Chapter 19

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Durgle had been summoned once again and was sat in the stone cellar of Meanwhistle Manor. It was as quiet as the grave and covered in dust, untouched and unseen for many years. It had not been visited by anyone since the Lady of the Manor left many years ago, as it was only her who ever used this expansive place for the storage of fine foods and fine wines.

He raised his cupped hands to his mouth and blew on them to keep them warm. The cellar was always a chilly place to be, even when glorious sunshine was beating down on the town outside.

"Hands and heart, both like ice,

Durgle is nasty and never so nice," he muttered to himself while he waited,

"Why do you do that, you foolish and snivelling little man?" The master's voice broke through the silence and Durgle jumped in shock. "I don't, I mean, I didn't, well, heard you, never, came in!" Durgle spluttered.

"What are you trying to say you mumbling moron? You make me feel like tearing my hair out and them tearing my ears off my very own head and putting them under a very thick cushion, and then sitting on the cushion just to make sure that I don't have to listen to your mumblings ever again!"

The master was now only inches away from Durgle's face and whispered softly into his ear, "Don't speak unless I ask you a question. Don't ever speak in my presence unless I give you my express permission to do so." The master stepped back and exhaled slowly.

"Last night went well. I am pleased, but there is still work to be done. There is one more task for you to complete and then our work together is done. At least it is for now anyhow."

The master sneered at Durgle. "Never forget that this is my Manor and that I am the master of this household. If you wish to remain on my land then you must obey me. Remember that if you refuse I have every legal right to evict you and evict you I will. I shall then burn down your home with every gadget and contraption that you keep inside that gloomy hovel!"

"There's no need for threats! I'll do as you ask." Durgle replied,

"I am your servant. Tell me your task."

The master smiled, knowing that Durgle was indeed completely controlled and would undertake anything that was required of him. Slowly, and carefully, the master explained exactly what Durgle had to do. Durgle listened as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped in disbelief.

The master made sure Durgle fully understood the instructions before leaving through the secret door in which they had silently arrived.

Durgle was left alone in the cellar and totally overwhelmed by the task ahead of him. He leant against the wall and slowly slid down it until he was sat on the stone floor. He was terrified of what he was going to do and who may be hurt. In desperation, he put his head in his hands and wept.

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