embarrassed. "I'm just making sure that all the dirt is gone!"

"Whatever you say, anyway, I've heard some whispers going on in the office about you, are you alright?" She asked. I couldn't decipher whether she was genuinely concerned or she just needed more information.

"Yeah I'm fine. You know I'm always the talk of the town!" I chuckled.

"Okay. I've been observing you ever since you've got here and I've noticed that you don't have any friends â€" at least none that I know of, why is that so?" She asked eyeing me.

"I don't know, I guess people just don't like me!" I expressed tonelessly.

"Oh, well I guess that makes two of us!" She replied with a smile. "Would you like to grab a bite sometime?"

"Olivia thanks for the offer but I think it would be better for both of us if we stayed our separate way!" I stated honestly.

"Oh, come on! Let's go out for a minute and enjoy life. We could go clubbing tomorrow night; I'm sure we can find a few hot guys!" She responded with a high pitched laugh.

I think Olivia was right, I don't have a social life; you would think that a person like me would have much more friends, but that's a thing of the past. I once had a lot of friends - when  I was working at the club but recently I've been hanging solo. I only have one friend â€"Kendall, but she's MIA most of the time.

"Okay, I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow OK!"

"That's more like it; I'm looking forward to a positive response OK?! See yah!" She stated before stepping out of the restroom.

I followed.

As I stepped into my office I was pleasantly surprised by who I saw. I really thought I would've been the one begging him to talk to me but there he was seated silently waiting for me.

"Hi!" was the only word I could come up with.

"Hey, I know you are a bit surprised to see me but I just wanted to apologize for my behavior the other night...!"

 "Devon, no!" I interrupted. "I should be the one apologizing to you. All the things you did were justifiable. I'm sorry you had to see all of that, I don't know what got over me!" I interjected.

"Where do you know Cornelius from?" He asked positioning himself in the chair so he appeared more attentive.

I was puzzled by Devon's question, did he know Cornelius?

"I met him while I was working at the club. Do you know him?"

"While you were working at the club? That's not possible! Yes I know him he's Rebecca's ex-boyfriend and my ex best friend!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but the thing that bothered me the most was the fact that he was Rebecca's ex-boyfriend. What if everything he did to me he was telling it to Rebecca and that's why he knew where I worked as well as where I lived?

"What?" I held my head and jumped out of my chair... "What do you mean it's not possible, is there something you're not telling me?"

"Well I got so upset the other night when I saw you screwing him that I lost control. I felt as if I was experiencing déjà vu. It really affected me in a negative way; I almost killed myself, speeding. I know that we aren't together or anything but I was really hoping we could start something serious. But I guess it just wasn't meant to be!" His tone was somewhat melancholy, and all I could think of was holding him but maybe that wasn't the best idea so I resisted the urge.

"Déjà vu? What do you mean?" I asked puzzled.

"Well you see, Cornelius was an employee here, I think that's how he met Rebecca, anyway, he was my best friend at the time, as I mentioned before. Someone who I trusted more than anyone else in this world, but one Friday at about 2:15 p.m all that changed..." He stopped and took a deep breath. Whatever it was that happened seem to have affected him tremendously.

"Why?" I asked curious to hear more.

"Well this is a bit embarrassing for me!" He chuckled. "I had a girlfriend here at the time her name is Porsha, I really loved her and had plans of getting married to her; I even bought the ring but I didn't get the chance to propose. That Friday she said she wanted Chinese for lunch so I went all the way over to Third Street, because at that time there were no Chinese restaurants nearby. I didn't mind going because it was always my pleasure to make her happy." He paused and stared at me then continued. "When I came back I saw a small crowd gathered at Porsha's office door but I didn't make anything of it. Trevor a friend of mine at the time, came up to me and looked me dead in the eyes and said 'don't go in there man!'... I was confused, the first thing that came to my mind was that she was in danger, so with force, I kicked the door open. What I saw was an image that has remained with me for years!"

"What did you see?"

"Cornelius had Porsha's legs wrapped around his body, while he positioned her against her desk. I froze in shock. The way they were enjoying it, they didn't even realize that they were screaming on the top of their lungs or that I was in the room. I stood there in shock incapable of moving. I was paralyzed. I watching as he pumped in and out of her body, I watched as she dug her fingers deep into his flesh. But the thing that affected me the most was that one statement she made 'Devon has never fucked me like this!"

"Oh my god Devon, that's terrible. I'm so sorry for everything I never meant to hurt you or be a reminder to you of the past, I'm sorry please forgive me!" I stated. Seeing Devon so vulnerable made me regret my actions even more. I had no idea that he had such an horrible experience but most of all I had no idea he knew Cornelius much less be his best friend.

"It is OK Athena, I forgive you already but I'm beginning to think that maybe the dating world isn't for me because somehow that bastard will find my woman and put me through the same thing again but trust me if I ever catch him, I'm going to fucking kill him!"

"Oh Devon!" I stated walking over to him attempting to give him a hug, but he pushed me away.

"Let us keep this professional OK?! I think that's the best thing to do right now!"

I felt hurt and rejected but I think Devon might be right, I thinks that's the best option. I felt really bad for what I did, I've never dreamt of hurting Devon in such a way... why didn't I just ignored Cornelius and continue inside my house? I'm even more disgusted with myself now that I've learnt that he was Rebecca's boyfriend.

Devon got up and was making his way towards the door when suddenly he turned and faced me.

"Oh one more thing, Cornelius could never have met you while you were working at the club because he was in England for four years. If my memory serves me right you worked at that club for only eight months, that's February to September 2006 but Cornelius was fired from here December of the previous year and moved to England in January 2006. He moved back here only recently. So unless he has some omnipresent power there's no way he could've been two places at one!" 

"Oh my god! What? Are you serious? Cornelius claimed that I made him look like a fool in front of his friends but the thing is I didn't remember meeting him before. That bastard, he has been blackmailing me for something I didn't even do!"

We stared at each other in confusion, wondering was what really going on!

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