Chapter One: First day is always the hardest, right?

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Chapter One: First day is always the hardest, right?

I have already been up for an hour or so, excited for attending Ouran Academy. I got in on a full paid art program and if I stay top of that class then I stay in that program. Even though I was already going to attend Ouran. I left St Lobelia because they didn't have the kind of art program I wanted, also they were after me to join the Zuka club, white lily league stuff. "Ma'am? Are you awake?" Asked my maid. I sprung up from my painting isle and stepped back to look at the rose. "Yeah, is breakfast ready?" I asked and took off my painting apron to reveal my skinny jeans and my paint splattered tee shirt. "Ma'am, shouldn't you change into your uniform?" She asked and held up the yellow dress. "No... I don't really want to." I said and slipped on a mocha colored sweater. I pulled my dark hair through and placed it in a ponytail. "Right, ma'am." She said and placed it back down on the chair where she found it.

I flew down the steps and into the dinning room where my parents sat, eating breakfast and talking about what they would be doing at the office today. "Good morning mom, good morning dad." I said and placed toast into my mouth as I pulled on my wedged high tops. "Good morning Hina," my mom said smiling, "Hey sweetheart," my dad said, they both smiled over to me as I downed two pieces of toast and a glass of orange juice. "You haven't seen Haruhi in a few years, you excited about seeing her again?" I smiled, "yeah, I wonder if she'll still recognise me..." I said, remembering when I dressed in overalls and had boy short hair, we always played together when the family got together. She always had beautiful long dark brown hair. I decided to be a bit more like her, she's amazing. So I grew out my hair, it was now long and I usually keep it in a ponytail.

I jumped into the car and my driver silently took me to the fairytale castle of a school. I thanked him and slid out, grabbing my bag, and I walked up the stairs to the doors. My heart began to beat inside my ears, my hands became shaky, and I slowly opened the door, stepping into Ouran Academy.

I wandered around till I heard loud yelling. "Mommy! Haruhi is using dirty boy words again!" Haruhi? I opened the door and saw a group of guys and... Haruhi? "Sorry, the host club is closed right now." Said a tall guy with glasses. "Haruhi!" I said, she watched me for a moment. "Hina?" She said with a large smile on her face. We ran to each other and hugged. "I've missed you so much!" I said and pulled back and cupped her face. "I've missed you too Hina. How's your parents?" She asked and I ran a hand through her hair, "their good, Hey, you got your hair cut, I like it, reminds me of a certain little girl." Haruhi laughed, "yeah, you let your hair grow from the last time I saw you." I smiled, "seems like we switched hairdos." I said and noticed the boys again. "You want to introduce your friends?" I asked smiling over to her and then back to them. "Right, Hina, this is Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, their in my class. This is Tamaki Suou and Kyoya Otori, both second year. And this is Honey-sempai and Mori-sempai, third years." I smiled over to them, "Hey, I'm Hina Fujitsu, second year and little Haru-Haru's cousin. Thanks for taking care of my favorite cousin while I was away." ""Haru-Haru"?" They questioned, "yeah, a little nickname that only I can use, ain't that right Haruhi?" I asked and she smiled, "if you say so Hina." I smiled and felt a bone crushing hug. "Ah! Assaulted by blonde!" I said as I saw Honey-sempai hug me. I hugged him back and smiled, "you're really Haruhi's cousin?" Hikaru asked, "you act nothing like her." Kaoru said and I acted wounded, "yes we are, I know that I don't really act like her..." I said and sighed, "Haruhi, you seem to be in good hands... you don't need me to fight for you?" I asked and she giggled, it was cute. "Fight?" Tamaki asked, "ah! Another blonde!" I said and clung to Haruhi. I couldn't keep a straight face and ended up laughing. "Yeah... Isn't my darling little girl in good hands?" I asked and stepped a bit closer to Tamaki. "Yes!" He said like a soldier. "Good. Alright, I better find my class. I hope to see you all around, you especially Haru-Haru." I said and walked out the door.

I got to my class and the teacher told me to introduce myself to the class. "Hello everyone! My name is Hina Fujitsu, I am sixteen years old, my hobbies include: painting, working hard, and hanging out with my all time favorite person: Haruhi Fujioka!" I said with a smile on my lips and an energetic step. "My, that was very nice, will you sit back there with Tamaki, could you raise your hand so-" "it's alright teacher. I know where to sit." I said and walked down the lane to sit by the window, next to Tamaki.

The day past by slowly and finally lunch rolled around. I smiled and went to get some cafeteria food. I paid after getting some tuna, knowing it was Haruhi's favorite. I looked and saw Haruhi walking by, "Haru-Haru!" I called and she stopped and looked at me. "Hey Hina." I linked arms with her, "so, where are you going?" I asked and she laughed, "come on. Let's go to my classroom and eat." She said and I nodded, holding my tray with one hand.

Once we got there she untied her bento lunch box and I saw rice balls with seaweed and sesame seeds, little steamed veggies, and some small hot dogs cut to look like octopus. I picked up some tuna and held it to her face, "try some Haru-Haru." I said and she opened her mouth and welcomed the tuna. It's her favourite, it has been since we were little. "Thanks Hina." She said after getting over the great taste. She picked up one of her hotdogs and raised it to my face. "Want some?" I smiled and took it off of her chopsticks. "Love you Haruhi!" I said lightly, she smiled and nodded, "love you to Hina." I heard some jealous mutterings but I didn't really care.

Soon lunch was over and done with and I said farewell to Haruhi and briefly hugged her before running to my art class. I sat down and the teacher said that we'd be drawing still life. It was anything we want to paint so we were set off into the garden and I began to draw a hydrangea flower. I spent the whole class period sitting and finding every detail, every shaded area of the bushels of blue. I grabbed my colored pencils and began to lightly shade. It was amazing how mother nature came up with such gorgeous flowers. I smiled as I did the finishing touches and placed my name in all of the stems and leaves. I got up and saw that everyone was sitting down on chairs and talking. Some of their works consisted of roses and... roses. All of them picked rose! I handed my drawing in to the teacher and she thanked me and told me to go back to the classroom to gather up my stuff because the class was nearly done.

I grabbed my bag and left as the bell rung. It was now club activities and I looked for the art club because apparently it wasn't in the art room... when I asked a random person they said they could have one! What school is this?! I sighed and shrugged, I might as well go see Haruhi while I'm at it, maybe ask her about the art club, I shouldn't trust just one source. I walked to the same room and knocked on the door before I opened it. I saw girls aplenty here, some of them were in my art class... scratch that, all of the girls from my art class are here. I scanned the room and found Haruhi. I smiled and walked over. She recognized me right away and waved me over. "Hey Haru-Haru, how's everything going?" I asked and hugged her, I once again heard mutterings coming from the girls Haruhi sat with. "Good and yourself?" "I was actually trying to find the art club..." "the school doesn't have an art club." I jumped at the voice from behind me. "Jesus Kyoya, don't go scaring me like that. I thought you were a ghost or something!" I said, laughing, "my apologies. I over heard your conversation with Haruhi and thought I'd tell you about the lack of an art club." He said and moved his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Oh, well thanks Kyoya my man!" I said and patted his head, Tamaki was smiling up a storm before attacking me with a hug. "Ah! Assault of the blondes!" I said and hugged him back before patting his head. The bell rung once more and the ladies left. Funny... I was picked up and and set down to sit by Haruhi. "You really don't act like her cousin, the girls think you both are going out." Hikaru said, "what? How so?" I asked and thought back, "feeding each other?" Kaoru said, "I do that a lot." I said plainly, "hugging her in broad day light?" "What is this, the dark ages? I can't hug my own family now?" "saying that you love her?" Hikaru asked, "it's because I do!" I said and wrapped an arm around Haruhi and snuggled into her. "For your own safety you should stay-" "don't say that." I said, feeling tears well in my eyes. "Don't say I have to stay away from her because you all should know damn well I won't." I said and felt a tear slip. "We... weren't." Honey said and sat next to me. "For your own safety you should stay here, with us and help Haruhi pay back her dept." Kyoya said and I felt even more tears slip. "I'm sorry..." I said and Haruhi locked me into a hug as I cried slightly. "Why are you crying Hina-chan?" Honey asked, Haruhi shook her head slowly before I pulled back and wiped at my eyes. "Alright. Seeing how there's no art club, which is so stupid, I will help Haruhi pay back her dept. It will be so much fun!" I said smiling, they watched me with questioning eyes. I needed to be by Haruhi, and I'll do that by any means. Because of the promise I made, all those years ago and for my own selfish reasons.

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