Chapter Seven: Haruhi

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Chapter Seven: Haruhi

My phone was going mad crazy, I had been up for a few hours even before the time when the servants were up. "Hello?" I asked as I got paint splattered onto my torn up shirt and wrecked jeans. "Come down, Tamaki wanted to go to Haruhi's house and he wants everyone to participate." I laughed as I pulled on shoes, grabbed my denim jacket and ran down stairs, "oh, Haruhi will be mad." I said and closed my phone, slipping the paint splattered device into my pocket as I climbed into the car. "You wear... interesting clothes." Hikaru said, I shrugged, "I was a bit preoccupied by doing something else at the second." I said and watched as we pulled up to the apartments. They went off about how commoners live when I spotted Haruhi, leaning against a pole, looking ever so cute in that dress and jeans. I went over and helped her get her groceries. "Do not use the words rundown or hovel, we mustn't make her angry!" Tamaki said, "too late!" Haruhi said, becoming very angry.
Soon Haruhi sighed in defeat and opened the door. I slipped off my shoes and walked with her, "do we also have to take our shoes off?" Honey asked, "yes." I blandly said as I set down the groceries. Mori bumped his head on the light and I giggled, "sorry, forgot to say watch out." Haruhi said as we placed away the food. "Here, why not make this? Our father brought it back from India on his last trip." Hikaru said and handed her a thing of tea and she told me to sit down. "Look at her, she doesn't even have a tea pot." Tamaki whispered to the twins, " fools, of course she does. It's just smaller." I said and lightly punched his arm. Haru-Haru gave out the tea and Honey pulled out cake. He gave me chocolate! Yeah! I took the topping off first and I smiled, it was a little chunk of chocolate. "Can't wait until you get hyper and crash." Haruhi said and I laughed, "people seem to really like that." I said and shook my head, "don't worry, I got over the sugar crash, I just smoothly land." I said and Tamaki gave me his topper. I froze and looked up to him. He smiled and my heart did a back flip. "Thanks Tam-Tam." I said and noticed Haruhi starring at me, I gave her my famous "what did I do now" face but she just looked down and continued to eat. I sighed and finished my cake. "Can we have lunch?" They asked, "you could always call up that sushi bar not from here." I offered as I got up, "doesn't the guy there have the hots for you?" Haruhi asked. "Yeah, but he's not really my type. He's a major flirt around everyone." I said and noticed that I just described the host club, always flirting with the girls. I began to laugh and shook my head, "what's so funny?" Tamaki asked, "I believe I just described the host club, total flirts." I said, gasping from laughter. I settled down and got a headache. "Alright, so my sugar rushed were replaced with headaches." I said and Haruhi handed me some medicine and a cup that was filled with water. I smiled as I felt better and we all began to walk out when I bumped into Ranka! "Uncle!" I cheered and he hugged me, "Hina?! It's impossible! You look so grown up!" He said and I smiled, "you think? Well, I gotta keep the ladies off of Haruhi. Speaking of, where is she?" I said and looked back to the open door. Why is it open? Ranka pulled me into the house and I saw Tamaki holding Haruhi down. I felt my heart begin to ache, my life went in slow motion, it was like hearing the news of Sakura passing. Why? Ranka pulled Tamaki off of Haruhi and I hugged her and smiled, "tell me I didn't see my precious cousin and... Suou nearly..." Haruhi shook her head, "no, he just fell." I looked over to Tamaki, I felt my heart learch. "Lets go get that food." I said and helped Haruhi up. "We want to go to!" Tamaki said and I felt my heart learch again, I sware it's in my lungs by now. "How about no? You can sit in that corner until you grow even more mushrooms." My voice was... it wasn't myself. Everyone looked at me and I dragged Haruhi out.
"We didn't do anything." Haruhi said, "I never said you did do anything sweetheart." I said and she shook her head, "well, good. Tamaki didn't mean to fall on me." I shrugged once more, "I don't really care if Suou did or not." She stopped, "your doing it again." Haruhi said and I rubbed my hands together, forcefully. "Doing what?" I saw Ranka behind a post, he usually followed Haruhi about. "Your pushing yourself away from everyone again." She said and I shook my head, "come on Haru-Haru, name one time when I did that." As soon as those words left my mouth, I thought, I didn't seem to stray away from people, I was always around Haruhi. "When Saku..." "don't say that name." I said and began to walk away. I didn't wait for her, Ranka was watching her so I knew she'd be safe. I went into the grocery store and grabbed some ice tea and cookies, I saw the whole host club in there, watching Haruhi, some were exploring. As I watched the host club, I bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry." I said and looked up to see Kento, the guy who works at the sushi bar. "My, Hina Fujitsu. Mingling with the common folk?" I glared at him, "no, trying not to mingle with you." Did I also mention that he was a really mean guy? "So, can I count on you on being my date tonight?" He's never mentioned this before, it's his pick up line. "No. Why not date something with the same IQ and date a mail box?" I said angrily, I felt people watching us so I began to walk away when he grabbed onto my hand. "Come on, don't be like that." He said, I felt my wrist begin to bruise. "Let go." I said through gritted teeth as he tightened his hold. "Let go of her." Tamaki said, we both looked over to him, he had a dark shadow over his eyes. Kento let go of my hand and backed off with a smile, "no harm done, right Hina?" "Get the hint and leave me alone." I said and he began to walk off. "Are you alright?" Tamaki asked and looked at my already bruising wrist. "I'm fine Suou. Thanks but I better get going." I said and was about to leave when I was stopped by Haruhi. "What happened?" Haruhi asked, looking at the two of us. "Nothing! God, I'm so hungry, let's go pay for these things and go cook lunch." I said and we all left. I paid for my things and half of the lunch.
We had a hot pot, I ate my cookies as we walked back, I gave some to Honey because he was hungry. He's always hungry. I drank most of my tea when my hand went limp and I dropped the bottle, all of the tea poured out, splashing me. I sighed and picked up the now empty bottle and Haruhi looked at me suspiciously. "What happened?" She asked, "really? Can't we just enjoy the day instead of worrying about old butter fingers over here?" I said and stuck my injured hand in my pocket as we walked back inside. In fact, my hands are very steady, I just hope to God she won't remember. "Alright tell me, what happened? You never drop anything." Haruhi said as the hot pot cooked, everyone looked at me who was across the table. "Well, I tripped. Two left feet." I said, keeping my hands on my lap and away from her view. "That's a lie and you know it is." She said and I stopped breathing for a moment. "Tamaki, what happened in the market?" Haruhi asked, I looked over to him, pleading with my eyes not to tell her. "Nothing big. Nothing to worry about." I said as a hint to him. But Haruhi broke him, she has that way with people. "She bumped into a guy." "But it's taken care of." I said and Haruhi sighed in defeat, she wouldn't get more.

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