Chapter Five: Fears are recognised

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Chapter Five: Fears are recognised

I got to the club room and it was filled with bathing suits as far as the room could allow, I sware this room grows when we need it to. "There you are! Time to pick a bathing suit!" The twins said and pulled me in. I saw that Haruhi was already here, the twins said that she was flat. I bumped into Tamaki who for some reason had a bat. He looked at me, then to Haruhi, then back to me and patted my head, not saying anything. I smiled and patted his head as well and looked at all the bathing suits. I found a simple red and black one and it was still so small, these were all made for teenagers without C cups, I sware. "Hina-chan! Come out!" Honey cheered. I adjusted the straps as I walked out. They all watched me, and I boldly looked back. "Are all of them right around your chest area?" Hikaru stated, "great to see where your looking." I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "No! It's just--" Hikaru stuttered out and I shook my head, "well, yeah, as a matter of fact they are." I said and they nodded, "do you have one of your own?" I thought back and I remembered what happened to it... I giggled nervously, "well, you see, here's the thing..." "you got paint on it." Haruhi said plainly and I cleared my throat. "Maybe... possibly? Yeah, alright so I did. Wasn't my fault." I said and changed back into my clothes. "What's so bad about the paint?" Honey asked, "it made the bathing suit highly flammable." I said plainly as I walked out, bathing suit in hand, "it's not like you'll be around fire." Kyoya said, "you guys are missing the point, it was flammable." "You burned your bathing suit?" Haruhi said and I waved my hand out, "what? No. Well, perhaps? Don't even remember now it was long ago, anyway, this bathing suit is fine. Who cares if it's a bit snug in the chest?" I said with a giggle, all the guys had pink cheeks, other than Tamaki who had a blazing red face.

After school we packed up and in the morning we went to Okinawa. Haruhi and I were under an umbrella. I was reading while Haruhi was watching what everyone was doing. Three of her regular customers came up and asked if Haruhi was swimming, then asked if they could sit down with us. "Why, when you look so cute in those bathing suits, you should show them off." Haruhi said and I smiled secretly as they walked off. "Guys around the world are jealous on how you handle the ladies." I said placing down my romance novel. Haruhi shrugged and Honey called her over. I just began to walk around when using heard some girls scream. I ran over and saw Haruhi holding a centipede. "I thought something bad was happening!" I said laughing, "and they all got scared off by a little itty bitty bug!" I said, now finding it hard to breath so I tried to stop laughing. Haruhi was swamped by girls when I heard the guys say, "you girls must be scared of something." The twins said and I thought for a second. "Yeah, but nothing you guys can simulate or guess." I said and began to walk off when Kyoya pulled out photos of Haruhi, a photo of me, and a photo of three. "Who's that in the photo with you?" I clenched my fist as I held out my hand, "give that to me. Now." I said and Kyoya handed the photo of Sakura, Haruhi, and me. I ripped it up, "don't speak of her to Haruhi." I whispered angrily and walked away.

All day the boys were trying to scare Haruhi and I. The twins and the fake ghosts, Honey and the darkness, Mori and the spear, everything failed. I was sitting by the water when I heard a scream. I looked up and saw Haruhi being dangled over the edge of a cliff! "Haruhi!" I yelled and began to run but tripped and watched helplessly as she splashed into the  water. I felt my world crack and break into a billion pieces. Tears ran down my cheeks and felt every part of me screaming to go to her, to save her, but my body couldn't move. It was like Sakura dying all over again but twice as painful.

Tamaki emerged from the water with Haruhi! "Haruhi!" I yelled and ran to her, "I've sent for a doctor." Kyoya said as I checked her for injury. "I'm fine guys, I don't need a doctor."  She said, "never do that again. Please. I beg you never to do that again." I sobbed out, tears ran down my face as she pulled back, "what do you think you were doing? Your a girl!" Tamaki said, "I don't think it matters of I'm a girl or a boy, I was there I had to do something." Haruhi said and Tamaki pointed to me, "look at Hina, you placed her through that." I tried to clear my tears away but they kept coming, silently. "you should have called us! We were right here!" Tamaki said dropping his hand and held me close to him, comforting me. "I couldn't let them hurt those girls." Haruhi said and Tamaki held me tighter. "Talk to me when you decide to apologize." He said and took me inside the house and to my room. "I'm sorry about this." I said as he held me close, rocking me back and forth. "You had a scare, you let it out." He whispered, "I'm so weak... I can't protect her... I failed." I said and Tamaki shook his head, "your not weak Hina-" "I didn't do anything! I just sat there while my world fell apart. All those years of keeping that promise..." I exclaimed and Tamaki cupped my face. "What's this promise?" He asked, making me look him in the eyes. "When Haruhi's mother was dying... she made me promise to protect Haruhi. I've tried so hard to do that... today... I broke me promise, I couldn't keep her safe." I said and clutched Tamaki's shirt. He hugged me and calmed me down. He gave me eye drops to take the irritation down and left me so I could get changed.

I got out and sat down beside Tamaki and Haruhi was sitting on the other side. Soon Tamaki stormed off and I touched Haruhi's shoulder. "Haruhi, that wasn't nice." I said and she sighed, "you don't need to act like that. I'm still alive." I sighed and walked away back to my own room when I bumped into Tamaki. "How come your not with Haruhi?" He asked and I shook my head, "I don't think she wants me to be around her so much anymore..." I said and he wrapped an arm around me. "Hina, I have a question." Tamaki asked as we walked to Kyoya's room so he can get some lotion for his sunburn. "Sure?" "Who was that girl in the photo?" He asked and I cleared my throat, it kept me from crying again. "Sakura. She was my sister. We lost her a long time ago and not long after Haruhi lost her mom." I said and his grip on my shoulders tightened. "If you ever need anyone, I'm always right here, the host club is your family now." He said and I nodded, a smile was tugging at the corner of my mouth.

We got to Kyoya's room and Haruhi and him were chatting it up, he didn't have a shirt on! Kyoya pushed us into the room and left after shoving lotion in Tamaki's face. I sat down and Tamaki was about to leave when thunder clapped and Haruhi tugged on Tamaki's shirt. I got up as she his inside the wardrobe. "Haruhi, please come out." I said quietly and pulled Tamaki over, "she's scared of thunder, Tamaki, we have to help her." I she and he nodded.

Finally after much talking we got the wardrobe open and we both held our hands out to her. Thunder clapped once more and she jumped out to both of our arms. "We promise Haruhi, we're both going to be there for you when you need us." Tamaki said as I patted down her hair. The Host Club opened the door, Haruhi was blindfolded with ear plugs and Tamaki was explaining, I was almost asleep because I was emotionally drained.

We left the next day and everyone made the car leave without Tamaki. "Guys." I said sighing, "stop the car." I said and he did. Tamaki climbed in and sat next to me, "thanks for stopping the car Hina." He whispered and I nodded with a smile.

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