Chapter Eight: Caring

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Chapter Eight: Caring

After everything I went home and placed an ice pack on my wrist, it should deal with the swelling. And with any luck it will be back to normal size for Monday.

On Monday came to school with a bandage around my wrist. I wore a long sleeved, off the shoulder shirt that was sure to hide it from Haruhi. School was so boring! Lunch came around but Haruhi had to study so she couldn't eat lunch with me so I ate in the cafeteria. I picked up my fork and dropped it, my wrist still hurting. "Is it any better?" I turned and saw Tamaki. "Yeah." I looked back down to my food. God Damn, it was my good hand too! "Do you need help?" Tamaki asked, sitting down, "I really don't need to be fed Tamaki." "oh, calling me my name again? Not "Suou"?" I rolled my eyes and tried to use the fork with my right hand. "You should tell her." He said plainly. "Really, why's that when she's let it go?" He shook his head, "she hasn't, she asked me again when we bumped in the halls, she's worried about you and might be giving you the cold shoulder." I shook my head, "I'm persistent, you can't really give me the cold shoulder." I said, I probably looked really stupid trying to eat with my right hand.

Finally after lunch I went to my art class. I had to do something simple so I drew a tree that towered over the blue hydrangeas. The girls were all glaring at me. The bell rang and one of the girls asked me if I could help her. I agreed and when I turned the corner I was knocked to the ground and landed on my wrist. "You think your better? You already have Haruhi, you don't need Tamaki too." Said the ring leader of the group. I stood back up and was going to walk away when they hit me again. I knew all of these girl's families, very powerful families who could probably shut down my family's business. So I can't beat them up, I can just walk away. I got back up and tried to leave but one of them threw a punch at me and hit my jaw, I felt my lip begin to bleed. I got up and began to run and run fast. I went to the first science lab that was open and I began to cry. The door opened and I turned around, scared that it was them, but instead it was the host club, minus Haruhi, along with Renge and Nekozawa. They watched me and I put my head down, "sorry, I'll go now." I said and pushed through and the girls were turned around at the end of the corridor. I felt my heart jump and I closed the door, hiding back into the room. "What happened to your face?" Tamaki asked and wiped away some blood. "Nothing, I'll be going." I said and went to the window to open it up but Mori grabbed me. "Renge, you try and rehabilitate Nekozawa while we deal with this." Kyoya said as he took out some sanitary wipes from the cupboard. "Who did this?" Tamaki asked as he took the wipe from Kyoya and wiped away the blood from my lip and the cut on my forehead. I didn't say I just wiped away my tears. "Hina, tell us who did this to you." Tamaki demanded. "You can hate me if you want, I don't really care, I'm not telling, for your safety and for mine." I said and heard the girls outside of the door. "Where did she go?" "Probably to cry to the host club." "You don't think she'd tell them... Do you?" "I doubt it, she knows what we can do." "Is she in here?" They tried the door and opened the door and saw Tamaki and me in the dark, him holding my face. "Hina! There you are! The teacher was looking for you, come on." The girls said, sickly sweet. "Right." I said and was about to walk to them when the twins stopped us as we began to walk down the hall. "We heard you saying some nasty things." Honey said, holding Usa-chan to his chest. "And anyone who does that, who uses their families power to beat up people, is not the type of people we want in our club room." Tamaki said and grabbed me and held me close. The girls glared at me, it told me that they weren't done with me yet. "You guys didn't have to do that." I said and flinched at the pain in my head, "you might have a black eye. And if you won't fight for yourself then we will." Kyoya said and I gritted my teeth. I clenched my fists and walked away from them. I heard footsteps behind me. "What come to beat me up again? Hate to say but I'm a fast runner." I said, stopping in the courtyard. "Like I would do that." Tamaki said as I turned around, he was smiling like a goof. "Come on, Hina, where's that beautiful smile?" He said and poked my cheek. I giggled and he smiled longingly at me. "What is it Tam-Tam?" "Calling me by my nickname again Hina?" He asked and I chuckled, "yeah, I guess I am." I said and he placed and arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. "I mean it what I said before, when you have a problem, you come to us. I care about you Hina, we all do." He said and I nodded, "alright..."

When we walked back Nekozawa was saving his sister from a cat. I smiled and looked over to Haruhi, she was watching me and called me over. I walked over and she checked out my face. "Who did this?" "Some girls. It's fine now, the boys handled it." I said and hugged her. "I'll try not to keep things from you. Okay?" I said and she smiled and nodded, "alright."

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