Chapter 16

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When she parted from the boys, Max cycled home slowly and inhaled huge amounts of fresh air through her nostrils that filled her lungs completely. She found the exercise so exhilarating that she took a lengthy detour to allow herself the opportunity to clear her mind and focus on the job at hand.

She had always found that she worked better when she exercised. It was fortunate really that she enjoyed it so much, be it swimming, cycling, walking or whatever, Max always took pleasure in getting out and about. It was the very same reasoning that drove her to help other children as much as she could with any homework or assignment task that required a little help.

It had all started so innocently really, just through noticing when someone was struggling in class and offering to help a little, had soon grown into her being approached by any child in any year group who thought that she just might be able to help them.

At first Max had assumed that this would help her gain friends and popularity but she was still very surprised that if anything, her kindness and generosity had made her on outcast. She was an oddity that was mocked and talked about, rather than welcomed and appreciated and as she approached her house she realised that these actions still upset her when she thought too much about them.

She leant her bike up against the rear of the house and breathed out purposefully. Larry and Eddie had approached her and in return for her help, they had offered her something in return that she had never really been offered before. Friendship. With this in mind, Max ran up the stairs, turned on her lap top computer and began to re-examine all the information they had gathered. She was determined to search the far corners of the internet to find some reference, somewhere, by someone, anyone, who could offer some sort of explanation.

A couple of hours passed and Max could feel the cold fingers of failure reaching out and trying to grab her attention away from the computer screen. She had searched every article, web-page, programme, film, book, comic, fairy-tale and myth that she could think off and she still couldn't find any reference that was any use at all. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. She felt that she had all the information that she needed, but for the first time, she simply wasn't clever enough to complete the sum. This was a very strange and uncomfortable feeling that she was experiencing and it was making her quite upset with herself.

There was a slight knock on the door and Max's mother entered with a tray holding a sandwich, a glass of water and a bowl of strawberries for her lunch. "Thanks mum." Max smiled at her and began to devour the sandwich. She had just realised how hungry she actually was.

"Slow down Maxine," her mother gently scolded. "You have to realise that if you wolf your food down like that you will give yourself indigestion and before you know it, you'll be feeling ill. Try and show some good manners dear, remember you're not an animal. Try and eat your food nicely, like a lady. What sort of a summer holiday will you have then if you're constantly wolfing food down and then feeling poorly?"

"Sorry mum, "Maxine replied. "I'm just hungry, that's all. I've been looking for an answer for a research project on the computer and........." Max stopped mid-sentence and a bright smile spread right across her face. "Mum. You are a genius," she said as her mind was processing a brand new train of thought. "I think that just might fit. Perhaps it could fit. It's crazy but it just might be the answer I'm looking for!"

"I'm just happy to help dear," she replied as she left the room, "remember, eat nicely and enjoy your food."

As the bedroom door closed, Max grabbed the lap top and typed a few key words into a search engine. She found a web-site that was appropriate and began to read all the information, nodding in agreement to herself whilst she scribbled furiously on a pad of paper.

A few minutes latershe smiled to herself and reached for her mobile phone. She typed out and sent ashort message that simply read: Figured it out! Need to meet. Where R U?

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